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So I put together this website......

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  • So I put together this website......

    and now I'm not sure where to go from here. This is my first attempt at putting together a band website, and I'm well...... less that impressed with it. Don't get me wrong, it does what it's suppose to. It shows the band info, dates, pics, bio (There are more bios on the way) There's a new page and a section where you can check out samples of the music. But for some reason, it just doesn't do anything for me. It's a little too cookie cutter and lacks personality. I know it's just a cover band, but there still should be something that sets it apart.

    If yu'd like to look in on it, the address is I would appreciate input, but be gentle, it's my first tme.
    Prosecutors will be violated...

  • #2
    Looks like a good start to me. It might help to have larger photos of the band and other images, etc., to let viewers know what the site is about at a glance. The thumbnail you use on the JCF would be useful...


    • #3
      Originally posted by Trussrod View Post
      Looks like a good start to me. It might help to have larger photos of the band and other images, etc., to let viewers know what the site is about at a glance. The thumbnail you use on the JCF would be useful...
      There are a ton of photos on there, you have to go to the photos page and click o the albums... The ones that are on the homepage are just thumbnails of the reacently uploaded photos.
      Prosecutors will be violated...


      • #4
        It looks alright for me as well.
        Better than anything I could do...

        If you want my advice: Stick with 2 colors only for the fonts.
        I'd stay with grey and orange, good combination IMO.
        Two are enough and this FFFF00-yellow is shouting out "loveless" all over the place...

        And if the background isn't a must for you, I'd consider taking something else.
        It's somehow boring (at least on a big screen) and makes me wish I could hang a painting on there.

        Other than that everything looks really solid.
        Not too much on there and everything is easy to be found.
        I like the transparent menu and the box in the middle...
        tremstick give-away (performer series trem)


        • #5
          Looks good.
          What i would do is put news updates and some media right onto the home page.
          I know you have the separate tabs for pics/video clips ect, but i would put at least a taste of those right onto the front page so that when people go there it's right there.
          Eventually change the back ground maybe


          • #6
            That background's gotta go!
            "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


            • #7
              Originally posted by Robert Hendrix View Post
              There are a ton of photos on there, you have to go to the photos page and click o the albums... The ones that are on the homepage are just thumbnails of the reacently uploaded photos.
              Some sites have a simple, in-your-face-graphic with the band name on the start page. The next page has links, etc. It's not really about pics, but rather has to do with making it easy for people to quickly (almost instantly) identify what the site is about. I am only talking about grabbing a viewer's attention from the first page view. IMO that pic of you with the flag guitar does that nicely and that or some other pic that makes a statement could serve as a background on all of the pages. Sorry if that wasn't clear.


              • #8
                Here, ours isnt the shiniest , but feel free to take whatever inspiration that may come from it.

                HTTP 404 - Signature Not Found


                • #9
                  Originally posted by RacerX View Post
                  That background's gotta go!
                  Yeah, I hate it too... I though it was ok when I picked up out from the premade templates, and I knew it wasn't going to be permanent, but the more I look at it, the more it pisses me off, and now that several others have made similar remarks, I know it's not just me. It'll be gone tonight, probably to a black screen. I'm looking into booking a photoshoot to get some pro group shots done. May use one of them..

                  Originally posted by Trussrod View Post
                  Some sites have a simple, in-your-face-graphic with the band name on the start page. The next page has links, etc. It's not really about pics, but rather has to do with making it easy for people to quickly (almost instantly) identify what the site is about. I am only talking about grabbing a viewer's attention from the first page view. IMO that pic of you with the flag guitar does that nicely and that or some other pic that makes a statement could serve as a background on all of the pages. Sorry if that wasn't clear.
                  I understand. Oddly enough, That picture was taken before this band ever got off the ground. I was playing in a Southern Rock Tribute band at the time and it fit that. We only do one Southern Rock tune so I'm thinking it might be a bit misleading. I do like that one though.. Thanks for the input... I'm going to look into putting more on the front page and slimming things down a bit.
                  Last edited by Robert Hendrix; 07-10-2011, 10:17 PM.
                  Prosecutors will be violated...


                  • #10
                    Take your logo and stick it in the top left. Keep it there on every page. Make it clickable to take the user "home."

                    Menu directly underneath the logo. Complemtary colors.

                    Never use grey text over black.

                    Get some " rock out" pics right on the first page.
                    Blank yo!


                    • #11
                      What did you use to create it?

                      I'm using Google Sites for ours and will need to update the site (I kicked out the singer last week). I'd like our site to have a more modern look. Right now, I think my band's web site looks square and old school...
                      JB aka BenoA

                      Clips and other tunes by BenoA / My Soundcloud page / My YouTube page
                      Guitar And Sound (GAS) forum / Boss Katana Amps FB group

