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opened for cinderella/dokken friday...

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Rsmacker View Post
    Come on man, enlighten us, what was going on for them to take 6 hours?
    Honestly, i have no idea. We were told to be there at 5 for our soundcheck. They were still onstage, dokken was evidently supposed to soundcheck at 2pm. I talked to one of the sound company guys, and he said "theyve been onstage since 11am" (cinderella). Dokken finally soundchecked at about 6, lol.
    Its a complete catastrophe. But Im a professional, I can rise above it. LOL


    • #17
      Shit, I know lots of bands who love to fuck about before a gig, just being cunty, really. They are so insecure (or bored) that they will do anything just to delay the other bands' soundchecks, just in case they show them up.
      Not with me though, he he, if it takes more than 30 minutes, I'd be going home, the job would obviously be beyond my capability, they would need to phone someone else to come and do it...and bring his own kit. There are exceptions, obviously, problems sometimes arise which do take a while to sort out.
      If it's a band I'm working with regularly, or a tour, I'd expect it to take less time - like enough for them to do 2 numbers, their techs and my crew would do all the hard work without any fuss beforehand.

      It sounds to me that they were just being precious, "look at me, I'm a rock star" mentality. I have a solution to that too. I get a couple of younger members of the crew to stand just within earshot of the has-been onstage, or leave a comms channel open where they can hear it. Then just initiate a conversation along the lines of :

      "Who the fuck are this lot?"
      "Dunno, I think your Mum might remember them, you weren't born when they had their 15 minutes"
      "What's the problem with the soundcheck?"
      "Well, when you get old, your hearing register at the top frequencies drops off sharply, these old folks are missing something in their wedges that their bodies can't actually process, that's why it's piercingly shrill onstage. Pay attention young man, this is why you wear earplugs in front of speaker stacks, you don't want to end up like those sad old jokers do you?"
      "Hey, some fucker's left this comms channel wide open..."

      I guarantee they'll find things to their satisfaction very soon afterwards and will fuck off back to their room to watch "Antiques Roadshow", drink tea, and smell of piss, like all old farts, and then go on to have a fantastic show, which is what everyone in the building, staff and customers want.

      Six hours, what a gang of cunts!

      Yep, Tommy Vance is sadly departed now, but I couldn't think of anyone else.
      Jingle - "Rock!!! With Tommy Vance!!!"
      Crowd - "Fuck!!! Off Tommy Vance!!!"

      I hated him years ago, but he's sorely missed.
      Last edited by Rsmacker; 07-18-2011, 12:36 PM.
      So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

      I nearly broke her back


      • #18
        I like how you talk, dude.

        all british and whatnot.


        • #19
          It's all put on for effect, like Dick Van Dyke in Mary Poppins. I'm a spud farmer in Idaho really.
          Last edited by Rsmacker; 07-18-2011, 01:03 PM. Reason: My shitty geography. Dammit.
          So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

          I nearly broke her back

