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Spice-induced dreams

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  • Spice-induced dreams

    No, not Spooky Spice and those other whores.

    Whenever I eat something that was prepared with or includes any sort of spice - Worchestershire sauce, A-1 Steak Sauce, BBQ sauce, chili powder, etc - I have wierd dreams. Nothing wet, sadly
    Mostly they're akin to parallel universes or just outright bizarre. Like Dr. Seuss meets Rube Goldberg and they redesigned the world

    I've just woken up from one where I was in this large Mall. I'm walking around the place and there's a music store, so I go in to see what kind of guitars they have. Generic copies of various stuff as always, including some sort of Gibson Faded V-type thing that upon closer inspection looks more like a very-miniature-bodied Explorer shape (and I mean I had to get RIGHT up on it, like nose-to-nose, yet from 5 feet away it was a roundhorn V with the white pickguard and all).

    Then some scrawny little kid is Karate Kidding me; kicking me in the shins and shit. Nothing painful, but fucking annoying. So I grab him by the wrist and twist his arm outward and drag him back to the little seating area/food court-looking spot in front of the store asking "Whose kid is this? Get him away from me with his damn karate shit before he loses an arm!" and his fat-cow Grandmother (who appears to be all of 40) turns to her fat-cow daughter and her equally fat friend at the small table behind her and says to get her son. I shove the little bastard into his granny and ignore their whining and I turn to go back into the store, but for some reason I'm thinking it's further down, so I'm walking.

    I end up in some sort of comedy club (still within the mall) and it appears pitch black largely due to the dim lighting in the club vs the bright lights of the main Mall area. There's a stream of people coming in the door behind me, so I have to go forward trying to find an alternate exit. I wind up at the end of a short hallway looking at two glass doors that have been painted black but with the names of the stores painted decoratively in gold, and there's enough unpainted glass left that I can see these are the service entrances to these shops (I was hoping I could just exit the club through either of these doors, but I could just barely make out the sign that read "opening these doors will cause the Fire Alarm to sound" or somesuch, so I had to stand there. I felt slightly out of breath and felt myself leaning to one side and almost falling over, even leaning against the wall. My eyes adjusted to the dark (or the house lights came up a bit, I couldn't really tell) and I saw that the floor was very uneven in that one spot I was standing, which is what was causing me to fall over.

    Then around the edge of the hallway I could see it was like a bar or something where lots of people were seated. Maybe it was just that the curtain to the stage had come down between acts or something, I dunno.

    So finally I make my way out of there and end up back in the main Mall area, and it's getting closer to closing time (getting dark outside), but there's still plenty of stores open, so I'm walking around still trying to find that one music store.

    I pass through a doorway with a crowd of people and to the right I see a dark gray/black combo amp with what looked like red or kinda purplish trim around the speakers and faceplate behind a single-spaced glass door, and I almost pass it but stop in my tracks and go back. I peek through the glass as the lights are off in the store and I see a few guitars on the far wall, and a black Roswell with maple board and ebony fins just beyond some other stuff (shelves and whatnot - it's a pretty big store).

    There's light coming in from behind that section from the other stores and how the mall curves around at that point (it appeared all the stores were basically walled with glass), as well as light reflecting in the glass door I'm looking in, so it's really hard to tell what's really up with the Roswell I'm seeing (and it's sitting kind of at a 45 degree angle, not hanging straight up and down, so it's on display).

    Then I spot this V-shape right next to the door. It's a B&W Zebra King V with a slightly funky-shaped 3x3 head (not the SLS head, but more squared and flared on the tip). I stand waaaay up on my tippy toes and I see it says "Jackson Custom Shop" on the head, and I'm stoked. It's got what appears to be a birdseye maple board as well, but there's also something funny going on with the body.

    For one, the tips are turned forwards, not sideways as normal, so they're wide across the front and thin along the back. As well, when I move to the side to see behind the guitar, there's these rail-type things along the back that start about 2 inches above the tips and go up about 7 or 8 inches and taper off to be even with the body.
    At first I turn to some other Metalhead (older guy, or just more roadworn - still got the biker jacket, the long stringy Metalhead hair, and seems to be physically fit) and say "that must be 'hoof tips'.." because they looked slightly like zebra hooves and matched the painjob. He agreed. Kinda.

    Some then dude comes up with a ladder and sets it in front of the store, and the small windows along the top are actually openings (about a foot high by 3 feet wide). He's looking at the guitar a bit closer, then reaches through and grabs the guitar and pulls it out!

    I'm like, "dude, the cops are going checking the closed stores, do you really think that's wise?" and he plays the guitar for a bit, then hands it to me and says "check it out so I can put it back before the cops find us".

    So I'm checking out the guitar and it's got a scalloped board but it's all uneven - some of the frets aren't even there as I'm missing notes (and entire fretwires) and it just really looks like a homemade scallop job. Shit, I coulda done better with a Dremel

    So next thing I know the store's open, and I put the guitar back on the wall and go see about this Roswell. It's gone. There's a little plastic toy Roswell-looking electronic gizmo (TV remote? Sound Effect thingy?) with only 4 buttons on it. It's really short and really wide, not like those little "electronic guitars" you see with the Guitar Hero buttons that plays a tune through a little brass disc in the back. No, it's far worse than that.

    So then I see these other Roswell-shaped bullshit items (it's like I went from a Music Store to a roadside Jackson Gift Shop in the blink of an eye), and I'm like "WTF? Where's that damn Roswell?" so I walk back to the front of the store and turn around and look for it, and there it is, right where I saw it before.
    So as I walk towards it, I see it's a neck (DK2M-ish in appearance) sitting angularly on a shelf along the far left wall, and some small shit in the foreground on a shelf that when viewed at the right angle "looks" like it makes a gloss black Roswell with a maple boarded neck.

    Imagine that, optical illusion.

    So I go check out the neck anyway (hey, I can always use a spare one!) and the chick that owns the place is rearranging the various guitar parts on this shelf (about a foot or so wide and maybe 5 feet tall - the shelf, not the chick - she's a bit large )

    There's a 2-hum top-mount Floyded (or v-trem?) Charvel Strat body with a B&W bullseye paintjob, and the matching neck. There's also what appears to be a matching pointyhead and Strathead on the next two shelf spaces, but they've got a chunk of fretboard attached to them (about 4 frets worth), and I notice the neck itself is missing about the same amount of board, and the head, and then figure it's gotta be in for a repair, and that's just how they were repairing it - make a new head with that missing fretboard piece already attached

    I picked up the neck and the heel is way huge, and looks more like a set neck what with the angle, and the trussrod is missing, so it's just kinda flopping around. It's painted to match the body, but for some reason is wrapped in duct tape. Chick says that's the neck for that body, and I mention that it looks like a set-neck. She says "Oh really?", apparently just being the owener and not really knowing all that much about guitars at least from a construction standpoint.

    So the chick takes the pointyhead and dumps it into a black trash bag and says "that's the one it came with", and hands me the bag, and I fish it out and see it's wrapped loosely in duct tape. I push it aside to see if it's got a real Charvel logo, and it does, but on top of it is what looks like a small brass medallion with the words "Erin Kolor" or somesuch stamped deep into it. Kinda hard to read it because it's also covered in a thick clearcoat and the lights are making it hard to read, plus it's stamped really small. The medallion is about an inch long and maybe a half-inch wide, and looks more like just something someone mashed into shape and glued to the head. Brass bubblegum, kinda.

    So then chick asks me to make an offer on the rest of the parts to complete the work (I assume, naturally, needed to repair the guitar) and I say "Actually I'd like to make an offer on that Custom Shop King V by the door" to which she replies, "Well, I really can't go any lower than the price that's on the card (which was under the strings, or hanging from the head; ~ $4000+ IIRC) but you do get a 20% discount for the sale we're having."

    In the blink of an eye the conversation has shifted so that she's spilling her guts to me about the woes of being a dealer, and i can see her phone sales staff in the background with their terminals and their headsets and they're doing their jobs, and she's going on about a discussion she had with, I guess, her distributor over his high prices, and she said she told him she's going with John Levits (or Lovitz, or Levitz, hard to tell the spelling from hearing the name) because he's got better prices.

    And yeah, I keep thinking "John Lovitz the comedian?" as well

    So then I woke up going "WTF was that!? I gotta lay off the spices, this shit's keeping me awake"
    I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

    The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

    My Blog:

  • #2


    • #3
      Lol, yeah thats f'd up. Dreams change in an instant and some of the most bizarre ways, like your V/Explorer guitar. Youll be talking to one person on second and that persons physical appearance changes but nothing else about that part of the dream does. I have dreams like that all the time. Ill have to see if its spice induced, never payed it much attention, and probably never would have made that connection. Originally I thought we were talking "spice" (wink wink) before I read the thread.
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      • #4
        I didn't think about that kind of spice. I can't imagine it would alter one's dreams. I know THC never made me dream anything out of the ordinary.

        when I took opiates I'd often dream I was taking them when I went to sleep.

        for a while I was prescribed trazadone to help me sleep, THAT will fuck your dreams up. Makes them all vivid and very life like. I went about believing a couple of the dreams I had for over a month. Srsly.

        I went to my lawyer thinking I had done some really fucked up shit. I thought I had outstanding warrants for a violent crime (that thankfully never happened)

        crazy shit, mang.


        • #5
          One day when I was in Jr High, I was halfway through the day, heading to lunch, when my alarm clock went off and woke me up.

          I dreamt that I had already gone through half a day of school.

          I was tired and pissed off the rest of the day

          As for the spicy foods connection, it's one I've made only within the last year or so. I always had freaky dreams like that, but not every time. Then I went about a week of not eating anything that had been seasoned with Worchestershire or anything other than salt and pepper, and all my dreams were "normal".
          First time I ate something with Woostershire in it, I had one of the freaky dreams like that.

          Next day, I ate un-seasoned, and had a "normal" dream.

          Next day, I had seasoned food, and had a freaky dream.

          That's when I made the connection. At first I thought it was the cheapo Heinz version, so I sprung the extra for the Lea&Perrins. Same wierd shit, so I went back to the cheap stuff.
          I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

          The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

          My Blog:


          • #6
            Originally posted by Newc View Post
            any sort of spice - Worchestershire sauce, A-1 Steak Sauce, BBQ sauce, chili powder, etc
            Whoah, dude... Step up to some tabasco, you'll be trippin' balls!


            • #7
              there's this spice sinsemilla, you dream but you can't rememebr anything.
              Not helping the situation since 1965!


              • #8
                Originally posted by MakeAJazzNoiseHere View Post
                Whoah, dude... Step up to some tabasco, you'll be trippin' balls!

                I can't believe you can remember all the details! They usually fade for me in a few minutes and i'll just remember pieces, or more if it's a reoccurring dream. Which i used to have a lot of. Same places and people, different events. Usually my dreams don't involve real persons i know or actual plausible events. A lot of flying and mind control and otherworldy shit.

                One that i can remember that still trips me out, i was in a swamp, but it the lighting was like an overcast sky and the sky was water but with no reflection so it was like liquid silver. When i would touch it it would ripple. It got me nervous because i couldn't fly out of there and i was being stalked and fighting these lizard/alligator creatures.
                Last part i remember i walked into a big tree with a hole in it and some how expected to see darth vader and started laughing thinking this is ridiculous shit.
                Then i woke up laughing. Lol.


                • #9
                  Nyquil makes me have messed up dreams. I will be able to remember them for about 5 minutes after I wake up but then I only remember bits and pieces and they dont seem to make any sense. Sometimes I dream that I wrote a song and I need to write it down because its so awesome. Ten minutes after waking I cant remember how it went. Stuff like that.


                  • #10
                    I once was preparing chillis before going to bed. I had the most incredibly vivid dream that my genitals and anus were on fire.
                    It was then that I woke up, and sure enough, they really WERE on fire.

                    So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

                    I nearly broke her back


                    • #11

                      Reminds me of the time I went to see the Doc cuz my missile had turned orange. Doc said I should stop eating Cheetos while watching porn

                      Usually I can't remember these whacky dreams long enough to write them down. When I typed that post up I had literally just woken up. Had tons of typos to go back and fix

                      I had one a while back where I was at work and trying to record a song. It actually sounded great, and even had lyrics that I could actually sing well!

                      And then I woke up and it was all gone in a puff of "WTF"

                      Another thing about that dream: while I didn't see anyone I actually know in real life, I did recognize some of the people, but not in any way related to real life. It's hard to explain.
                      I didn't see like John Lovitz in costume or anything like that, but the people I did see looked familiar in the dreamworld, because in the dream I caught myself thinking "hey that's so-and-so from whatever-he-does", but in real life, I've never seen that person do whatever it is he does.

                      That's when things tend to feel more like Alternate Realities to me. Like maybe me here and the other me in that parallel universe are asleep at the same time, and we're swapping memories of the day subconsciously.
                      I can imagine another me in another parallel universe typing a post about a strange dream he had where he worked in a factory and blew all his money on Frankensteining guitars instead of hanging out with rockstars
                      I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

                      The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

                      My Blog:


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by MakeAJazzNoiseHere View Post
                        Whoah, dude... Step up to some tabasco, you'll be trippin' balls!
                        HAHAHA! I loled.
                        GTWGITS! - RacerX


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Newc View Post

                          I had one a while back where I was at work and trying to record a song. It actually sounded great, and even had lyrics that I could actually sing well!

                          And then I woke up and it was all gone in a puff of "WTF"

                          Been there, its a real pisser, especially when the feeling of knowing you wrote that bad ass song and didnt remember how to play it after you woke up sticks with you for days.
                          As far as your parallel universe idea, Ive often wondered if dreams are connected among different people. Yeah, you didnt know that person, BUT did that person you didnt know dream of you as well?? Ive considered making a web site that was meant to prove or debunk my hypothesis. I would call it, and the point to the site would be to document the dreams you remember with particular attention to detail and then have special software scan entries for similarities then notify the similar parties of the coincidences to compare for them selves. Even if it debunked my theory, I bet it would be a interesting thing to do.
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                          • #14
                            Yeah but then you also run the risk of "influenced dreams", where a casual observer reads about a given dream and then their subconscious recalls it during their dream, and then they rush back saying the had a similar dream.

                            You'd have to have entries hidden and only visible to those whose entries matched a specific number/type of similarities.

                            My Dad has always had a similar theory about "past lives" people revisit in their subconscious (dreams or hypnosis), in that basically you're not really having a past life experience, it's just that your DNA contains the memories of your ancestors.

                            What lends that theory credibility is that when I was a kid, I had a dream that the trim around one of the doors in the house I grew up in held a small gun cabinet just big enough for a rifle. You'd push the panel and it would spring open and the inside was modified to hold a rifle right by the door.

                            I checked every door in the house repeatedly for years looking for that secret panel but never found it.

                            A few weeks ago, my Dad - out of the blue - says that the house they lived in *before I was born* had such a feature installed by the landlord when he built it (as he lived there before renting it out).
                            I then told him that I had seen that in a dream when I was a kid, and I had never mentioned that before.
                            I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

                            The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

                            My Blog:


                            • #15
                              I dont know about past lives, but Ive linked de javue (spelling) to dreams Ive had in the past. Which would mean, somehow, I went to a place in my dreams I had never been to before previously. The times its happened have usually all been a scene associated with a place Id never been before, usually happens while driving, Ill see the scenery around me and remember, fuck, its identical almost to a T of a dream I had weeks or even months ago, but on occasion, its been just a fleeting piece of a moment of a situation that I KNOW Ive experienced before. Never anything important, just some random instant in MY day to day life. When these instances happen, I actually seem to know whats going to happen in the VERY near future, were talking fractions of a second up to a second or two, but I still see it play out just before the real life situation catches up with the image in my head. Its freeky and kind of neat, but completely useless, and to most, probably too far fetched to believe. When I say fractions of a second to a couple of seconds, im not talking how far ahead I see, Im talking duration of the vision, if you will, the image in my head never seems to be more than a fraction of a second ahead of reality, its like a slap back delay, reality is only slightly behind whats playing out in my head, but the situation could go on for a couple of seconds.
                              Last edited by Twitch; 07-21-2011, 07:43 PM.
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