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For those in bands: web promotion

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  • For those in bands: web promotion

    We're on the process of getting a new singer. We have an interesting individual that we will be auditionning next week.

    So in that process, I was checking all the web sites we have and was wondering:

    - official web site (done using the free google offering)
    - Myspace
    - Youtube
    - Twitter
    - Facebook

    Keeping this updated takes time and was wondering the value of having all of these. :think:

    I'm thinking keeping the official web site, youtube (to hold the videos/audios) and it's easy to add them to the official web site. Facebook/twitter are both linked together.

    Myspace, who still use this??? The place seems dead.

    Anyway, what's your call or what do you do on your side?
    JB aka BenoA

    Clips and other tunes by BenoA / My Soundcloud page / My YouTube page
    Guitar And Sound (GAS) forum / Boss Katana Amps FB group

  • #2
    Check out Reverb Nation. From it you can update twitter/Facebook and I think Myspace. A few tools for managing schedule and audio/video. Not sure if it is integrated with youtube but it wouldn't surprise me.


    • #3
      We used to get a lot of stuff with Sonic Bids, but lately we havent, we may have let the membership lapse. We get shows with a physical management company now. Myspace is dead, and FB really hasnt given us much at all either. Social Networking sites are great for keeping up with the fans you already have, but pretty much useless for attracting new attention. Sites like SoundClick are cool, but there "charts" are a bit inflated. Ive posted BS clips there just to host them for use here and have had high "chart" ratings according to them.

      We have an "official" website as well, but its basically just another keep up with the current fans deal. You want attention, you gotta play, play often, play the right places, but not in the same general location more than twice in six months. Get with a management company and/ or network with other local bands. Be super tight, be original, or do covers damn well.
      Last edited by Twitch; 07-28-2011, 06:55 PM.
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      • #4
        If'n I were you (and I ain't) I would ditch Myspace and keep your band site, Youtube and facebook, then get a Reverbnation account. Reverbnation works pretty seamlessly in tandem with your Facebook page so you can have music clips and gig schedules posted through that on FB. Like Twitch said, FB is mainly useful as a tool to keep current fans informed on current news, but you really need that and it'll be easy for them as it would be right there on their feed We have gotten some new fans from FB, but for the most part, it's people that were friends of one of the band members or someone that's seen our show already. Myspace is useless. The only thing its good for is annoying messages from brats, spam, and the occasional virus. Ditch it and don't look back. Youtube speaks for itself, good place to post vids. You can post em on FB but only your current fans will see em. I can't speak on twitter as I have not yet seen a use for it so I've never set up an account.
        Prosecutors will be violated...

