Originally posted by charvel750
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Seriously theough, it makes me laugh that all these Scandinavian Viking types and Anglo Saxon types thought they had outbred us, only for a new random crop to emerge strong as ever, because the ginger gene skips a generation.....

It has been proved scientifically without doubt however, that ginger people can tolerate more pain than any other on earth. Cause we are hard! Or maybe we got immunity due to the years of bullying at school!

I remember as teens all my band members wanted me to dye my hair, as it was black hair only band apparently and my Axl Rose / Dave Mustaine / Mikey Orange County Choppers Hair colour didn't suite. I should have sued them for prejudice....But I told em to get Fecked instead.

These days its all Blonde from the sun and I have to say I miss it to be honest. I think its a pain in the ass for parents simply because if they have a ginger one, they can't let them out on the beach for a minute without them getting third degree burns...

I think I still like ladies with large asses though. generally if you're in good shape it doesn't matter what colour you are as you are still fit.