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A step in the right direction?

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  • A step in the right direction?

    I'm sure other people have come across this new video game to be released by ubisoft. I was never a fan of the other "guitar" based games ware you were just pressing buttons. A song comes on the radio and a guy at work starts yelling out red green blue red green blue and you respond A G D A G D!!! Man, I wanna punch him in the face! But hey! This could be promising would it not? Plug in your own instrument and "game" away. Actually "learn" how to play the guitar or a curtain song. Maybe Jimmy Page will release the Zeppelin catalog for this game since you actually have to play the guitar instead of pressing a bunch of buttons. Yeah right! Like that will happen! Thoughts and comments??

    You paid for Platinum..But you're gonna get Gold! - horns666

  • #2
    This is gonna die a quiet death

    Activision has a huge head start with Guitar hero, and here we have another competitor trying to cash in on a (fading) trend
    the're gonna go under with shelling out licencefees to big names to make this game succesfull

    It's certain the computergames industry is ran by the same vultures that are in the music and movie industry where the strategy is
    "Cash in on a trend, fuck original development, blame piracy when sales are bad on mediocre boring copies of trendsetters"
    "There's nothing taking away from the pure masculinity I possess"

    -"You like Anime"



    • #3
      I'm not getting shit from anything called U B SOFT!!! Not at my age!!
      "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
      Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

      "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


      • #4
        But you're using real instruments, playing real chords, real notes as apposed to plastic crap that you put buttons. So I can't see were the similarities are.
        You paid for Platinum..But you're gonna get Gold! - horns666


        • #5
          I think it sounds pretty cool. Problem is, their target audience is people who are into computer games *and* own guitars. I can't see too many people going out to buy a guitar just to play the game. The audience might not be big enough to support the sales.
          My other signature says something funny


          • #6
            I can't help but to wonder if the target audience is us. Most of us complain about Guitar Hero because why would we pretend to play guitar for a game when we could do it for real. Perhaps this is the answer.
            Still, guitar is not a game for me, so I still don't see myself getting into this product. The only scenario I could imagine this appealing to me is if I liked the track list and if I used it for jamming, ie, ignoring the game aspect.


            • #7
              Yea song selection will be vital to its success.


              • #8
                "illegal downloading saved people from having to buy that piece of shit you tried to pass off as music" - Nighbat


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Scooter View Post
                  Don't get me going with that shit!!!! I what to smash that shit in the stores! My bandmates stepkids play that crap and when I'm over there I tell them to play a real fucking guitar!! My buddy said screw that!! I don't want them to learn! It's the last thing that I have that they haven't ruined for me!! LOL!!!
                  You paid for Platinum..But you're gonna get Gold! - horns666


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by joshulator View Post
                    I can't help but to wonder if the target audience is us. Most of us complain about Guitar Hero because why would we pretend to play guitar for a game when we could do it for real. Perhaps this is the answer.
                    Still, guitar is not a game for me, so I still don't see myself getting into this product. The only scenario I could imagine this appealing to me is if I liked the track list and if I used it for jamming, ie, ignoring the game aspect.
                    I was thinking among the same lines
                    If I want to learn anything else but 'their' tracklist I might as well punch up a tab-site, load winamp with a pitchcontrol plugin and go to town

                    Basicly Ubisoft is selling a "learn to play guitar" program as the best thing since sliced bread

                    "There's nothing taking away from the pure masculinity I possess"

                    -"You like Anime"



                    • #11
                      If this functions as an instructional tool then I think that could be interesting.


                      • #12
                        I'm not saying I'm running off and buying it, but just interested in seeing where they are headed with this. If it is somewhat like an instructional tool then I may just get it for my son (he's14). He's interested in learning to play and I've shown him some stuff but he'd rather be playing "games" instead. It just may click in his head and say,"hey! this is fun!" and then go from there.
                        You paid for Platinum..But you're gonna get Gold! - horns666

