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do we have skynet on the horizon here?

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  • do we have skynet on the horizon here?

    i mean holy shit, what kind of world is being created for the next batch of kids, grown ups, etc. etc. This is terminator stuff in the end if you ask me. Skynet is coming, they won't mess with me though, cuz they don't know how to grow and they will need me for that-lol check this out, it';s quite frightening to me, not right now, but it seems these days it doesn't take too long to develop things anymore. We're getting too smart for our own good. SKYNET IS COMING.

    (CNN) -- Drone technology is spreading rapidly. As many as 50 countries are developing or purchasing these systems, including China, Russia, India, Pakistan, and Iran.

    Even non-state actors are involved. Hezbollah reportedly has deployed an Iranian-designed drone. Iran is developing a new drone aircraft with a range of more than 600 miles. These systems are used mostly for surveillance, but it is not difficult to equip the aircraft with missiles and bombs. Recently in Massachusetts, a man was arrested for plotting to place explosives on a drone aircraft and fly it into the Pentagon or the Capitol building. Private contractors are getting into the business as well. We now have companies offering drones-for-hire.

    What kind of a future are we creating for our children? We face the prospect of a world in which every nation will have drone warfare capability, in which terror can rain down from the sky at any moment without warning.

    Military planners are developing technologies for autonomous drones, aircraft that are supposedly "intelligent" and can make their own decisions on when to unleash lethal force. Will we give machines the power to kill people?

    The development of drone weapons raises profound moral questions about the future of war. U.S. officials are fond of drone weapons because they are inexpensive and seem to make the waging of war less costly. They allow leaders to conduct military operations without risking the lives of U.S. soldiers or drawing public disapproval. They give the false impression that war can be waged with fewer costs and risks.

    Any development that makes war appear to be easier or cheaper is dangerous and morally troubling. It lowers the political threshold of war. It threatens to weaken the moral presumption against the use of armed force.

    The use of drone aircraft perpetuates the illusion that military force is an effective means of countering terrorism and resolving political differences. We should know better by now. After 10 years of combat in Afghanistan the threat of terrorist attack and insurgent violence remains as great as ever. May 2011 was the deadliest month for Afghan civilians since the U.N. began keeping records in 2007, the agency's Assistance Mission in Afghanistan reported. June's death toll was almost as high.

    Terrorism is essentially a political phenomenon. It cannot be defeated by military means. The RAND Corporation's 2008 report "How Terrorist Groups End"shows that the most effective tools against violent extremism are political processes and police operations.

    The U.S. government claims that drone strikes are an effective tool against al Qaeda leaders, but most of those being killed are low-level militants.

    Many important legal questions have been raised about drone strikes. The U.S. government arguably has legal authority to conduct military operations in Afghanistan, based on the original congressional authorization adopted after 9/11. It is questionable, however, whether this authority extends to Pakistan, a country that is supposedly an ally of the United States. Nor do we have legal authority to launch military strikes in Yemen, Somalia and other countries where the United States is not officially engaged in armed hostilities.

    Force may be used by soldiers against combatants in legally authorized armed conflicts, but this right does not extend to civilians. The U.S. covert counterterrorism drone campaign is managed and operated by the CIA, an agency notorious for its past policy failures and violations of the law. Those who are conducting these raids operate in secret beyond the restraints of military discipline and are not subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

    Drone weapons are very precise, but they do not eliminate the problem of civilian casualties. White House counterterrorism adviser John Brennan claimed in June that no civilians have been killed in Pakistan in the last year because of drone strikes. The White House quickly backed away from that outlandish claim, but administration officials continue to insist that so-called collateral damage is very low.

    Precise information about civilian casualties is impossible to obtain, but a new report from the Bureau of Investigative Journalism in the UK sheds important light on the subject. Their figures show that civilian casualties occur in about one fifth of U.S. drone attacks in Pakistan. Since the drone war began in Pakistan in 2004, more than 2,000 people have been killed in these strikes, with as few as 386 and as many as 775 civilians among the dead, including as many as 170 children.

    Drone weapons raise many troubling security, legal and moral questions. Rather than pushing ahead to develop more of these systems, our government should pause to consider the consequences of this new revolution in military technology
    Not helping the situation since 1965!

  • #2
    Action Jackson


    • #3
      I, for one, welcome our new drone overlords
      "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


      • #4
        Yeah, but youre tall enough to bat the down out of the sky.
        HTTP 404 - Signature Not Found


        • #5
          Get youself a German Shepard


          • #6
            a joint works much better when trying to make friends or get yourself out of trouble.
            Not helping the situation since 1965!


            • #7
              Originally posted by CNN
              The use of drone aircraft perpetuates the illusion that military force is an effective means of countering terrorism and resolving political differences.
              silly CNN
              I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

              The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

              My Blog:


              • #8
                i just wanna know when these things will start malfunctioning, or worse, start "thinking for themselves" and begin
                raining down sick kinds of ammo on us. gonna be an interesting world in 100 years, if people are still around in 100

                O.K. it's JCF Pool Time-
                How long until we've outsmarted ourselves and are running like rats across the tundra trying to avoid being scooped up by something,
                shot at, lasered, etc. etc. , let's just call it how long until we're all toast.

                I'm going with the year 2035 AD- oil basically gone or real close, then the rockets start flying for control of the middle east.
                It's a free for all, not much unlike Destroy All Monsters with Godzilla, Gidorah, Mothra, etc.
                U.S.-China, Russia, Japan, all going at it for that greasy black gold.
                2035 you heard it here first.
                Not helping the situation since 1965!


                • #9
                  Uh, the world ends next year, or have you forgotten? The Mayans are smarter than all of us. They just wore loin cloths because they felt constricted in denim pants.
                  HTTP 404 - Signature Not Found


                  • #10
                    This is where all the deadbeats that grew up playing xbox military games 22 hours a day (no offense to anyone here) will come in handy........governement contracted drone-to-drone fighter pilots defending America from the privacy of their basement.

                    "Mom, I'm gonna need some more doritos and red bull!"
                    Jackson KV2
                    Jackson KE1T
                    Jackson KE1F
                    Jackson SL1


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Larz View Post
                      "Mom, I'm gonna need some more doritos and red bull!"
                      Mom Bathroom... What Hun?... BATHROOM BATHROOM!!!

                      Click image for larger version

Name:	1318499742.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	12.8 KB
ID:	2445672
                      Last edited by Nimitz; 10-19-2011, 05:08 PM.
                      Action Jackson


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Larz View Post
                        This is where all the deadbeats that grew up playing xbox military games 22 hours a day (no offense to anyone here) will come in handy........governement contracted drone-to-drone fighter pilots defending America from the privacy of their basement.

                        "Mom, I'm gonna need some more doritos and red bull!"
                        bwa haaa haaa!!! that's good, and sad at the same time. the Mayans had it going on for a while but they got ousted, i think time is fairly limited
                        for this place. the world that is, the JCF can outlast anything. Even face-ache, i mean fake-book, i mean facebook.
                        Not helping the situation since 1965!


                        • #13
                          Well, if the Mayans are right, we won't have to worry about anything past Dec 21st 2012.
                          semi-automatic hate machine...


                          • #14
                            the NSA and CIA and other agencies with three letter names have already got access to ALL your comminications -- ECHELON system has been in operation over a decade, along with "black boxes" installed in major phone carriers telcom rooms and data optic links -- "skynet" is the least of your worries :-) and this is coming from an ex- electronic warfare tech who held a security clearance, and there were multiple levels above my lowly top secret clearance. i still have friends on the inside, and keep up with latest developments. just be aware that NOTHING is private, period -- unless you use GOOD PGP encryption software with 256 bit keys -- but even then, if you are sending encrypted messages, you are flagged as "suspicious". hmmmmm.....


                            • #15
                              ps: anyone with a little electronics knowhow and a few hundred bucks in parts and cameras can make their own low tech drones with model airplanes -- i could whip one up in an afternoon with either IR or normal cameras, and have a video in my computer in a couple hours with footage of your property and everything on it

                              worked as a P.I. for a few years. very interesting work......we used lots of small digital video cameras for all sorts of things. and they are CHEAP.

                              brick house security -- check them out if you wanna see what you can buy for $100 these days

