Fucked up situation indeed. Glad you got all your stuff back Len.
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fuckin crack heads
Now that the guitars are back, whats the status on the landlord? Is he roomies with Vince Sanseverewhich ,welll it transpired this afternoon ....
he is still free but not quite as mobile in HIS car at the moment....called me at 3.07 pm and threatened to kill me thinking i had something to do with it...... and told me next time he saw me i was a dead man
this is the mentality of a crack head douche bag...i am paid up up till april for rent on a house he rents but has not paid rent on and evictionis soon,cable is off plus he owes me money,stole,from everyone in the house and besides my guitars told them that they could get thier stuff back ,all they had to do was pay the dope man,yesterday he called one of my room mates mothers and threatened to kick the man out of the house unless she wired him 40 bucks... and he wants to kill me? :think:
he shows up i guess he shows up .... he's about ron's size but thats life ....threatening/hurting a witness in a felony investigation when you are the known perpetrator is just going to get him serious time ...i'm not big but thats what weapons were made for
not that worried about it
i have the opportunity of renting the house from the landlord and turning into a sober living house complete with onboard certified counselour...he just refuses to walk away from the place ..or
giving back what has been givin to me ...“But does it help with the blues rock chatter?"-Hellbat
Originally posted by tomanyjacksons View PostI'm just asking here. Is this landlord the property owner or just a hired super?
Originally posted by Twitch View PostIm kind of confused as to who did the thieving, the LL or the room mate.Hail yesterday