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What to do when your drummer quits the day before two shows are scheduled

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  • What to do when your drummer quits the day before two shows are scheduled

    and refuses to play the last two shows.


    Have the old drummer do it.
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  • #2
    If the old drummer is up to speed and you all get along still, that'd be my choice. Whatever happens, definitely have your bass player get shitfaced & piss on the drummer's car seats.

    Seriously, though, hope it all works out!


    • #3
      i fired a drummer a couple days before a pair of national shows. i just called a guy from another band, had a cram session and paid him $50.

      now he is our new drummer!!!

      that is good your old guy lived up to his scheduled obligations for the one show. that is only right. doing it acoustic is cool too!! good job!!!

      some guitars...WITH STRINGS!!!! most of them have those sticks like on guitar hero....AWESOME!!!!

      some amps...they have some glowing bottle like things in them...i think my amps do that modelling thing....COOL, huh?!?!?!

      and finally....

      i have those little plastic "chips" used to hit the strings...WHOA!!!!


      • #4
        Thanks, but to be honest, Ive been jamming with these guys since 2007, and all the other BS that goes on aside, Im getting bored. The gigs are always fun though. This hiatus may open doors and time for other projects. As good of a drummer the old guy is, hes not coming back full time and Im perfectly happy with that. Hes a great drummer, just not a metal drummer. His style is heavily influenced by punk and hip hop. It works, but having a metal drummer works much better IMO.

        Im all for pissing in the most recent drummers seats now, I wasnt before really but after Suns. set getting cut short because the old drummer wasnt up to speed, I was pissed. If it were a round of Guitar Hero, my star power meter was almost full, and I was about to let loose, but that was about 30 seconds from the end of the last song. Stupid bastard(the most recent drummer).
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        • #5
          Originally posted by markD View Post
          i fired a drummer a couple days before a pair of national shows. i just called a guy from another band, had a cram session and paid him $50.

          now he is our new drummer!!!

          that is good your old guy lived up to his scheduled obligations for the one show. that is only right. doing it acoustic is cool too!! good job!!!
          The guy that did drums for the last show was our first drummer. The douche that just quit, just quit and seriously asked why he should bother doing the already scheduled shows. We only had 3 left, 2 of them were this now past weekend. We had to cancel the Sat. show all together. It was cool that the first drummer filled in for the night Sun.. He was there already anyhow, he was involved in the planning of the show all together.
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          • #6
            oh, shit! i misunderstood. that is weak...

            some guitars...WITH STRINGS!!!! most of them have those sticks like on guitar hero....AWESOME!!!!

            some amps...they have some glowing bottle like things in them...i think my amps do that modelling thing....COOL, huh?!?!?!

            and finally....

            i have those little plastic "chips" used to hit the strings...WHOA!!!!


            • #7
              Drummers....PHHH. One of the bands I play in now has had a few drummer problems. The last drummer they had, got shit faced the morning of the last show he did with us and stayed drunk the whole day then an hour and a half before the show he said he was going to go home and kick back for a bit to try and sober up. Well, 2 hours later he came back to the bar in worse shape. Bungled the show and was fired right after the show was done. Granted we didn't get payed much for the show so it wasn't a financial issue. He was from the town we played in and was on probation for an OWI. If his PO would have seen him he would have went straight to jail. How do you get a drummer off of your porch? Pay for the pizza. Good luck Twitch.
              I want to go out nice and peaceful in my sleep like my grandfather, not screaming and hollering like the passengers in his car.


              • #8
                Drummers eh, fuggems.
                I feel festive all year round. Deal with it.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by tomanyjacksons View Post
                  How do you get a drummer off of your porch? Pay for the pizza.
                  How do you break a drummers thumb? Kick him in the ass.
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                  • #10
                    So, the C.T. Peppers gig is on or off?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Grawnday View Post
                      So, the C.T. Peppers gig is on or off?
                      Off, Eric sucks about keeping up with the www.
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                      • #12
                        What to do?
                        Get temp/fill in drummer quickly as possible OR start canceling scheduled show dates until it gets resolved.

                        Your really don't have a list of multiple options you only have two.

                        I hate this for you and good drummers are hard to find.

                        Whatever you decide I hope it works out for you.

                        Hang in there.
                        Peace, Love and Happieness and all that stuff...

                        "Anyone who tries to fling crap my way better have a really good crap flinger."

                        I personally do not care how it was built as long as it is a good playing/sounding instrument.

                        Yes, there's a bee in the pudding.


                        • #13
                          ^^^^ As you can see there was a third option. A mix of your option 1 and an unplugged set. The 19th show is your option 1, but I wont be there. Im just chillin. Im not worried really. If it dies, it dies. Its been a long 5 years. Thanks for the sentiments though.
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                          • #14
                            Our problem has never been drummers.

                            Our problem has always been vocalists.

                            We get a good one, ramp up for doing a show and writing new material and the fucker will just dissappear before the show! Twice that has happened now!

                            I always thought vocalists wanted the songs to be theirs, hence I would try to include them in the writing process to make the vocals theirs. But I now realize they are just lazy fuckers who want to stroll in at the last minute having done no practice and take credit for all the hard work the restof the band did.

                            So I am now writing all the material and lyrics. Trouble is I still have no-one to fucking sing/shout/growl/burp them


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by tomanyjacksons View Post
                              The last drummer they had, got shit faced the morning of the last show he did with us and stayed drunk the whole day then an hour and a half before the show he said he was going to go home and kick back for a bit to try and sober up. Well, 2 hours later he came back to the bar in worse shape. Bungled the show and was fired right after the show was done. Granted we didn't get payed much for the show so it wasn't a financial issue. He was from the town we played in and was on probation for an OWI. If his PO would have seen him he would have went straight to jail.
                              You should have kicked the fucker out on the street and call the cops for "Public intoxication"
                              because that's one lame ass stunt to pull
                              "There's nothing taking away from the pure masculinity I possess"

                              -"You like Anime"


