ridiculous show in Miami. Kanye and Jay-z brought the house down tonight.
Being that they played in the home of the Miami heat, both D wade and Lebron James were in attendance. Will smith was also there, but he's fucking dead to me until they make a bad boys III
D Wade and Lebron James stoked to be here

Tried to get a pic of Will Smith and his fam but I was unable to

the throne


I've been to a shitload of concerts, and seen just about every big name rock/metal band out there. This show blew them all away. Hands down most amazing concert I've ever been to. They played classics from both artists' catalogs, as well as all the best songs off of the throne. They ended with niggas in paris (they did it 4x in a row!!! I know it sounds like a bitch much, but it was unbelievable. the crown went NUTS )
every time the song would come to an end they'd bring it back and do it over. So awesome.
They gave a shout out to wade and lebron during the show, nothing for will smith b/c he hasn't made a bad boys III yet
Being that they played in the home of the Miami heat, both D wade and Lebron James were in attendance. Will smith was also there, but he's fucking dead to me until they make a bad boys III
D Wade and Lebron James stoked to be here

Tried to get a pic of Will Smith and his fam but I was unable to


the throne


I've been to a shitload of concerts, and seen just about every big name rock/metal band out there. This show blew them all away. Hands down most amazing concert I've ever been to. They played classics from both artists' catalogs, as well as all the best songs off of the throne. They ended with niggas in paris (they did it 4x in a row!!! I know it sounds like a bitch much, but it was unbelievable. the crown went NUTS )
every time the song would come to an end they'd bring it back and do it over. So awesome.
They gave a shout out to wade and lebron during the show, nothing for will smith b/c he hasn't made a bad boys III yet