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Stupid ebay prices???

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  • Stupid ebay prices???

    Man..... I have seen some retarded shit on ebay lately. some of the prices I am seeing on used Jackson/Charvel guitars and parts and various amplifiers is just insane. INSANE!

    I mean dont these people understand we are in a shitty economy now? I am not in the market to buy any guitars, but I still like to cruise ebay for guitar eye candy. man. there is just some pure insanity. then there are some prices that are just a tad above what they should be. I mean some of them arent that bad, but they are just trying to squeak that little bit extra out of them. its quite wacky if you ask me. you would think that luxury items like guitars and amps would be soft in this market. but they arent. or at least the people trying to sell them arent needing to sell them badly. IMO thats actually a good sign for the economy. if people arent "dumping" gear, it means they dont really NEED to sell it. that is a good thing.

    ebay used to be a hotbed of great used guitars for decent prices, but now its just crazy. I think the ebay fees and policies have driven alot of sellers away and people are selling on craigslist now.

    the strange part is, the prices I see on forums like the JCF are usually pretty decent, fair prices. its the ebay items that are usually priced crazy.

    I mean if your looking to buy a cell phone battery on ebay, fine the prices are good. but it seems like guitars and amps are just nuts there. what gives?

    any other theories on this???
    "clean sounds are for pussies" - Axewielder

  • #2
    You've heard the expression "there is a sucker born every minute" havent you? Well there are lots of people on eBay looking for just those people. Read some of the ads on the guitars that have the crazy prices and you see things like "rare" and "prototype" and "one of a kind" and just about every one of them is "custom". For this very reason you will see the same gear listed over and over and over again and NEVER sell.

    I have got some good deals via eBay but they are few and far between. I will typically look at the "buy it now" stuff and the auctions that start with a low price and "watch" them till the price gets too high and then I remove it from my list.
    addicted to Jackson guitars since 1993

