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Anyone been paying particular attention to the weather this winter?

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  • Originally posted by xenophobe View Post
    Yeah, some people do have serious medical issues when it comes to comprehending common sense. You should have that looked at.
    Couldnt resist the opportunity to relate the subject to Megadeth.
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    • Originally posted by Twitch View Post
      Couldnt resist the opportunity to relate the subject to Megadeth.
      Oh, I didn't catch that. You may proceed to point and laugh.
      The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.


      • ^
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        • Originally posted by Endrik View Post

          That's very offensive, I'm too cool to be seen with a north face jacket in the public.

          Some of you cocksmokers need to read more carefully, Or just a little bitch?
          Endy, cocksmokers???

          This is the best you have to define your point? Nice....

          Also Jenny McCarthy has nothing to do with anything, I named some 'preseritives' that are going into the vaccines that have been linked to some very serious issues!

          So I'll do my best to convert this to your rational:

          Pole climbers, butt pirates and such. Leaping vagina cream pies, ronald McDonald - Scientist, whore, proletariat hookers. Let us not forget cambodian creamsickle.....:think:
          Enjoying a rum and coke, just didn't have any coke...


          • Ok, I'll stop trolling and fishing, but I do want to comment...

            You know, my opinions are based off a lot of reading over quite a long span of time and are very well thought out. I believe what I do not from what others tell me to think but what I've been able to asses myself looking at as complete a picture as I can. And I know what I'm saying cannot be wrong because it's based off fact and observation. Global Warming may in fact be happening but the level of strict scrutiny that has been applied to everything surrounding the issue is mediocre at best. If you applied the same level of benchmark to any other field, astrology and tarot-card readings would be science as well.

            I'll just drop it because no matter what, believing it and wanting to do something about it isn't bad even if it does prove to be wrong in the end. And all it would take is one tiny little new fact in any number of scientific fields for the whole theory to fall apart. Just as it is still a theory and hasn't been absolutely proven, it has also not been dis-proven. No matter, even if it's wrong in the end, reducing all environmentally damaging emissions can't be a bad thing. As opposed to completely not believing it and doing nothing if it does turn out to be proven right, then you're that much farther from accomplishing anything. This is pretty much why everyone thinks it's ok to believe something as fact when it is still theory. There is no real negative consequence for being wrong here.

            And for anyone who thinks any of these climate scientists have a clue what they're talking about with climate models... none of the current climate models factors in actual weather. They have no idea how to factor clouds, rain, snow, ocean currents, variations in solar cycles, variations in the orbit from the sun, the effects the moon plays, so on and so on. A lot of them say or hint they do, but they don't. You can even go to the NASA site where it admits this freely. We don't have data for cloud cover and ocean currents farther past several decades. These models are crude and rudimentary. It's like trying to measure thousands of an inch with a yard stick. The technology just isn't there yet. The amount of logical fallacies alone that are needed to unconditionally believe in Global Warming could, in itself, be enough subject to cover a dissertation. That's been discussed to death, and whether or not you believe, the fallacies are legitimate.

            Of course, every idiot knows that pollution is bad for the environment. That's why most of them praise Global Warming as fact without even looking into it, researching and coming up with a genuine thought of their own and instead just regurgitate what they've read or been told as fact. The climate is definitely changing. That much is a fact. We are polluting our environment. That much is fact. How the two interrelate is a different story altogether. In truth, they're still working on that. We're at the beginning of that race. That's why there are still huge grants being given out worldwide to research this further and why many of these scientists are still arguing about minutia.

            We all have heard of Solyndra, right? The first wave of failed "Green Tech" companies is starting to arrive. Dozens of companies that were paid billions of dollars for technology that either wasn't created or does not live up to the promises. Companies all over the world. Many of them will end up being completely fraudulent recipients of this Global Warming grant money. How about Nevada Geothermal? EnerDel? Beacon Power? Solarzyne? Dynamic Fuel? Etc... What about all the researchers and companies who were denied or had grants revoked because they weren't exactly agreeing with the mainstream scientific community? The Global Warming industry will face new criticisms soon and a lot of it is going to be really ugly.

            Of course, as technology improves we'll be better able to tell exactly what is happening. Right now the foundation is unstable and built on a cloud of smoke and mirrors and it's not science that they're after, it's an agenda, and it's one that pays extremely well. Of course the majority of scientists are falling in line to agree even though there is good reason for caution. A nice paycheck awaits anyone with credentials who wants to further the cause. For those that might actually find reason to critique the "Scientific Consensus"... they have their funding pulled and are laughed at for not being on the bandwagon. Global Warming isn't just an event. It's a complete multi-national agenda that benefits and profits everyone in the scientific community and big business.

            I'm not some conspiracy theory nutcase either. We landed on the moon. 9/11 wasn't an inside job. There aren't aliens mind controlling us. However, there are quite a few motives for science, government and industry to conveniently believe in something that they can make untold amounts of free money, even if it is buried in unknowns and half-truths.

            This is the tl:dr version. I could easily write 10k+ words about this particular subject, not that it would matter on a guitar forum.

            And like I've said all along... feel free to try debunking anything I've said. I'm just stating the truth as I see it. I've stated most of what I wanted to get across, the rest I can't be bothered with. I think I'm done here.
            Last edited by xenophobe; 01-25-2012, 03:53 AM.
            The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.


            • Oh, and one more thing...

              In the end it won't matter if it's proven true or not. It won't matter even trying to curtail pollution output. The human race is on an exponential growth curve and nothing short of eliminating a large percentage of the population will have any long term effect. If anyone knows what all of that really means and implies, you know that once you see the signs, it's already too late. And as conspiracy theory that might be, it's actually true.
              The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.


              • Originally posted by xenophobe View Post
                it's not science that they're after, it's an agenda
                Amen, you hit the nail on the head regarding so many hot topics of the day. My question is why? Is it purely money, or is it some deep seeded butt hurt in a person(s) past that pushes the issue(think Hitler and the Jews)? Is it both, is it none of the above? You just have to wonder what the real reasons are for the agendas of the various major pushes. My personal pet peeve of an agenda is the anti-tobacco movement(if you couldnt tell). There is so much information out there that counteracts all the popular arguments and statistics that are put forward in favor of the agenda, but nobody thinks to question it, and they would be frowned upon if they stood against it anyway. It doesnt matter if the popular consensus is true or a farce, if you stand out against the mob armed with the true facts of the matter, youll be ignored if not ridiculed by most for the simple fact that most people just want to fit in. The majority of society doesnt want to think for themselves, or are incapable of it and so they follow what everyone else is doing and believe what theyre told everyone else believes. Theres not enough intelligent leaders in this world and the losers, eh hem, I mean leaders, we do have are the ones pushing these ridiculous agendas and ideologies. Todays society definitely is one of cant beat em join em or stand out like a sore thumb.
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                • As with the tobacco thing. Everyone will agree that it's very unhealthy for you, hell I've been a smoker since I was 15. I wheeze, hack and cough up shit. However as you pointed out the anti-smoking campaign has completely lied about quite a number of facts as in how lethal it actually is and misrepresented how bad second hand smoke is.

                  Right now the "scientific consensus" recognizes that the climate is changing and that we are polluting our planet to death. That's fact and easily supported by heaps of evidence. The assumption is that we're directly responsible for it. That's an assumption. They're calling it fact even though there is no real consensus on the effects of warming and CO2. They're still arguing how it relates... is it directly responsible or is it a trailing indicator, or is it both? The whole CO2=warming argument isn't a spot of scientific consensus, it's a spot of intense debate. So we're approaching 400ppm, but some scientists say anything under 200ppm and plant life would start struggling, yet hundreds of millions of years ago it was way over 4000.... How the whole pollution = warming isn't quantifiable, it's not even agreed upon, at least it wasn't the last time I took a really good look at it. Either way, technology hasn't improved that much in a decade for us to all of a sudden be able to make sense of billions of unique samples of past weather trends over a billion years. Yes, there is a lot of room to make educated guesses and assumptions, but that's all they are. Not proven fact. Not beyond a reasonable doubt either as many scientists who agree on global warming still don't agree with each other on many topics surrounding this "truth". So, what temperature is the Earth supposed to be at? That's a silly question because the climate is always changing. lol

                  For every scientist that believes something, there is another who disagrees. Just look at theoretical physics. Theoretical physics is far more well understood than weather modeling of the solar system, but they're infighting just the same. If a multi-billion dollar agenda was behind one side of that debate, I wonder what all the scientists would start saying. Being scientific and objective is nice and all that, but money is better.
                  Last edited by xenophobe; 01-26-2012, 07:14 PM.
                  The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.


                  • I for one of the term 'conspiracy theories', simply believing in something that does not fit into the generally accepted stand point in no way makes it a 'conspiracy theory'. Interestingly enough the term was coined by those trying to quash dissenting opinion.

                    HERE, let's open this can of worms.....

                    Chemtrails ~ 100% true

                    There have been 2 patents given that absolutely prove that chemtrails exist. The first and most important was given to the USAF, in an effort to 'negate' the possible effects of an EMP strike..... This stuff goes on and on. Basicly it's all driven by greed and/or the attempts of an entity to control the spin on something. Unfortunately the real world reacts before taking the proper time to make informed decisions based on a consensus of popular opinion and proven facts.....

                    and for Endy:

                    Felching beavers enjoy bolshevik tacos. Rim job!
                    Enjoying a rum and coke, just didn't have any coke...


                    • Fucking finally, answers. Arctic Oscillation.

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