OK in the 10 + years I have been around here, there have been some funny times. I think we need to devote a thread to those classic laughs we had here as I am sure I have forgotten some over time. so its a trip down memory lane for some laughs.
Items that come to my mind now are:
Lemon Oil....... remember when it was "all the rage" here? I mean it was like turbo chargers in the 80's.... everyone was into it.
I remember the lemon oil forum. remember the lemon oil shark?
Billz's brown monolith......the balloon knots........ there are many great Billz classics.
Lou's carnal cavorting stories.
RSmacker's whale shagging accounts.
Blues Rock chatter.
Sully's love of supertramp music
Rossness' argyle sweater.
Toejam's crazy cat lady action figure.
the Rotten Ronnie's band
the newest addition is of course, Alan's nuts and the strong fucker that tightens them.
I am sure I forgot a ton of them, so PLEASE feel free to post them! I am sicker than a dog today, and my brain isnt working the best, so please post any you remember!
Items that come to my mind now are:
Lemon Oil....... remember when it was "all the rage" here? I mean it was like turbo chargers in the 80's.... everyone was into it.

Billz's brown monolith......the balloon knots........ there are many great Billz classics.
Lou's carnal cavorting stories.
RSmacker's whale shagging accounts.
Blues Rock chatter.
Sully's love of supertramp music
Rossness' argyle sweater.
Toejam's crazy cat lady action figure.
the Rotten Ronnie's band
the newest addition is of course, Alan's nuts and the strong fucker that tightens them.

I am sure I forgot a ton of them, so PLEASE feel free to post them! I am sicker than a dog today, and my brain isnt working the best, so please post any you remember!
