Never heqard of the show till a few weeks ago
the entire 12 episode season 1,"Bood and Sand",then the was a 6 episode prequel "Gods of the Arena"
Now its 3 episodes into seson 3 "Vengence" ....
this show is the movie 300 on steroids mixed in with late night cinemax.
Blood,guts,dissmemberment,carnage,tits and ass,lies,treachery and more tits and ass ...whats not to like?

Now its 3 episodes into seson 3 "Vengence" ....
this show is the movie 300 on steroids mixed in with late night cinemax.
Blood,guts,dissmemberment,carnage,tits and ass,lies,treachery and more tits and ass ...whats not to like?
