My problem with the show is they claim to represent all things hard rock and heavy metal but rarely (Actually unless it's slayer, never) do they have anyone from death metal bands from that period. So basically it's everything hard rock and metal except for music from bands Trunk doesn't like. They tried to pawn it off as "Well those bands didn't have videos on MTV" and sadly for Trunk he's not the only one with a memory, a lot of those bands did. Headbangers ball wasn't all Winger and Poison. The two comedians are both black metal fans and the one guy (the one with out the fruity beard/side burns) often wheres a Ghost T-shirt and promotes them. So that's at least something, but you can tell it's Trunk who keeps that stuff to the minimum. But since his favorite band is UFO his opinion of metal is hardly one that impresses me. UFO is alright and all but honestly I'd be more interested in a 15 year old who's favorite album is Reload over Trunk's opinion of anything.
They do get some interesting guests on there, Traci Guns (Not sure if that is the spelling) was pretty fun to listen to on there. For a retro metal show it's alright. at least it letting people know that the genre is still alive.
They do get some interesting guests on there, Traci Guns (Not sure if that is the spelling) was pretty fun to listen to on there. For a retro metal show it's alright. at least it letting people know that the genre is still alive.