Living in the ghetto can be such fun, after work heading home I see maybe 5 cops tearing down the road(at different times, heading the same way). Get to the house and the sweet wifey tells me the helicopters have been circleing the hood for at least 45 minutes...
About 1 1/2 miles away, the police/swat have surrounded a house for a 'standoff'!
This lasts for a couple of hours, then they tear gas the place(woops, let me back up a little ~ After robbing a Jamaican restaurant the suspect car jacks a lady with her 2 year old kid. Tosses the baby out of the car, and it leads to a high speed chase. The asshole somewhat evades the law, and goes to his sisters house a few miles down the road. After the law catches up and brings the posse ~ on the live news feed, I counted 20+ cop cars....)
So as this 'beotcchhh' tries to run from the tear gassed house, double tap to the back(I'll read the official autopsy later, more than likely this bitch was swiss cheese ~ minimum 25 cops all itching to shoot the fucker!!!!).
Good times
About 1 1/2 miles away, the police/swat have surrounded a house for a 'standoff'!
This lasts for a couple of hours, then they tear gas the place(woops, let me back up a little ~ After robbing a Jamaican restaurant the suspect car jacks a lady with her 2 year old kid. Tosses the baby out of the car, and it leads to a high speed chase. The asshole somewhat evades the law, and goes to his sisters house a few miles down the road. After the law catches up and brings the posse ~ on the live news feed, I counted 20+ cop cars....)
So as this 'beotcchhh' tries to run from the tear gassed house, double tap to the back(I'll read the official autopsy later, more than likely this bitch was swiss cheese ~ minimum 25 cops all itching to shoot the fucker!!!!).
Good times
