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Your Favorite Metal Moment??

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  • #31
    I was standing onstage when Dave Mustaine rejoined Metallica onstage for the first time since the early 80's when they did the first ever Big 4 jam in Sofia, Bulgaria when we shot the DVD.


    • #32
      Here is mine. My uncle was a golf pro and he gave Bud Kreager golf lessons. Bud was the manager for Foreigner.
      He gets me an appt to meet Bud to possibly open for Foreigners Juke Box Hero tour.
      We go to his office on Times Square in a penthouse office on the 13th floor of a 12th floor building. The elevator doors open and there staring me in the face is the Juke Box from the cover of the Juke Box Hero album. All down the hallway to his office are gold and platinum albums from all over the world for Foreigner. I am sitting in his huge office and he is listening to my cassette of my band when Lou Gramm and Mick Jones come in and sit down with me on the couch. They said my band was good but too heavy to open for them.

      I also worked at Power Play Studio's in Queens, NY and I went to a party once for The Fat Boys ( I was their guitar player in the studio) and at the party they had jewelers there designing rings and chains for them right at the party. A photographer came in and snapped a pic of my girlfriend on the couch sitting between 2 of the Fat Boys and it was on the cover of one of the hip hop magazines. That girlfriend has been my wife for the last 23 years.


      • #33
        when I was 6 yrs old I was at a Sha na na concert, and when Bowser came out on stage I got so excited I peed my pants.
        "clean sounds are for pussies" - Axewielder


        • #34
          I was being fellated in car when someone shouted "Look, it's Molly Ringwald!"
          Now I had no idea who this person was, so I jumped out of the car, clutching a human skull in one hand we'd, um, "found", a bottle of pisswater beer in the other, bellowing "Who the fuck is Molly fucking Ringworm?"

          I recall seeing the look of horror on some bird's face as she clocked the skull, then she did one of those "Home Alone" faces as she saw my porridge gun. I am reliably informed, it was the aforementioned Molly Ringpiece. I was then bundled straight back in the car by someone shouting "We'll all get arrested you ass-hole, you can't have a beer in the street in this country. Drive! Drive!"

          The following day, I had a spiffing time going round all the guitar shops in Hollywood, being brown-nosed by lying sacks of shit who "recognised" me and "really loved my work", after my pretend assistant (ie. Dave The Cardboard Box's girlfriend) let slip that I was "in Def Leppard or Iron Maiden or someone". They let me play ANY guitar I wanted, including some white Les Paul which apparently belonged to Randy Rhoads. I told them I'd have a think about it, to get in touch with my tour manager (ie. Dave The Cardboard Box, who was more interested in finding some specialist import Booze Superstore so we could buy some Newcastle Brown Ale), and he would sort out the details "when we came through this way in a couple of months".
          It is pure pleasure seeing the panic on someone's face as he realises that he can't ask outright who exactly you are, not when he's been bullshitting that he's a big fan for ages while he tries to make a sale. He even tried the old "Haven't you left and are about to join ...?" line, to get me to name a band, any fucking band so he could nail down who I was.
          I just winked and said, "I'm not at liberty to divulge that information, you know how it is", and the bell-end said "Sure, sure, I know, it was just a whisper we'd heard here".

          (IIRC there was a thru-neck white Jackson Tele that did give me an erection, but I had spent all my money on lager and strippers.)

          What can I say? We were 18 years old, long-haired, belching, farting, swearing, fighting, shagging Brits on The Piss. And we liked Heavy Metal.
          So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

          I nearly broke her back


          • #35
            Originally posted by Rsmacker View Post
            I was being fellated in car when someone shouted "Look, it's Molly Ringwald!"
            Now I had no idea who this person was, so I jumped out of the car, clutching a human skull in one hand we'd, um, "found", a bottle of pisswater beer in the other, bellowing "Who the fuck is Molly fucking Ringworm?"

            The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.

