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Best place to purchase a firearm

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  • #31
    Originally posted by RacerX View Post
    As far as shops, I've heard great things about
    Great site, Ron. Thanks!
    MakeAJazzNoiseHere: You kidding me? I'd suck her fartbox dry in a heartbeat. 9/29/2011 quote about Megan Fox


    • #32
      Well I wasn't a mall cop or one of these guys in a uniform, mostly high end night clubs or strip clubs in Miami, Body Guard work was where ever the client needed me at the time.
      I'm actually glad those days are past me, I work quietly at the door of a local strip club & just check ID's

      Originally posted by xenophobe View Post
      A security guard with a Desert Eagle.
      According To The Prophecy


      • #33
        Originally posted by mark123 View Post
        I'm not saying anyone has to agree with me about using an AR-15 carbine for home defense, it's just my choice and I'm comfortable with it.
        I have no problems using an AR for home defense. However, as an infantryman I've trained for urban combat. I wouldn't recommend an AR to anyone else for HD unless you live in a big house with big halls and some acreage and are familiar with using an AR inside.

        Originally posted by rjohnstone View Post
        I always recommend bird shot for home defense.
        Your goal is to stop an intruder, killing them should be a last resort.
        Why? Some states make have idiotic laws where the intruders family can still sue you for wrongful death if you kill them.
        They rarely win, but it's still a possibility.
        Blame the liberal tree huggers for that crap.
        But if their ass is close enough to you, bird shot will kill.
        Yes, your goal is to stop an intruder. That's why you need something that can penetrate. Federal low recoil tactical loads are perfect.

        If you shoot in self defense, you're probably going to jail. You'll also probably be sued.

        Birdshot at point blank often won't penetrate much more than a heavy leather jacket. Birdshot wounds also look really horrible, but they're almost always superficial unless you stick the end of a barrel into your mouth. To incapacitate an intruder, especially one that may be on drugs or alcohol, you may need 2-3 hits to knock someone down. I would only use it as a last resort.

        You would actually be better off shooting rubber slugs or bean bags.
        The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.


        • #34
          Originally posted by tonemonster View Post
          keep in mind, I am not against your ideas, I am just making conversation here, but what about the legal school of thought about use of lethal force to protect yourself? I mean in the CCW and home defense class I took, they taught the strategy that your in house, and you hear and intruder in the house. you gather your family and retreat to your 'safe room' where you phone 911 and tell them who you are and that you have in intruder in your house. you throw a house key out the window with a large brite colored key tag on it for the police to use to enter your house. you grabbed your gun already, and have it loaded. you leave the phone on, and loudly hollar for the intruder to leave as you have phone the police already and htey are enroute to your home. you tell the 911 operator that you threw the key out the window for the police and tell them where its located. you again hollar for the intruder to leave, and that you have a gun and will protect your family and use lethal force if they attempt to harm you. again, the phone is on, and this is all recorded on the other end. if the intruder truly is a wacko and comes into your safe room with intent to harm you or your family, you again warn them loudly to leave the room or you will shoot to protect the lives of your family. if they advance, you shoot. then the entire thing is recorded for your legal protection when it goes to court, either in criminal court or civil court. the lawyer that taught this class said your better to use REAL deal ammo, no rock salt, no bird shot, or rubber bullets. the reason they used was if you feel your life is truly in danger, you are willing to take any measure to protect your family, and that is the use of lethal force. they said intruders families will jump on the fact you used rock salt first as you must not have really felt your life was in danger otherwise you would have used real ammo. now, I am not an attorney, and I realize there are more than one school of thought on this. I am not aurgeing any one point, just throwing info out there that I was taught in class. people must make their own decisions on this. another thing people never talk about is the emotional and mental turmoil a person goes through after killing an intruder. even if you saved your life and the lives of your family from a truly deranged psycho, you still took a life, and it will affect you for the rest of your life. there wont be a day in your life that is ever the same. they taught that in our class too, the effects it has on citizens who go through this. hell, it even affects cops that go through it. just cuz it is a cops job, dont make it any easier. they are humans with emotions just like any other person.

          No disrespect to your training, the training I've always recieved is.... Shoot 1 time and kill, corpses have a very hard time saying how they were not in fact deranged pychos looking to kill your family. Here in GA we have 'acceptable' gun laws, NY state isn't that bad - but the city is....
          Enjoying a rum and coke, just didn't have any coke...


          • #35
            I am surprized that RSmacker hasnt been around to talk about his "porridge gun".
            "clean sounds are for pussies" - Axewielder


            • #36
              Uh, throw a key out the window thats easily seen? That sounds silly. Suppose they have a lookout who spots the key and they take off before the cops get there. Then you gotta replace all your locks. If someone steps in my house to either harm me or steal my shit, well they done fucked up and its on, but then I've never had much faith in the police.


              • #37
                Originally posted by jdr94 View Post
                Uh, throw a key out the window thats easily seen? That sounds silly. Suppose they have a lookout who spots the key and they take off before the cops get there. Then you gotta replace all your locks. If someone steps in my house to either harm me or steal my shit, well they done fucked up and its on, but then I've never had much faith in the police.
                keep in mind, I didnt invent that plan, I was just repeating what I have expereinced in classes and training. as for shooting someone for stealing your shit, well your going to have a long sit in jail. your going to get in big trouble for that. the law does not justify the use of lethal force to protect material items.
                "clean sounds are for pussies" - Axewielder


                • #38
                  Oh I know that jus twhat you were trained. I personally dont like guns anymore. I got a sharp ass samurai sword though. Ill chop a fools arm off lol. I didnt say id shoot someone. Just said its on.

                  I'm not attacking what youre sayin just think it seems like a silly thing to do. Having the call recorded thru 911 is a good idea.
                  Last edited by jdr94; 03-25-2012, 09:00 PM.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by jdr94 View Post
                    Oh I know that jus twhat you were trained. I personally dont like guns anymore. I got a sharp ass samurai sword though. Ill chop a fools arm off lol. I didnt say id shoot someone. Just said its on.
                    A college student killed a guy who broke into his garage with a samurai sword a few years ago in Baltimore. Here's a link to the original article:

                    and a follow up article that says that criminal charges were not filed against the student:

                    Until you get weaned off the boobie, you are going to have to do what the wife wants too. -Rsmacker


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by tonemonster View Post
                      the law does not justify the use of lethal force to protect material items.
                      Depends on where you live. In many states you can shoot someone for trespassing. I'm not saying I condone that, but in some states you are allowed to protect your personal property.
                      The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by QuantumRider View Post
                        A college student killed a guy who broke into his garage with a samurai sword a few years ago in Baltimore. Here's a link to the original article:

                        and a follow up article that says that criminal charges were not filed against the student:



                        • #42
                          Originally posted by mark123 View Post
                          Yeah, I'm with ya.

                          Anyone ever see a CQB drill? After all that's what home defense is. If so, what were their weapon choices?
                          I'll take a Tommy Gun for $200 Alex...

                          I'm a big fan of 45ACP as a great all around self defense pistol round with solid knock down power, and a slower muzzle velocity to keep over penetration especially through walls from being a major problem. I will have to say a shotgun for home defense is an ideal weapon IMHO, but with no heavier load than buckshot. I personally wouldn't want to be popping off magnum rounds in CQB in my home. 2 and 3/4 loads will work fine IMHO. If they don't work someone's wearing body armor and your screwed anyway.

                          And no, I don't have a Tommy Gun, but it's on my wish list. Until then one of my four M1911's will do the trick.
                          Last edited by Razor; 03-26-2012, 11:22 AM.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by tonemonster View Post
                            keep in mind, I am not against your ideas, I am just making conversation here, but what about the legal school of thought about use of lethal force to protect yourself? I mean in the CCW and home defense class I took, they taught the strategy that your in house, and you hear and intruder in the house. you gather your family and retreat to your 'safe room' where you phone 911 and tell them who you are and that you have in intruder in your house. you throw a house key out the window with a large brite colored key tag on it for the police to use to enter your house. you grabbed your gun already, and have it loaded. you leave the phone on, and loudly hollar for the intruder to leave as you have phone the police already and htey are enroute to your home. you tell the 911 operator that you threw the key out the window for the police and tell them where its located. you again hollar for the intruder to leave, and that you have a gun and will protect your family and use lethal force if they attempt to harm you. again, the phone is on, and this is all recorded on the other end. if the intruder truly is a wacko and comes into your safe room with intent to harm you or your family, you again warn them loudly to leave the room or you will shoot to protect the lives of your family. if they advance, you shoot. then the entire thing is recorded for your legal protection when it goes to court, either in criminal court or civil court. the lawyer that taught this class said your better to use REAL deal ammo, no rock salt, no bird shot, or rubber bullets. the reason they used was if you feel your life is truly in danger, you are willing to take any measure to protect your family, and that is the use of lethal force. they said intruders families will jump on the fact you used rock salt first as you must not have really felt your life was in danger otherwise you would have used real ammo. now, I am not an attorney, and I realize there are more than one school of thought on this. I am not aurgeing any one point, just throwing info out there that I was taught in class. people must make their own decisions on this. another thing people never talk about is the emotional and mental turmoil a person goes through after killing an intruder. even if you saved your life and the lives of your family from a truly deranged psycho, you still took a life, and it will affect you for the rest of your life. there wont be a day in your life that is ever the same. they taught that in our class too, the effects it has on citizens who go through this. hell, it even affects cops that go through it. just cuz it is a cops job, dont make it any easier. they are humans with emotions just like any other person.
                            There are a lot of assumptions in that line of reasoning. It would be great to have such a plan but what if your home doesn't really have a safe room, or the intruder is detected at a point where he is already between you and your kids' rooms? They are teaching maximum CYA legally, and that's fine, but assuming a textbook or classroom scenario is going to play out is probably a mistake. You have to be prepared to adapt to the situation you find yourself in and not stuck with a rigid plan that may not work.
                            Ron is the MAN!!!!


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by lerxstcat View Post
                              There are a lot of assumptions in that line of reasoning. It would be great to have such a plan but what if your home doesn't really have a safe room, or the intruder is detected at a point where he is already between you and your kids' rooms? They are teaching maximum CYA legally, and that's fine, but assuming a textbook or classroom scenario is going to play out is probably a mistake. You have to be prepared to adapt to the situation you find yourself in and not stuck with a rigid plan that may not work.
                              What they were teaching him wasn't really a static plan, only that he should be prepared and have one. Kinda like fire drill evacuations. You should teach your wife and kids what to do in various situations, if you're not home, intruder already inside, rally point, closest neighbor you can run to, etc... A safe room is basically any room that has sufficient cover, a means for defense and hopefully a solid door that can be locked. It can be a bedroom, bathroom, childs' room etc... It doesn't matter, it only matters that your family know what to do if you find yourself in that situation.
                              The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.


                              • #45
                                My personal fav is a Kimber .45 or at the very least a Baretta 9mm.

                                Shotguns and rifles are clumsy in the dark and I'd be into grabbing something quick out of my night stand as opposed to running to the closet and digging into a corner. Just my two cents!

