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Best place to purchase a firearm

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  • #46
    Originally posted by xenophobe View Post
    What they were teaching him wasn't really a static plan, only that he should be prepared and have one. Kinda like fire drill evacuations. You should teach your wife and kids what to do in various situations, if you're not home, intruder already inside, rally point, closest neighbor you can run to, etc... A safe room is basically any room that has sufficient cover, a means for defense and hopefully a solid door that can be locked. It can be a bedroom, bathroom, childs' room etc... It doesn't matter, it only matters that your family know what to do if you find yourself in that situation.
    What he wrote sounded like a static plan. And which room is "safe" and accessible depends on where in the home the intruder is as well. If you have to go through the intruder to reach the "safe" room, that's not a safe thing to try and do. People who live in apartments are going to have the basic interior room doors that are easily breachable. It's a good idea to have some idea of what to do, but not everybody is in a position to build a fortress room, and depending on the layout may not have a specific room that's obvious to make into that safe room. What if the intruder entered through the window OF the "safe" room? Now if you put deadbolts on each room, and the family could run to whichever room was away from the intruder, or even into different locked rooms if necessary, that would be something more flexible.
    Ron is the MAN!!!!


    • #47
      Originally posted by tonemonster View Post
      I am surprized that RSmacker hasnt been around to talk about his "porridge gun".
      You rang? Yes, my Porridge Gun is an excellent choice, always within easy reach and ready for action, great hand-grip, maximum penetration with lots of blood (in their stools). On a good day I can take a second shot in about 10 minutes, though the scatter pattern is decreased significantly. Wilksy Baby has a little snub-nosed one on a hair trigger so it doesn't get used much.

      I tell you something, imagine breaking into someone's house and seeing some cuckoo like me, oiled up and naked, porridge gun in hand, like Dirty Harry, running through the house towards you screaming . I defy any of you to stand your ground. Even Wilksy Baby trembles, and that's when he's asked for his favourite - the Cato Sex Attack.

      Originally posted by xenophobe View Post
      You would actually be better off shooting rubber slugs or bean bags.
      Oooh, Wilksy Baby took one of those rubber slug Bully Boy things in the Council Gritter and his eyes nearly popped out of his head. I laughed and fell off the trapeze in his bedroom, it was carnage. I can't imagine being shot in the bean bag though, again, CBT is all WB's dept - when we can find it, right Wilksy Baby?
      So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

      I nearly broke her back


      • #48
        Originally posted by tonemonster View Post
        keep in mind, I am not against your ideas, I am just making conversation here, but what about the legal school of thought about use of lethal force to protect yourself? I mean in the CCW and home defense class I took, they taught the strategy that your in house, and you hear and intruder in the house. you gather your family and retreat to your 'safe room' where you phone 911 and tell them who you are and that you have in intruder in your house. you throw a house key out the window with a large brite colored key tag on it for the police to use to enter your house. you grabbed your gun already, and have it loaded. you leave the phone on, and loudly hollar for the intruder to leave as you have phone the police already and htey are enroute to your home. you tell the 911 operator that you threw the key out the window for the police and tell them where its located. you again hollar for the intruder to leave, and that you have a gun and will protect your family and use lethal force if they attempt to harm you. again, the phone is on, and this is all recorded on the other end. if the intruder truly is a wacko and comes into your safe room with intent to harm you or your family, you again warn them loudly to leave the room or you will shoot to protect the lives of your family. if they advance, you shoot. then the entire thing is recorded for your legal protection when it goes to court, either in criminal court or civil court. the lawyer that taught this class said your better to use REAL deal ammo, no rock salt, no bird shot, or rubber bullets. the reason they used was if you feel your life is truly in danger, you are willing to take any measure to protect your family, and that is the use of lethal force. they said intruders families will jump on the fact you used rock salt first as you must not have really felt your life was in danger otherwise you would have used real ammo. now, I am not an attorney, and I realize there are more than one school of thought on this. I am not aurgeing any one point, just throwing info out there that I was taught in class. people must make their own decisions on this. another thing people never talk about is the emotional and mental turmoil a person goes through after killing an intruder. even if you saved your life and the lives of your family from a truly deranged psycho, you still took a life, and it will affect you for the rest of your life. there wont be a day in your life that is ever the same. they taught that in our class too, the effects it has on citizens who go through this. hell, it even affects cops that go through it. just cuz it is a cops job, dont make it any easier. they are humans with emotions just like any other person.
        This reminds me of a little story I was told when I was going to become Rsmacker of the Bailey (project terminated due to excessive lager and Charlie)
        Anyway, West Midlands police were tipped off about a planned bank raid, so hid in the bank before it opened, and it transpired that a bank robber got shot dead. At the inquest, the coroner questioned the policeman who had done the killing.

        "So, Constable Smith, would you like to tell us in your own words what happened that fateful day?"

        "Certainly. We received intelligence that an armed gang were to raid this particular bank, so we gained access to the premises at 08.45 and secreted ourselves in various locations therein."

        "Splendid. Then what happened?"

        "Well, the bank opened, a small queue formed and at approx 09.12 a large coloured gentleman in a long raincoat forced his way to the front of the queue, levelled a sawn-off shotgun at the cashier and demanded she fill a bag with cash."

        "Oh dear. What happened then?"

        "At that point, I left my hiding place and shouted at the man - 'Halt! Armed Police! Drop your weapon' "

        "OK, then what?"

        "I received no response, so I drew my firearm, levelled it at the suspect and shouted again 'Armed Police. You are surrounded, put the weapon down' "

        "Then what happened?"

        "At that point, I perceived no compliance with my request, I shouted 'Armed Police. Stop or I will fire' "

        "Oh dear. And then...?"

        "Well, upon receiving no co-operation from the suspect, and fearing for my life, and the lives of those in the bank, I aimed my weapon at him and discharged one round, which hit him in the chest and killed him"

        "Righty ho. Next witness. Mrs Jones, 70 years old, tell us what happened"

        "Well, I was in the bank on that morning in the queue, when a big black man in a long coat pushed to the front "

        "Yes, and...?"

        "Well, he whipped out a gun, threw a bag at the cashier and started telling her to fill it with cash"

        "Yes, and..."

        "Well, at that moment, a policeman popped up from behind the counter with a pistol in his hand, said ' Say goodnight Sooty' and shot him"

        "Ah, ummmm, yes, well...."

        They decided the old dear was probably confused and didn't remember correctly. Which story do you believe?
        If you think you are going to go through all that bollocks above when it's the middle of the night, the adreneline is pumping and there's someone in your house, you are way off! You are going to be shooting like fucking Rambo. If anything, Mr Plod is in most danger, he's likely to be the one that gets shot, whether he meets a burglar trying to escape, or if he lets himself in with your key.
        In fact, I would imagine that no matter what some call centre bitch (Hi WB!) tells him about there being a key left out for him and that it's OK for him to come in, any sane policeman is going to sit outside behind his car, guns trained on the house until he's SURE there isn't anyone in there going to pop him, including you, and he can get everyone out of the place, one at a time, hands in the air.

        Then he's going to ask if your wife, standing there in her nightie, is cold, telling her "There's a real nip in the air..."
        So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

        I nearly broke her back


        • #49
          Originally posted by RacerX View Post
          As far as shops, I've heard great things about

          Big thanks to RacerX for providing this link. I have made my purchase and it shipped today. Thanks again, Ron!
          MakeAJazzNoiseHere: You kidding me? I'd suck her fartbox dry in a heartbeat. 9/29/2011 quote about Megan Fox


          • #50
            Originally posted by lerxstcat View Post
            What he wrote sounded like a static plan. And which room is "safe" and accessible depends on where in the home the intruder is as well. If you have to go through the intruder to reach the "safe" room, that's not a safe thing to try and do. People who live in apartments are going to have the basic interior room doors that are easily breachable. It's a good idea to have some idea of what to do, but not everybody is in a position to build a fortress room, and depending on the layout may not have a specific room that's obvious to make into that safe room. What if the intruder entered through the window OF the "safe" room? Now if you put deadbolts on each room, and the family could run to whichever room was away from the intruder, or even into different locked rooms if necessary, that would be something more flexible.
            It sounded like his class syllabus. And who mentioned anything about building a fortress room?

            And yeah, I don't necessarily disagree with the rest of what you said, but you still need a plan despite all that.

            Originally posted by Rsmacker View Post
            I tell you something, imagine breaking into someone's house and seeing some cuckoo like me, oiled up and naked, porridge gun in hand, like Dirty Harry, running through the house towards you screaming . I defy any of you to stand your ground. Even Wilksy Baby trembles, and that's when he's asked for his favourite - the Cato Sex Attack.
            Put the lotion in the basket....
            The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.


            • #51
              Originally posted by Alvin_Wilson View Post
              Big thanks to RacerX for providing this link. I have made my purchase and it shipped today. Thanks again, Ron!
              +2 for Ron!


              I'm trying to figure out how it works (just registering now). Do they ship directly to your home or somewhere else? Does the somewhere else cost money?


              • #52
                Does the safe room come with Jodie Foster? OK, then I shall build it..because I wanna nail her snails.

                Alvin..I got 'em where I need 'em, in three levels of the house. I'm pickin' up a Taurus Judge compact (approx $350 new). 5 410s in your nightstand and in the palm of your hand in a matter of a second (1 mississippi) sounds good to me.

                Basically the exact time it takes me to shoot my goo with the wife (1 Mississippi) stroke..DONE!
                "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by DonP View Post
                  +2 for Ron!


                  I'm trying to figure out how it works (just registering now). Do they ship directly to your home or somewhere else? Does the somewhere else cost money?
                  It has to ship to your local FFL. Generally they'll want a bit of $ for doing it, like $20 - $45.
                  "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by DonP View Post
                    +2 for Ron!


                    I'm trying to figure out how it works (just registering now). Do they ship directly to your home or somewhere else? Does the somewhere else cost money?
                    Originally posted by RacerX View Post
                    It has to ship to your local FFL. Generally they'll want a bit of $ for doing it, like $20 - $45.
                    Don, just like Ron said, they ship to your local FFL. My transfer fee is $25.
                    MakeAJazzNoiseHere: You kidding me? I'd suck her fartbox dry in a heartbeat. 9/29/2011 quote about Megan Fox


                    • #55

                      5. Can you ship my firearm direct to me at my home or office ?
                      No, all firearms must be shipped to a verified FFL (Federal Firearm License) holder. The only exceptions are some black powder firearms, and then only to approved states.
                      last updated - 01/02/2009

                      8. How do I arrange to have a local FFL handle my transfer ?You can simply choose a local FFL from our list, or we can add your preferred local FFL to our list by simply having them fax us a copy of their FFL to (800) 804-5569. Please communicate with your chosen FFL prior to completing your purchase with us. You will want to ask for their approval of the transfer as well as their transfer fee.

                      Also see # 14 - 16
                      "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


                      • #56
                        Actually, if you're buying a firearm from out of country through an importer, the firearm can be delivered directly to you. Even though here, CA State, they don't like that, it's still acceptable except for handguns. The FFL can mail it to you, but you're not supposed to take delivery unless you do the whole background check. For long arms, it doesn't matter. You just need to submit a voluntary registration form. This is kinda rare though as most people don't directly import anything.
                        The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.


                        • #57
                          Hey Mike, what's the deal with Saiga rifles? Were they banned for awhile, and now not?
                          "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


                          • #58
                            You can only own a Saiga as long as it isn't an assault weapon. Basically you put a magazine lock on it and then it's legal.
                            The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.

