Not to let Lou out do my ass
, I've picked up a couple of keepers the past month. My old house closed three weeks ago, so two weeks ago I picked up this latest from me to me gift. A Colt LE6920 M4 Carbine. It has Magpul MOE furniture on the way, but the Roger's stock is staying on it as I really like the feel of it. Once I get her some range and break in time I figure an Aimpoint Pro will get mounted to the flat top.

Picked this up about four weeks ago at a local gun show. It's a Dan Wesson Pointman Major. Hands down it has the smoothest 1911 trigger I've ever felt. Better than my friends Springfield Trophy Match, my other friends Colt Gold Cup and it puts to shame my Colt Officers ACP, Springfield Champion and Taurus PT1911. I'm a sucker for a 1911 so I'll post up my others too.

I like old battle rifles and so I've got the perfect zombie gun, a Springfield M1 Garand, a Remington 1903A3 and just because I like the Garand action I've got a Mini 14 for plinking too.

The bedroom gun is the ever reliable Glock 19. Nice no frills gun that is in condition 1 at all times.

I have other shotguns, pistols and rifles, but these are by far my favorites.

Picked this up about four weeks ago at a local gun show. It's a Dan Wesson Pointman Major. Hands down it has the smoothest 1911 trigger I've ever felt. Better than my friends Springfield Trophy Match, my other friends Colt Gold Cup and it puts to shame my Colt Officers ACP, Springfield Champion and Taurus PT1911. I'm a sucker for a 1911 so I'll post up my others too.

I like old battle rifles and so I've got the perfect zombie gun, a Springfield M1 Garand, a Remington 1903A3 and just because I like the Garand action I've got a Mini 14 for plinking too.

The bedroom gun is the ever reliable Glock 19. Nice no frills gun that is in condition 1 at all times.

I have other shotguns, pistols and rifles, but these are by far my favorites.