I've flushed a considerable amount of cash down the toilet on project guitars but every once in a while, ya hit the jackpot and find/build a keeper. I struck gold on a cheapo RR Ex that I refinished and upgraded. SD Blackout set, swapped a toggle for the 3 way blade switch, OFR, Mighty Mite neck w/ reverse head stock, Planet waves tuners, strap locks, blah blah blah... point is, the thing fuckin' ROCKS. All the best upgrades in the world don't guarantee it will play well but this one does. I have a 52 on the E and 9 - 32 on the rest. Damn thing is balls heavy sounding. And don't worry, I painted the trem route black.

So, any other kick ass project axes out there?

So, any other kick ass project axes out there?