Damn....I forgot how much I love these guys. Been stuck on Deacon Blues, FM, Hey Nineteen.-Lou
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Rediscovering Steely Dan
Great songs, great artists! Seems you either love em' or hate em'. The whole Aja album is great. One of my favorite songs by them is Bad Sneakers.2011 Godin Summit CT
2002 Jackson Y2KV USA Flag import
2006 Jackson DK2 TB
1988 or 89 Ibanez RG 560
2000 LTD H-307
2003 LTD MH-301
2011 PRS SE 245
I was at a party in 1991 or 1992, and a few of us retired to one of the rooms in the house to listen to some tunes and puff.
A lady from the neighborhood who was probably in her 40's at the time stumbled in on us (I think she was looking for the bathroom) and said,
"Hey! We used to listen to Steely Dan and do bong hits back in the 70's!!! I'm glad that you guys are keeping the tradition alive!!!"Until you get weaned off the boobie, you are going to have to do what the wife wants too. -Rsmacker
Originally posted by Cygnus X1 View PostGuilty pleasure for me also.
Wasn't there a long running joke about SD around here in the past?
Or am I thinking of Supertramp?
+1 for Aja.
Desert island disk, never wears out."clean sounds are for pussies" - Axewielder
Originally posted by tonemonster View Postoh your thinking of Sully. he LOVES supertramp! He even had an "I love supertramp" T shirt years back.
I do like a little Supertramp, but not much.
It's the squeaky voice that I hate!
The "other" vocalist that does Goodbye Stranger, and Bloody Well Right is acceptable.
...This coming from a Rush fan.
Oh, the irony!
Last edited by Cygnus X1; 04-12-2012, 04:07 PM.
Steely Dan rules but in their heyday I wouldnt have been caught dead listening to them in public. Only the snobby, collar popping, sweater wearing preppies listened to them in public. Their subject matter was a bit older and more mature than the image I was projecting at the time.It was like Woody Allen wrote all their songs. I remember reeling in the years was popular when the poseidon adventure came out. Supertramp, yuck. and dont even start with reo speedwagon........
I could stomach Supertramp far more than Steely Dan's easy-listening jazzish dogshit
And Speedwagon kicked more ass than you can. They had way better songs than just the 3 the radio stations know about, and Gary Ritchrath's tone defined what a Les Paul Goldtop should sound like.I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood
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Always great chops at every position (and a lot of rotation in players, too), beautifully crafted tunes, excellent production, but they never grabbed me at a gut level like my favorite bands. I have huge respect for them, and I don't change the channel if any of their stuff comes on, but I guess I look for a little more edge or emotion or whatever...