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Dirty Hippies!!!

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  • #61
    much better mood today. my brother, however, is not.....
    Let me tell you about a porcupine's balls.... They're small, and they don't give a shit!


    • #62
      Originally posted by hippietim View Post
      What he described was not corrupt at all. It certainly sucks if some executive fires 200 people and then gives himself a $500k bonus but it's not corrupt with regards to capitalism. Capitalism is about private ownership (as-in not the government) and a market driven economy. There is no provision in any capitalistic doctrine I've ever read that said you had to treat employees (or anyone else) fairly. The reality is that the last thing anyone wants is unchecked capitalism - otherwise there would not be laws against price-fixing, there'd be no anti-trust legislation at all, etc.
      thats still moral corruption.
      Let me tell you about a porcupine's balls.... They're small, and they don't give a shit!


      • #63
        Originally posted by jacksonkellyfreak View Post
        thats still moral corruption.
        Indeed. But that's what you get if you want a so-called free market. Imagine what things would be like if it actually was a free market.
        I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

        - Newc


        • #64
          Tommy & Timmy, I love them guys.

          And THIS is genius! Someone expand on it. I'm too lazy to, but will share your output with other forums as my own work.
          Originally posted by FlyingSkull View Post
          We need some kind of point system to figure out if our guitar heros are hippies or not.

          Can u halp?

          Dimebag Darrell (only for demonstration purposes)
          Hippie points: Long hair. Likes copious amounts of weed. Seemed goodnatured and said "bro" and "dude" a lot. = +3 Hippie points

          Non-hippie points: Lots of pinch harmonics (PING!). Confederate Flag logos everywhere. Non hippie shaped guitars. Allowed image use to endorse products. = +4 Non Hippie points.

          Result: Dimebag = non hippie.

          Anyone want to do Santana next?
          Hail yesterday


          • #65
            Never trust a hippie, fuck them.... abbie hoffman created zombies of parasitic qualities that demoralize the working class with their pitchuli stench and lack of ethical standards. Take your free love and play hide and go fuck yourself!!!!!!
            Enjoying a rum and coke, just didn't have any coke...


            • #66
              "Take your free love and play hide and go fuck yourself"

              FUCK i love this form
              -Now....shut up n play yer guitar


              • #67
                Originally posted by VitaminG View Post
                Tommy & Timmy, I love them guys.

                And THIS is genius! Someone expand on it. I'm too lazy to, but will share your output with other forums as my own work.

                Having a hippie metric is a hard one to do. How many attributes do we consider? With Dimebag, that's hardly all of them. I also believe that the attributes should be weighted to get a more accurate number that represents how much of a hippie, or not, the said person is. The pinch harmonics and confederate flag logos should clearly be worth more than a single non-hippie point. Is it fair to weight the fact that he uses the word "bro" and "dude" as 1 point while a woman not shaving her legs is also worth 1 point? A woman not shaving her legs is clearly around 10,000,000.33, repeating, of course.


                • #68
                  Originally posted by Jayster View Post
                  Never trust a hippie, fuck them.... abbie hoffman created zombies of parasitic qualities that demoralize the working class with their pitchuli stench and lack of ethical standards. Take your free love and play hide and go fuck yourself!!!!!!
                  Asserting all so-called hippies are as you describe is the same as asserting all conservatives are like the filthy pieces of shit in the Westboro Baptist Church. See you at the next war hero funeral protest!!!!
                  I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

                  - Newc


                  • #69
                    i'm the youngest of 8 kids, and i am 47 now. i was raised by hippies and rockers in a large sense,
                    my brothers and sisters all had a very good time growing up, and having 4 sisters really helped in
                    honing my craft for meeting girls. they taught me what to say, how to approach, how to walk even, body language is a huge
                    asset to deploy when going after a girl. it's not the real hippies that bother me, it's the new ones-lol
                    Not helping the situation since 1965!


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by hippietim View Post
                      What he described was not corrupt at all. It certainly sucks if some executive fires 200 people and then gives himself a $500k bonus but it's not corrupt with regards to capitalism. Capitalism is about private ownership (as-in not the government) and a market driven economy. There is no provision in any capitalistic doctrine I've ever read that said you had to treat employees (or anyone else) fairly. The reality is that the last thing anyone wants is unchecked capitalism - otherwise there would not be laws against price-fixing, there'd be no anti-trust legislation at all, etc.
                      I'm not anti corporate/anti-capitalist
                      I'm anti-slavery
                      the days of "Working hard will make you rich" AKA capitalism NEVER existed
                      "The American dream" is a ruse to get YOU working hard so that THEY get rich
                      Getting rich has everything to do with luck, nothing with work
                      "There's nothing taking away from the pure masculinity I possess"

                      -"You like Anime"



                      • #71
                        Originally posted by Nightbat View Post
                        I'm not anti corporate/anti-capitalist
                        I'm anti-slavery
                        the days of "Working hard will make you rich" AKA capitalism NEVER existed
                        "The American dream" is a ruse to get YOU working hard so that THEY get rich
                        Getting rich has everything to do with luck, nothing with work

                        i know alot of friends and people that acquired wealth by seriously busting their ass every fucking day, so your last
                        sentence is off Nightbat.
                        Not helping the situation since 1965!


                        • #72
                          I work my ass off and have been for ages. I'd have to say I do pretty damn well.


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by atomic charvel guy View Post
                            they taught me what to say, how to approach, how to walk even, body language is a huge asset to deploy when going after a girl.
                            What about if you are spiking their drinks or hiding in a bush in a dark alley?

                            Just askin'...
                            So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

                            I nearly broke her back


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by Rsmacker View Post
                              What about if you are spiking their drinks or hiding in a bush in a dark alley?

                              Just askin'...
                              that's no way to treat your sisters
                              Hail yesterday


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by Nightbat View Post
                                I'm not anti corporate/anti-capitalist
                                I'm anti-slavery
                                the days of "Working hard will make you rich" AKA capitalism NEVER existed
                                "The American dream" is a ruse to get YOU working hard so that THEY get rich
                                Getting rich has everything to do with luck, nothing with work
                                I don't agree with this, but I know what you're saying. I think you're taking it too literal. There is a degree of luck involved with anything anyway. It's life, and it's not fair. If you work really hard at McDonald's your whole life you can be a manager, maybe even own your own franchise. Not amazing, but not terrible either. I've worked in a factory for 12 hours a day starting at 10/hr. I could've stayed, and maybe in 10 or 15 years I could have moved up to be a QC manager, or something similar, probably not breaking 20/hr. Yeah, I worked hard, but that's not smart, either. Terrible investment of my time and effort. If that's what you really want to do and are happy, that's great. But complaining the owners of the company are getting rich off of your hard work is just silly. I think there a lot of problems in the US right now that make it a lot harder for people to get ahead, but most people probably wouldn't agree with what I believe they are.

