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Dirty Hippies!!!

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  • #31
    a real hippie wouldn't drive a Prius. Partly for ethical reasons - non-oil burning or no, a lot of waste is created in the manufacture of a motor vehicle, plastic dashboards, tyres, producing the electricity to run the car, etc.

    A bicycle is much less impactful.

    But mainly because they can't afford one.
    Hail yesterday


    • #32
      Originally posted by JakeErayvaugh View Post
      Gosh I love stereotypes! I came here to look at cool guitars and maybe learn something cool about music, and yet another place full of rubbish politics, and pundits, and stereotypes, and stupidity. Just like everywhere else online, on tv, on the radio, at the watercooler, etc. Sorry to vent, but everyone in the world thinks they work for fox news or cnn and its very annoying. Show me some guitars dammit! Not some less than attractive person.
      You came to look at guitars in "Off Topic"? (small hint there)

      And perhaps because opinions are made by people, you're seeing the same thing on tv as in forums

      Also, I find it very narrowminded to prefer a inanimate object over the life of a person, especially when there can be no accounting for taste, every person is beautiful in their own way
      If you open your mind and your heart, you don't need to open your eyes and the world would become a better place for us all
      (now excuse me while I go vomit because of the provo-new wave bullshit crap I put in that last paragraph,...Kumbaya my ass!)
      "There's nothing taking away from the pure masculinity I possess"

      -"You like Anime"



      • #33
        Originally posted by Nightbat View Post
        You came to look at guitars in "Off Topic"? (small hint there)

        And perhaps because opinions are made by people, you're seeing the same thing on tv as in forums

        Also, I find it very narrowminded to prefer a inanimate object over the life of a person, especially when there can be no accounting for taste, every person is beautiful in their own way
        If you open your mind and your heart, you don't need to open your eyes and the world would become a better place for us all
        (now excuse me while I go vomit because of the provo-new wave bullshit crap I put in that last paragraph,...Kumbaya my ass!)
        Dude, that was awesome, I actually threw up in my mouth a little when I read the "if you open your mind and heart" part
        Please don't ever say that shit again
        Last edited by dvscool; 04-25-2012, 10:37 PM.
        -Now....shut up n play yer guitar


        • #34
          Originally posted by Nimitz View Post
          ^ The truth stings.

          This is general discussion... you didn't have to click on it...

          ...anyway I posted this in the local Rants and Raves section of Craigslist here in Wisconsin four times in the last two days and it keeps getting flagged and removed... I'm glad they're all for free speech around here... talk about irony.

          The hate runs deep here in Madison... I mean mini San Fran.
          my wife has told me stories about that place. Shes from milwaukee. but shes a conservative, despises bleeding heart pusscake libtards, and holy shit here we go, i can vent!! She told me about these liberal pussies coming into the travel agency where she worked and yelling at the people who came in to give their money to the blacks and the immigrants instead of being selfish and taking a vacation, and threatening her. it happened to be 2 dirty shitstain chicks. So Jo, keep in mind ive told you guys that shes 6 feet tall, literally throws the 2 bitches out by their nasty dreads and said the smell on her hand was unbearable. anyway, so a few minutes later burny mcbra and munchymuff come back with a cop, and had fed him a bullshit story that they were trying to make vacation plans and she got in their face about being hippies. one look and listen to the security video was all it took and they were arrested. I hate liberals. I will never feel guilty, nor will i be forced to feel guilty for working my fucking ass off to own what i own. I dont give 2 fucking shits about their cause. my heart refuses to bleed for some dumb motherfuck trying to live solely off welfare or stealing. I dont feel a need to sell my guitars off to help some piece of shit eat or feed his family because he wont fucking work. and these retarded fucking libs that have fantasized in public about conservatives dying a slow painful death, what the fuck? they only love all people that arent white, middle class that work. Now i really dont care where you come from, what color your skin is, etc, etc. Youre just like me in my eyes. able to work. Welfare is for disabled soldiers, elderly, or people who just cant make ends meet. its supposed to be monthly help, an aid to the paycheck, not a free means to live.
          Let me tell you about a porcupine's balls.... They're small, and they don't give a shit!


          • #35
            {rant} I was born in San Francisco in 1970, during the 70's we had to shew the fucking hippie drop outs off our stairs because apparently they thought 'dropping out' meant they could just park their high asses anywhere they liked. That's not a stereotype that is in fact what it was. It wasn't homeless or less fortunate it was the fucking idiots who "opened their minds" and in turn burned themselves out and became a drain on society. I remember a lot of nights our dog would go ape shit down to the front door and dad would have to tell them to get the fuck off our porch. I get so tired of seeing video clips of SF in the 1960's and flower power and all that horse shit, what they need to do is start showing video from the 70's and what a fucking waste of life a large group of those junkies became. {/rant}

            As for the person who came to look at pictures of pretty guitars. I believe you are in fact looking for nothing but pictures because you obviously can't read that this is OFF TOPIC. That means it's not all about guitars on this part of the forum. That's why it's separate from the guitar stuff. Sorry you're butt hurt, if you go to the "Guitars by other manufacturers" there are some really awesome pictures of some great Washburn guitars. I hope that helps. bye now.
            In the future though I need to remember to not buy guitars while on Nyquil


            • #36
              Im with you man. and all those dirty hippy trash motherfuckers are the liberals today. look at the similarities... sharing everything, common property, they think your property is also everyone elses, no coincidence at all, and if left in charge, socialism and communism will destroy this great nation.
              Let me tell you about a porcupine's balls.... They're small, and they don't give a shit!


              • #37
                I’d rather still be ranting about the fuckin ugly hippiepic but I was thinking....Do I even know any "liberal" shredders? I don’t think Ido. I’m sure there out there, but I don’t know em….

                Then I got to thinking more (fuck), isn't "liberal shredder" an oxymoron? :think:

                -Now....shut up n play yer guitar


                • #38
                  Originally posted by dvscool View Post
                  I’d rather still be ranting about the fuckin ugly hippiepic but I was thinking....Do I even know any "liberal" shredders? I don’t think Ido. I’m sure there out there, but I don’t know em….

                  Then I got to thinking more (fuck), isn't "liberal shredder" an oxymoron? :think:

                  Nope. There's no such thing. Why? Because learning to shred takes effort and discipline. Don't get me wrong; there are plenty of players who simply don't care about shredding and I totally respect that. But at the same time, I doubt you'll ever see a hippie shredder because those liberal types don't have it in them to really accomplish anything.
                  Member - National Sarcasm Society

                  "Oh, sure. Like we need your support."


                  • #39
                    I'm pretty liberal
                    but I've been brought up with the words "if you want something, you're gonna have to work for it"
                    for this reason, I despise the leechers and lazy assed motherfuckers trying to live off the backs of others
                    they're responsible for people that realy need help (disabled/chronically ill) and those that earned it (the elderly) are seeing cutbacks
                    and are down to sitting in pyjamas all day, or those still willing to make an effort (but can't afford a re-education)

                    The liberal part is the thing that I believe NOBODY needs 2 million a year to make the fucking ends meet, you can't sack 200 employees and give yourself $500K
                    bonus because you just 'saved the company', you only postponed the trouble till later and increasing the overhead costs while your at it

                    The occupy-movement gets a (deservedly) bad rep because of all those bums too lazy to work, while it should be a movement for the people that got canned
                    because some ass didn't want to wait a year before he could afford a new yacht (hey, it could be you and me in weeks/months/years from now out on the street),
                    or the people that genuinly want to work but can't and slowly are becoming less able to sustain themselves

                    If everybody is a Manager, who the fuck is gonna clean the toilets
                    "There's nothing taking away from the pure masculinity I possess"

                    -"You like Anime"



                    • #40
                      Originally posted by JakeErayvaugh View Post
                      Gosh I love stereotypes! I came here to look at cool guitars and maybe learn something cool about music, and yet another place full of rubbish politics, and pundits, and stereotypes, and stupidity. Just like everywhere else online, on tv, on the radio, at the watercooler, etc. Sorry to vent, but everyone in the world thinks they work for fox news or cnn and its very annoying. Show me some guitars dammit! Not some less than attractive person.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Nightbat View Post
                        I'm pretty liberal
                        but I've been brought up with the words "if you want something, you're gonna have to work for it"
                        for this reason, I despise the leechers and lazy assed motherfuckers trying to live off the backs of others
                        they're responsible for people that realy need help (disabled/chronically ill) and those that earned it (the elderly) are seeing cutbacks
                        and are down to sitting in pyjamas all day, or those still willing to make an effort (but can't afford a re-education)

                        The liberal part is the thing that I believe NOBODY needs 2 million a year to make the fucking ends meet, you can't sack 200 employees and give yourself $500K
                        bonus because you just 'saved the company', you only postponed the trouble till later and increasing the overhead costs while your at it

                        The occupy-movement gets a (deservedly) bad rep because of all those bums too lazy to work, while it should be a movement for the people that got canned
                        because some ass didn't want to wait a year before he could afford a new yacht (hey, it could be you and me in weeks/months/years from now out on the street),
                        or the people that genuinly want to work but can't and slowly are becoming less able to sustain themselves

                        If everybody is a Manager, who the fuck is gonna clean the toilets
                        thats not liberalism bro. liberalism is about feeling sorry for everyone who is of a different race, illegal or not should be entitled to free handouts and shit, and self loathing the fact that you are white. i dont mind anybody illegal as long as they want to learn the language and work and not sponge. also try to become legal. your stance is pretty much just anti corporate, anti capitalism. which, is what America was founded on. but not what you describe. thats corrupt capitalism. and i see why you take a stand against that.
                        Let me tell you about a porcupine's balls.... They're small, and they don't give a shit!


                        • #42
                          It's not the "Hippies" bleeding the welfare system dry in Milwaukee. Not even close.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by PowerTube View Post
                            Nope. There's no such thing. Why? Because learning to shred takes effort and discipline. Don't get me wrong; there are plenty of players who simply don't care about shredding and I totally respect that. But at the same time, I doubt you'll ever see a hippie shredder because those liberal types don't have it in them to really accomplish anything.
                            then where did the billionaire democrat politician and the expensive private liberal arts college that hippy girl is in favour of come from? That's railing against the stereotype. Are they smelly lazy potheads who can't achieve anything, or are they the wellpaid & privileged pushing their liberal agenda while disconnected from the plight of "Real Americans"?

                            Originally posted by jacksonkellyfreak View Post
                            thats not liberalism bro. liberalism is about feeling sorry for everyone who is of a different race, illegal or not should be entitled to free handouts and shit, and self loathing the fact that you are white. i dont mind anybody illegal as long as they want to learn the language and work and not sponge. also try to become legal. your stance is pretty much just anti corporate, anti capitalism. which, is what America was founded on. but not what you describe. thats corrupt capitalism. and i see why you take a stand against that.
                            You might want to have a word with Websters. They seem to have got their definition of "liberal" completely wrong. The dictionary seems to think it is about political reform and maximum personal freedoms, as guaranteed by law & the protection of civil liberties. Doesn't sound like a bad thing. Actually sounds more like what America stands for than "make as much money as you personally can and fuck your neighbours who might be struggling". But then, as the govt showed (and a Democratic one too) during the Occupy movement, they'll truncheon you, mace you and throw you in a cell for peacefully sitting in a park. But if you rort the system, cripple the nations economy, fuck over the lower classes & send most of your workforce to the unemployment line, you'll be handsomely rewarded with a nice fat bonus & govt funded bailout so you can keep doing your business. Isn't unregulated capitalism great? These company CEOs should be applauded. I mean, they are working 400X harder than the entry level employees they laid off, it's only right they should be commensurated appropriately.

                            I think Nightbat's version is much closer to the truth.
                            Hail yesterday


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by axmann View Post
                              It's not the "Hippies" bleeding the welfare system dry in Milwaukee. Not even close.

                              yea milwaukee is a bad town man. i went one and had my hand on my gun the entire time. told Jo id never go back.
                              Let me tell you about a porcupine's balls.... They're small, and they don't give a shit!


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by VitaminG View Post
                                then where did the billionaire democrat politician and the expensive private liberal arts college that hippy girl is in favour of come from? That's railing against the stereotype. Are they smelly lazy potheads who can't achieve anything, or are they the wellpaid & privileged pushing their liberal agenda while disconnected from the plight of "Real Americans"?

                                You might want to have a word with Websters. They seem to have got their definition of "liberal" completely wrong. The dictionary seems to think it is about political reform and maximum personal freedoms, as guaranteed by law & the protection of civil liberties. Doesn't sound like a bad thing. Actually sounds more like what America stands for than "make as much money as you personally can and fuck your neighbours who might be struggling". But then, as the govt showed (and a Democratic one too) during the Occupy movement, they'll truncheon you, mace you and throw you in a cell for peacefully sitting in a park. But if you rort the system, cripple the nations economy, fuck over the lower classes & send most of your workforce to the unemployment line, you'll be handsomely rewarded with a nice fat bonus & govt funded bailout so you can keep doing your business. Isn't unregulated capitalism great? These company CEOs should be applauded. I mean, they are working 400X harder than the entry level employees they laid off, it's only right they should be commensurated appropriately.

                                I think Nightbat's version is much closer to the truth.
                                not the liberals ive encountered. they are the exact opposite of the definition. fantasizing about conservatives dying violently, saying the whites should have their jobs given to minorities. maybe elsewhere, but not what ive encountered. those are the ones i hate. and i fuckin hate those pieces of shit. and i hope they die. lets throw my piece of shit brother in there too. hes not a liberal but i fuckin hope he dies too. the bastard just told me that he was glad when our father passed away so he wouldnt have to put up with him bitching about him anymore. im in a shit fuckin mood man, and i believe im gonna go to jail tonight. cuz im gonna beat him stupid.
                                Let me tell you about a porcupine's balls.... They're small, and they don't give a shit!

