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Something to think about

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  • Something to think about

    Figured Id stop in to leave something to be discussed, pondered.

    They say a man shouldnt know his future, that its better to let it come as it does with no idea whats coming and when. This is primarily so A. if its bad, you dont drive yourself nuts dreading the day, and B. if its good, so you dont fuck it up before it happens. Additionally, while a bad surprise blows hard, a good one is nice every once in a while.

    Tonight, I learned a man shouldnt necessarily know his entire past either. When one wishes to move past a prior happening and set of circumstances, he should leave it at that and move on. Not look into just exactly how bad the circumstances may have been, just that theyre bad is all one needs to know. If you already have a good idea as to the nature of those circumstances, then leave it be, DONT DIG. There will come a point when you dig so deep, you hit pay dirt, and then youll wish you wouldnt have gone digging.

    Some of you who have platinum access have a rudimentary understanding where Im at right now. I havent given enough details to convey the whole picture. I will add to it to say that things are ultimately looking up, and that were doing much better together. However, there has been a source of info that til tonight, hadnt considered digging in thinking it was probably a pretty innocuous source of info. So dug in, it was way more informative than I thought it was and what I read hit my like a hundred ton of bricks at first. Im still a little shaken as I write this, but its getting better, just because ultimately it doesnt change anything because I feel her guilt and regret is truly heartfelt. I knew about the situation but until tonight, didnt know how long it had been to the severity I was told it got too a couple of weeks ago. I wont lie, I feel a bit more betrayed now after reading what I read, knowing that it didnt just reach critical mass a couple weeks ago like she let on, but had been going on for quite some time(about 9 months or so) and it was apparently not just once but ultimately, its all part of the problem I forgave and agreed to her and to myself to move past.

    My point is this, as I stated above, once youve forgiven and agreed to get past something, no matter what it is, leave it at that and move on. You dont need anymore details, you dont want anymore details, Im telling you. Once youve realized the problem and have been told what it is, leave it at that. Throw any more curiosity you may have about the circumstances out the window and move the fuck on. Dont dig, dont dig, dont dig.

    Its also said that that one must remember the past or it will repeat its self, while that is true, you dont need the whole picture to remember the past and learn from it. A basic idea and understanding what happened in the past is all one needs. Finding out anymore than you really need to know about the past could be devastating.
    HTTP 404 - Signature Not Found

  • #2
    One more thing, if you find that you just gotta know, youre on a hell bent quest for more gut wrenching information, if your dig crosses some kind of privacy boundary, no matter how small, tread very carefully if youre gonna bring it up to the other concerned parties.
    HTTP 404 - Signature Not Found


    • #3
      Man I don't know you or what exactly you're going through (I can get a vague idea), but reading this really hit home concerning something I've been dealing with. Power to you bro, and best of luck.


      • #4
        yea same here bro. My thoughts are with ya, cuz I got a pretty good idea. Ive been there. and Ill even go as far to tell ya this, she left me and ended up in a relationship a month later, and i tried to quietly kill myself, and it just happened that my sister came to check on me and found me. a year later, she (JODEE you sickos-lol) was my wife, but i know she never cheated. thats a whole new can of shit there.
        Last edited by jacksonkellyfreak; 05-01-2012, 05:04 PM.
        Let me tell you about a porcupine's balls.... They're small, and they don't give a shit!


        • #5
          The thing is about this kind of shit, at the time, its fucking killer, it’s overwhelming, it’s SO intense it consumes every part of you. You just want it to be gone. As time passes, its gets better. Always. And if it doesn’t then you need to make it better because you CAN’T, I repeat CAN’T let that shit consume your life. That means doing whatever it is you need to do to clear your head. And generally that means getting the fuck out of it. I’m only speaking from experience. I hope it all works out for you dude.
          -Now....shut up n play yer guitar


          • #6
            Some of us are morbid creatures. We continue to do things that we know hurt... the more it hurts, the more we do, the more we dig, the more we poke and prod, even though we dont want to know, theres something inside us that makes us NEED to find out. And when we do, we wish we hadnt... but due to the type of person we are, we wouldnt have been able to let it go.

            Twitch, chances are that if you didnt dig as far as you did and find out the whole truth, you would never have been completely satisfied. We HAVE to know the truth at pretty much any cost. Sure, it hurts like hell now... I know that heavy feeling you have in your chest, almost like someone is standing on it. Ive been there, I know EXACTLY how it feels. Its fucking horrible. But the horrible truth is, people like us MUST fall to the bottom of the hole before we can climb back out again... If you were really ok with the situation before you went digging, you wouldnt have done it.

            Now that youve got your answers, weather you wanted them or not, you can really start the healing process... it takes a lot of time, its gonna hurt for a while. I have found that talking about it with the person does help... but if you do that, it ALL has to be put on the table. Or you can just deal with it by yourself, but also Ive found that that you may subconciously put up mental walls and boudries which can protect you from future problems but will also possibly desensitize you towards that person, and you may not want that to happen.

            Its a tough situation, probably the worst. Just know it will get better from here on out, but it takes some work.
            Imagine, being able to be magically whisked away to... Delaware. Hi... Im in... Delaware...


            • #7
              Originally posted by jacksonkellyfreak View Post
              it just happened that my sister came to check on me and found me. a year later, she was my wife
              Yeee-haaaw, she sure dun got a purty mouth, best keep her in the family.
              So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

              I nearly broke her back


              • #8
                Yeah, that's what I was thinking

                But while you're free to do as you want with your life, trust is the most important thing, and if you can't trust them, I see no reason to keep them around. Good times, bad times, the kids, the sex, whatever justification people want to use to throw themselves into the same old meat grinder - that's up to the individual, but for me, if I can't trust someone, I don't want them anywhere near me.

                Head games are for teenagers, and playing the field is for singles only. Once you're committed, you're committed. Otherwise, you're a self-centered, untrustworthy, and useless piece of shit that deserves all the trouble that falls on you.
                I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

                The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

                My Blog:


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Rsmacker View Post
                  Yeee-haaaw, she sure dun got a purty mouth, best keep her in the family.
                  woops, shoulda worded that better. no no, i may be in tn, but trust me, none of thats goin on.
                  Let me tell you about a porcupine's balls.... They're small, and they don't give a shit!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Newc View Post
                    Yeah, that's what I was thinking

                    But while you're free to do as you want with your life, trust is the most important thing, and if you can't trust them, I see no reason to keep them around. Good times, bad times, the kids, the sex, whatever justification people want to use to throw themselves into the same old meat grinder - that's up to the individual, but for me, if I can't trust someone, I don't want them anywhere near me.

                    Head games are for teenagers, and playing the field is for singles only. Once you're committed, you're committed. Otherwise, you're a self-centered, untrustworthy, and useless piece of shit that deserves all the trouble that falls on you.
                    Dude you're so right. And Twitch I feel for you bro. Get it out of your system now.
                    Jackson Adrian Smith SDX
                    LTD EC401VF
                    Gibby Les Paul
                    Ibanez RG220D O Natural
                    Fender Parts Caster
                    Oranger Tiny Terror Head
                    2) Orange PPC 1X12 Celestion Vintage 30
                    TU2 Tuner
                    Dunlop Cantrell Wah
                    Fulltone 70's Fuzz
                    Fulltone Distortion Pro1
                    Fulltone Mosfet 2
                    Fulltone OCD OD
                    Fulltone Deja Vibe


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by chuckbat View Post
                      Dude you're so right. And Twitch I feel for you bro. Get it out of your system now.
                      -Now....shut up n play yer guitar


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Twitch View Post
                        Tonight, I learned a man shouldnt necessarily know his entire past either.
                        Wether known before or not, it's not a bad thing to dwell on the past, it shaped who you've become, prevents you from repeating mistakes,
                        and makes you think about the future

                        The only thing you have to be sure of, is that you prevent it from trying to sneak up on you again
                        "There's nothing taking away from the pure masculinity I possess"

                        -"You like Anime"



                        • #13
                          No. You should know the whole story - especially if you are offering up forgiveness. If I 'forgive' then find out there is more sh!t...then I have forgiven based upon a lie.

                          I'd be more like "I thought that I could move past it but it is too much". Then I'd be on my way.

                          I'm assuming that I understand some part of the scenario without knowing the backstory but even not knowing...the bold part stands true.
                          My Duncan Designed pickups are way better than Seymour Duncan regular pickups you fanboy.

                          Yeah...too bad the forum doesn't have a minimum IQ.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by goodwood View Post
                            No. You should know the whole story - especially if you are offering up forgiveness. If I 'forgive' then find out there is more sh!t...then I have forgiven based upon a lie.

                            I'd be more like "I thought that I could move past it but it is too much". Then I'd be on my way.

                            I'm assuming that I understand some part of the scenario without knowing the backstory but even not knowing...the bold part stands true.
                            My solution to this is to never forgive, just forget and move on. It's fucking brutal but, in my experience.. necessary.

