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OK Time for a trashing

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  • OK Time for a trashing

    Hi. I started the thread on Godsmack, now I need to get this off my chest. I HATE NICKLEBACK..

    They might be the worst excuse for rock and roll. We listen to a station at work that is the worst excuse for a rock station and we are bombarded w/ Nickleback and Godsmack at least 5 or more times a day. I know change the station, turn it off, etc..whatever. I'm just disillusioned with radio rock today. Sorry needed to vent.
    Jackson Adrian Smith SDX
    LTD EC401VF
    Gibby Les Paul
    Ibanez RG220D O Natural
    Fender Parts Caster
    Oranger Tiny Terror Head
    2) Orange PPC 1X12 Celestion Vintage 30
    TU2 Tuner
    Dunlop Cantrell Wah
    Fulltone 70's Fuzz
    Fulltone Distortion Pro1
    Fulltone Mosfet 2
    Fulltone OCD OD
    Fulltone Deja Vibe

  • #2
    I have a 3rd party Nickleback story to tell. A friend of a friend was working in a convenience store and the Chad pulls up in a limo with some skankage. The dude was closing the store for the evening. The Chad offers him 50 bucks to keep the store open so he can buy whatever it is that he needed for his evening. Dude recognizes him and yells through the door "I'll give you $50 to stop making music!"
    GTWGITS! - RacerX


    • #3
      Originally posted by Hellbat View Post
      I have a 3rd party Nickleback story to tell. A friend of a friend was working in a convenience store and the Chad pulls up in a limo with some skankage. The dude was closing the store for the evening. The Chad offers him 50 bucks to keep the store open so he can buy whatever it is that he needed for his evening. Dude recognizes him and yells through the door "I'll give you $50 to stop making music!"
      Nice.. I guess Chad was to cheap to give him $100.
      Jackson Adrian Smith SDX
      LTD EC401VF
      Gibby Les Paul
      Ibanez RG220D O Natural
      Fender Parts Caster
      Oranger Tiny Terror Head
      2) Orange PPC 1X12 Celestion Vintage 30
      TU2 Tuner
      Dunlop Cantrell Wah
      Fulltone 70's Fuzz
      Fulltone Distortion Pro1
      Fulltone Mosfet 2
      Fulltone OCD OD
      Fulltone Deja Vibe


      • #4
        While I'm no real fan of Nickelback, I thought the radio-friendly crap they generated suited the genre well. Can someone explain to me exactly what it is they are doing wrong, and what they should be doing musically instead?
        I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

        The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

        My Blog:


        • #5
          I like their guitar tone on the long road or whatever. not a fan, but Ill give them this, if they converted one person from a (c)rap fan to a rock fan they have my respect. How many rock and metal acts are main stream and popular today? how many violent thug rappers are mainstream? hell look at kunt-ye west. You dont see rockers up there bitching about khaki shorts and big ass striped scarves. thats his latest twitter rant btw, according to the news. that guy needs to be shot.
          Let me tell you about a porcupine's balls.... They're small, and they don't give a shit!


          • #6
            Originally posted by Newc View Post
            While I'm no real fan of Nickelback, I thought the radio-friendly crap they generated suited the genre well. Can someone explain to me exactly what it is they are doing wrong, and what they should be doing musically instead?
            I guess my problem is at heart I think they are pretty damn good musicians. There have been lots of videos put up on YouTube showing them doing Metallica covers and other harder edge stuff that kicks butt. I don't know how to say it. Maybe they're sell outs. I hate that term. And yes they're in the business to sell records and put money in theirs and others pockets. Don't know how to word my problem. I just have to tune em out.
            Jackson Adrian Smith SDX
            LTD EC401VF
            Gibby Les Paul
            Ibanez RG220D O Natural
            Fender Parts Caster
            Oranger Tiny Terror Head
            2) Orange PPC 1X12 Celestion Vintage 30
            TU2 Tuner
            Dunlop Cantrell Wah
            Fulltone 70's Fuzz
            Fulltone Distortion Pro1
            Fulltone Mosfet 2
            Fulltone OCD OD
            Fulltone Deja Vibe


            • #7
              Meh, Nickelback is just the epitome of boring commercial rock to me. And I wasn't aware Godsmack still came on the radio, I thought they were dated to the early 2000s and had seen the end of their radio days. Then again.. I don't listen to the radio so...


              • #8
                while i understand your sentiment, let me tell you about my musical journey. while i am at NO means near the level of nickleback, i did choose to take a path different musical path from what i listen to...

                i play commercial hard rock, but i listen to metal. i am capable of playing music a lot more difficult than i do, but i just don't want to. back in the '80s i asked myself a crucial i want to have chicks in the crowd or play to mostly sweaty dudes? i like tits, so my preference was to play to mostly chicks. my band philosophy has always been to make music that chicks will enjoy - good production, catchy hooks - then play it a bit more aggressively live so that the dudes that the chicks drag to the show would dig it. it always worked until this current band...for some reason my singer doesn't 'click' with chicks - i think it is her stand-offish nature....

                my point is that maybe nickleback is doing exactly what they want. maybe they ARE totally capable of playing more, but are happy doing what they do.

                some guitars...WITH STRINGS!!!! most of them have those sticks like on guitar hero....AWESOME!!!!

                some amps...they have some glowing bottle like things in them...i think my amps do that modelling thing....COOL, huh?!?!?!

                and finally....

                i have those little plastic "chips" used to hit the strings...WHOA!!!!


                • #9
                  See? Mark's smart. he gets how the shit works. Id bet none of em even like their stuff. They might surprise you and be all jamming on some megadeth at rehearsals. and just bang out some cookie cutter stuff in 5 min. Like I said Im not a fan of their music, but I do respect em.
                  Let me tell you about a porcupine's balls.... They're small, and they don't give a shit!


                  • #10
                    I get the whole play to the chick thing. But that doesn't mean I should respect them. So does that mean they're sell out and not playing the music that they truly enjoy. Is lamb of God sell outs? How about the Allman bros? Megadeth? Slayer? Was PanterA? How about Down? They all play or played music that was true to themselves. They're plenty of chicks who like good quality music. I guess my problem is with commercial bubble gum radio. I guess I'll have to turn it off. No harm meant just opinion. Thanks for yours.
                    Last edited by chuckbat; 05-08-2012, 08:48 PM.
                    Jackson Adrian Smith SDX
                    LTD EC401VF
                    Gibby Les Paul
                    Ibanez RG220D O Natural
                    Fender Parts Caster
                    Oranger Tiny Terror Head
                    2) Orange PPC 1X12 Celestion Vintage 30
                    TU2 Tuner
                    Dunlop Cantrell Wah
                    Fulltone 70's Fuzz
                    Fulltone Distortion Pro1
                    Fulltone Mosfet 2
                    Fulltone OCD OD
                    Fulltone Deja Vibe


                    • #11
                      I would just like to see them write one song that doesn't deal with getting liquored and/or BJ'ed. Their music I don't mind, but their lyrics are written for 19 year old trade apprentices.
                      GTWGITS! - RacerX


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Hellbat View Post
                        I would just like to see them write one song that doesn't deal with getting liquored and/or BJ'ed. Their music I don't mind, but their lyrics are written for 19 year old trade apprentices.
                        Maybe thats what I mean.
                        Jackson Adrian Smith SDX
                        LTD EC401VF
                        Gibby Les Paul
                        Ibanez RG220D O Natural
                        Fender Parts Caster
                        Oranger Tiny Terror Head
                        2) Orange PPC 1X12 Celestion Vintage 30
                        TU2 Tuner
                        Dunlop Cantrell Wah
                        Fulltone 70's Fuzz
                        Fulltone Distortion Pro1
                        Fulltone Mosfet 2
                        Fulltone OCD OD
                        Fulltone Deja Vibe


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by chuckbat View Post
                          I get the whole play to the chick thing. But that doesn't mean I should respect them. So does that mean they're sell out and not playing the music that they truly enjoy. Is lamb of God sell outs? How about the Allman bros? Megadeth? Slayer? Was PanterA? How about Down? They all play or played music that was true to themselves. They're plenty of chicks who like good quality music. I guess my problem is with commercial bubble gum radio. I guess I'll have to turn it off. No harm meant just opinion. Thanks for yours.

                          hahahaha, if you play what you want, regardless of your TALENT LEVEL then you aren't a sell-out. some people may enjoy listening to more complicated music, but my not have ANY interest in actually performing it. playing something that you don't believe in, JUST BECAUSE you can sell it means you are a sell-out...

                          again, like godsmack - if you don't like them you don't have to listen to them. and for the record, i think they suck....

                          some guitars...WITH STRINGS!!!! most of them have those sticks like on guitar hero....AWESOME!!!!

                          some amps...they have some glowing bottle like things in them...i think my amps do that modelling thing....COOL, huh?!?!?!

                          and finally....

                          i have those little plastic "chips" used to hit the strings...WHOA!!!!


                          • #14
                            i was thinking more about this....

                            being from tampa, there are A LOT of extreme metal and death metal bands. they gig a lot. it is not uncommon to rub elbows at shows with the dudes from cannibal corpse, morbid angel, deicide, atheist...

                            yet, in a scene like this my band plays AOR hard rock. our hometown crowds are small compared to the death metal bands.

                            i can play heavier music - i grew up in this scene playing shows supporting the above mentioned bands when i was younger, along with early iced earth, death, nasty bassist grew up in the scene too. my drummer also plays in a death metal band called empty....

                            we could EASILY fire the girl singer, get a cookie monster and play death metal....would i be selling out?

                            some guitars...WITH STRINGS!!!! most of them have those sticks like on guitar hero....AWESOME!!!!

                            some amps...they have some glowing bottle like things in them...i think my amps do that modelling thing....COOL, huh?!?!?!

                            and finally....

                            i have those little plastic "chips" used to hit the strings...WHOA!!!!


                            • #15
                              When we were younger and would trash bands like Poison and all that, calling them posers and whatever, sure it's true, and they looked gay as shit, and i can't believe i'd defend it now but, older... perhaps wiser...i say:

                              Get Money, Fuck Bitches, if you can.

                              Laugh all the way to the bank and cry about your integrity while rolling around naked in money, or is it a tear of joy? Hmn,..deep thoughts.....ah well,

                              Fuck it.

