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Gun Enthuist & Fan of our Freedoms? Great video

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  • Gun Enthuist & Fan of our Freedoms? Great video

    I thoroughly enjoyed this video, the man stuttered a little but was clear and concise and did not give in to any ridiculous demands about his freedom. Warning, this may get you killed in some states.

    Enjoying a rum and coke, just didn't have any coke...

  • #2
    I've seen a guy carry a handgun in open site before in New Mexico. It was kind of a surprise, just because you usually don't see people do that. It's cool that this guy know his rights.

    Thanks for the video share, I enjoyed it!
    Jackson ke3 kelly trans blue
    Jackson Dk2m bengal with emg 81/85


    • #3
      I have been on both sides of this issue. I can say that it is a double edged sword. If the officer does the stop, he is violating the rights of the carrier. If he does not, and the carrier commits a violent act, the cop is accused of not doing his job properly. People wonder why officers of the law get to be such assholes. It is because 98% of the time, no matter what they do, they are portrayed as a dick head. The other 2% of the time, they are betrayed as dicks with a badge. In Ohio, this fuck would have been arrested for not showing proper identification to a law officer when requested. This is a felony charge.

      You can claim unreasonable search and seizure all you want, but, it is not unreasonable when you are questioned about what your intentions are for carrying a loaded weapon....even in plain sight.

      This cop has never encountered someone like the persosn in question before or their laws are very forgiving to the carrier in his state. I could have came up with 3 charges easily just from this video tape.-Lou
      " I do not pay women for sex. I pay for them to leave after the sex ". -Wise words of Charlie Sheen


      • #4
        That was awesome! Good for him!
        "I would have banned you for taking part in hijacking and derailing a thread when you could have started your own thread about your own topic." - Unknown


        • #5
          Good for him. It always amuses me when the citizens seem to know more about the law than the law knows about the law, however, this is why concealed carry exists, if for nothing more than to avoid useless, annoying encounters with law enforcement and other civilians.
          HTTP 404 - Signature Not Found


          • #6
            love it!


            • #7
              You can carry in plain sight here in Ky.
              I have a CCL BTW, and this day I was carrying in plain sight when an officer came in to the gas station where I was pumping gas in my car.
              He asked if I had a permit I said yes he asked why I had it on the hip in plain sight I said because of the neighborhood I was in.
              He said you know the station does not allow weapons in the store.I said I know and I am paying at the pump.
              He told me fine let me see your CCL so I showed him and he said OK Sir have a nice day.
              Last edited by straycat; 06-23-2012, 12:28 AM.
              Really? well screw Mark Twain.


              • #8
                West Virginia is an open carry state. I have my concealed carry permit, and I don't open carry. I don't wish to advertise to a criminal what may be lying in wait for them. I know a several people and have a couple of friends who open carry, and for the most part they have the "Billy Bad Ass" mentality. I'm a big guy, 6'4" and 260 lbs, but my Gramps always said the bigger they are the harder they fall. You would be surprised how many dumb fuckers there are out there want to fuck with a bigger guy just because they think that will help them attain "alpha male" status. My pistol is my last line of my them versus me/my family defense. The average working Joe walking down the street isn't who I worry about, it's the fucking crack head meth mouths out there who have hawked away their life and are looking for someone else's belongings to hawk to get their next fix. They're walking damn zombies who don't care, and they will do anything to get their next fix. The sad thing is there are more of them every day. Those are the fuckers that worry me... Would I waste prison space with them, nah, a noose or a firing squad would do just fine and save us taxpayers a lot of money...


                • #9
                  Originally posted by straycat View Post
                  You can carry in plain sight here in Ky.
                  I have a CCL BTW, and this day I was carrying in plain sight when an officer came in to the gas station where I was pumping gas in my car.
                  He asked if I had a permit I said yes he asked why I had it on the hip in plain sight I said because of the neighborhood I was in.
                  He said you know the station does not allow weapons in the store.I said I know and I am paying at the pump.
                  He told me fine let me see your CCL so I showed him and he said OK Sir have a nice day.
                  You handled that one perfectly, and so did the officer IMHO. A lot of people seem to forget they are just out there keeping the peace. If you had walked in the station with the gun on your hip we could all probably put our last cent in the pot and bet that you would have been reported to the police for breaking their store rules.

                  A lot of states require you declare to an officer of the law if you have a concealed carry permit. The officer doesn't even have to ask. You would be surprised at how many concealed carry owners do not know that. I would declare to an officer as a common courtesy, say for example if I were pulled over for speeding. I'd just hand him my license and concealed carry permit at the same time. It's just motions anyway, when he runs my license plates it'll probably come back that I'm a permit holder, but common courtesy goes a long way. Just my two or more cents since we're sorta on this subject. And yes, my registration and insurance are not kept in the same place as my concealed firearm. No need for me to cause any unnecessary split second judgement situations...
                  Last edited by Razor; 06-23-2012, 02:04 AM.


                  • #10
                    The one thing that scares me about the USA is guns, not people's right to carry them necessarily, but the fact the police are expecting you to be carrying when they stop you and the traumas they have been through.

                    I mean imagine a fictional scenario, a confused English person is driving down the wrong (Left, right side actually) side of the road. The police flash him expecting him to be some crackhead, but he is so confused by the oncoming traffic he fails to see their lights so he continues, eventually he sees the car and stops, by this stage the blood is flowing through the officiers veins as they have lost a buddy the day before in a similar traffic stop. Without provocation he starts swearing and cursing and gets out of the car reaching for his wallet inside his jacket and they shoot him.

                    OK so its fictional, and unless he was drunk, the English are far too polite for this to happen maybe, but if he was Italian he get it for sure, I've seen Italian pensioners frogmarched off to security at international landing, because they were kicking up a fuss and wouldn't wait in line. You see Italians don't know the meaning of manners, patience, order or courtesy. So they damn near broke this old ladies arms behind her back frogmarching her and the 87 year old bloke was dragged off in a headlock. Fucking inadequate security and beef steroids. I couldn't believe it. damn near shot me for stepping 6 inches out of the white lines on the airport parking slot.

                    Seriously though a mate of mine had his cousin go to the States. He was visiting from India. Helping out in his Uncles shop for just 5 minutes (Apparently and unpaid...), the second night he was there, some guy came in with a gun and shot him dead and raided the till.

                    You know what I really hate about guns is that they give the inadequate, small minded man AUTHORITY, and that is why they use them. I love guns, but big guns, like GPMG's and tanks. Little pistols and stuff scare the hell out of me because some little people out there are carrying concealed and they are itching for a fight but they don't know how to fight but they can shoot. All I'm saying is that they can't shoot you in the back at 20yds with a machete. Steroids, cocaine, alcohol, guns, ain't exactly a safe combination on the streets are they? While I was in Virginia some young bloke got drunk at a bar and thought it'd be a good idea to start waving around and firing his handgun, but not at anyone directly. The police turned up and shot him dead, no questions asked and that is the only way you can deal with that situation. Fucked up carrying guns on the street. Why would you carry a hand gun on the street at night?

                    Anyway second time I went to the States I arrived in Newark, and people are alright there, its just at Philadelphia the security seem like they are on drugs. Had this tough looking female hispanic security officier who give me the third degree, travelling on my own, making sure I was not going to stay illegally and work. I must say I did my best to draw out the situtation, after getting off the plane for 8 hours and standing in line, all I could do was think about her body searching me.......hmmmmmm....she was nice. I think I had a boner at the time also. So were the people there actually, normal working people who had a level headed attitude.

                    Yep USA is a scary place alright, the amount of well to do middle class technical career people who keep hollow point bullets in their basements must run at 99%. Very strange.

                    If you compared deaths and serious bodily harm resulting from booze fuelled street brawls, head stompings and knifings and from domestic associated violence in the UK, excluded illegal firearm gang related violence, it must easily match the USA for gun fatality statistics. Give us guns we would be the gun capital of the world, it would be worse than Johannesburg man. True chaos and the Bilderbergs would see their dreams of population control through to fruition. There are that many little people running about over here with a chip on their shoulder, who can't handle their booze but still drink ten pints of wife beater all the same + 10 shots and a little coke in the toilets to take the edge off the downer and keep them mobile. Yet I still meet people who unreservedly think the right to bear firearms is the only answer... I mean at which point in a beating do you reach down for the firearm?

                    And my handy tip for the people that are listening is to employ female security staff at International Airports, it won't matter how long you have been delayed or how ong you are standing if you have a good looking bird to stare at and contemplate getting frisked by, and have a separate queue for Italians and the French maybe. The English will be fine if they can stare at female security staff bate, the Dutch, Germans etc. are pretty well behaved and level headed anyhow.

                    Anyway to put things into context, last time I was at the police station a few months back, some guy was swearing and cursing at the staff because they'd put a stratch on the butt of one of his .22 air rifles whilst it was in storage.....apparently they were confiscated whilst in the back seat of his car in gunbags after a routine traffic stop out in the rurals somewhere. That is how serious we are about gun crime here! LMFAO. I have to put my tools in the back of my truck otherwise I get done for carrying an offensive weapon if they are in the cab...although in fairness I am more likely to go to jail for not displaying no smoking signs in the cab, or having a fag out the

                    That airport security officieress was gorgeous though....

                    All I'm saying is that of you go out thinking that something bad is gonna happen, then it usually does.

                    Vegetable rights and peace. Dance the night away!
                    Last edited by ginsambo; 06-23-2012, 03:27 AM.
                    You can't really be jealous of something you can't fathom.


                    • #11
                      Yeah, its a shame the Queen wont let you carry. I bet knifings and dead teens on her lawn would take a sharp decrease if the criminals in her back yard didnt know who has a gun and who doesnt. Oh well.
                      HTTP 404 - Signature Not Found


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by LouSiffer View Post
                        I have been on both sides of this issue. I can say that it is a double edged sword. If the officer does the stop, he is violating the rights of the carrier. If he does not, and the carrier commits a violent act, the cop is accused of not doing his job properly. People wonder why officers of the law get to be such assholes. It is because 98% of the time, no matter what they do, they are portrayed as a dick head. The other 2% of the time, they are betrayed as dicks with a badge. In Ohio, this fuck would have been arrested for not showing proper identification to a law officer when requested. This is a felony charge.

                        You can claim unreasonable search and seizure all you want, but, it is not unreasonable when you are questioned about what your intentions are for carrying a loaded weapon....even in plain sight.

                        This cop has never encountered someone like the persosn in question before or their laws are very forgiving to the carrier in his state. I could have came up with 3 charges easily just from this video tape.-Lou
                        Not busting your balls, I'm sure this is SOP . BUT, yes this actually unreasonable and violates the citizens rights. I understand that the world is full of douchebags, but to pre-emptively presume someone is up to no good is the same thing as looking for a reason provoke a situation. When I carry, it's concealed but simply to avoid scareing the squeemish liberal types who hate our 2cd ammendment and trust their personal security to a 911 call. When you have seconds to live, the police are only minutes away....

                        Whenever I come up on a road block(also hugely unconstitutional), I leave both hands on the steering wheel until the officer approaches the vehicle and then I politely inform them that I am carrying. I've personally never had a problem, but hear of many. Usually if the person is level headed and cool, the situation will go smoothly. However, there are many 'John Wayne' style cops who know jack shit about the law and see themselves in a 'superior'(kiss my ass) kinda light ~ these are the ones who normally have situations end poorly.
                        Enjoying a rum and coke, just didn't have any coke...


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Twitch View Post
                          Yeah, its a shame the Queen wont let you carry. I bet knifings and dead teens on her lawn would take a sharp decrease if the criminals in her back yard didnt know who has a gun and who doesnt. Oh well.
                          Very true indeed. In the Commonwealth it's the victims who are guilty until proven innocent, that's what I read on the interwebz... Gunshot fatalities are at an all time low in the United States ginsambo, I'd have better odds of streaking down Buckingham Palace than getting shot. Us legal law abiding Americans love our guns for the simple fact that we overthrew a tyrannical government once, and it's our insurance we could do it again if needed. Plus, you gotta be prepared for the zombie apocalypse. Don't you follow the United States Center for Disease Control's website/news releases???!!!

                          It's funny how someone who isn't American has the impression it's like the old West over here. I'm in a legal open carry state where firearms and life go hand in hand. Most of your gunowners here are hunter's and damn proud of it, but rarely will you see an open carry firearm. Most people I know, myself included, are businessmen/women who at any given time carry concealed because quite a bit of company money is taken to the bank by us. Criminals know businesses take in a good amount of money, and you could potentially be seen as an "easy" target. Also, most criminals don't rob crack houses, they look for the ones in nice neighborhoods where the people have something of value. One thing for sure, if someone breaks in my house in the middle of the night the hollow points are back up, the double ought buckshot is what they're going to be greeted with initially. My Ithaca 37 clone trench shotgun is my first line of home defense, the back up list gets longer from there...

