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God Bless Ozzy Osbourne.

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  • God Bless Ozzy Osbourne.

    I know its a bit late, but saw God Bless Ozzy Osbourne last night for the first time. What a legend.

    He must be the true ambassador for the British psychi.

    Going into a meeting with the top bods at CBS with a PR plan to impress the peace upon them by releasing white doves of peace, releasing one to fly around the room and fluttter pleasantly around to land on someones chair.....and then biting the head off the other..looking at the CBS top brass with a cross eyed crazy look and a smile for them to call security in a panic. LMFAO. Taking a dump in a hotel room and smearing shit on the walls, even freaking out Tommy Lee in the process. He is fucking hilarious. Whilst all the time being an insecure perfectionist getting off his head.

    I challenge anyone to not draw fuck upperism parallels from some stage in their lives to Ozzy's, I'm so glad he is still with us.

    A genuinely intelligent, honest and sensitive bloke and funny as fuck, he is fucking hilarious. No wonder he has so many fans, he speaks the struggle of the common man. God Bless Ozzy Osbourne.
    Last edited by ginsambo; 07-07-2012, 04:10 AM.
    You can't really be jealous of something you can't fathom.

  • #2
    ...and the Devil take $haron
    So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

    I nearly broke her back


    • #3
      Originally posted by Rsmacker View Post
      ...and the Devil take $haron
      Yeah, she speaks and typifies the struggle of the common women. $$$$$$'s
      You can't really be jealous of something you can't fathom.


      • #4
        To Sharons credit, at least she kept that crazy fucker from managing to kill himself during the 80's.
        My Toys:
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        '12 ESP Mii NTB in Black


        • #5
          Ozzy was already blessed

          No common man can survive what he did
          "There's nothing taking away from the pure masculinity I possess"

          -"You like Anime"



          • #6
            Originally posted by Rsmacker View Post
            ...and the Devil take $haron

            I'd like to say something witty here... BUT, that cunt is trying her damndest to run ruin not only Ozzy's solo years but also Sabbath. She should be fucked with a jackhammer in the ass.....
            Enjoying a rum and coke, just didn't have any coke...


            • #7
              hey guys shannon is one of the reasons why ozzy is who he is now ,not only for what she did in her job and how good she was ,but also she and ozzy love each other ....and he's gone through a lot of shit ,so if it weren't for their love maybe we would have no more of ozzy's touring or music.


              • #8
                I think Jayster covered it succinctly.

                Ozzy should glug some booze, get stuck into some Class A's, then go out and record something him and Zakk Wylde compose over a few drinkies. They should then go out and do a massive, end-of-the-line, total excess tour, one where you aren't sure if he'll expire before he gets to the gig you have tickets to. Mayhem, total fucking mayhem - slags, drugs, beer, doing a poo where he shouldn't do a poo, sea-gulling, spirits, Dirty Sanchez's, animal biting, bass player quitting, support band trying to out-do Ozzy and ending up looking like pathetic little girls (yes, Motley Crue, I mean you), arrests, appearing on stage in a dress, shaving his head, getting strange tattoos he can't remember, being hated by parents and church-goers up and down the land... that's what I want Ozzy doing, not being a fucking Evian drinking poof on a treadmill or appearing in Heat magazine holding a fucking lapdog with the headline "My Cancer Nightmare".

                Or, he can do another re-recording of a Black Sabbath classic with his Mini-me, that fat-cheeked chav, Kelly.

                Which is it to be?

                I demand the first option, it's what I've paid for all these years. Fuck it, he's been on a downward spiral since Randy's death, it's time he clipped a tourbus in a fireball, and was remembered fondly as being absolutely Radio Rental, not as a dullard being led around by his shrunken pud by $haron like a shuffling cash machine.

                I'm the customer, I'm always right, and I want Ozzy to go out with some dignity, with a BANG.
                So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

                I nearly broke her back


                • #9
                  I read his biography book thingy that he participated in writing. The part where his great dane inhaled a whole bag of coke he threw out the window when he heard Sharon coming up the stairs had me in tears from laughing
                  GTWGITS! - RacerX

