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Out of your entire stable, what is your most fun guitar?

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  • Out of your entire stable, what is your most fun guitar?

    Not necessarily your go-to guitar because your most fun guitar might not be your best sounding, or your gigging guitar, but what is the one you have the most fun grabbing and whaling away on?

    Does not have to be J/C (which is why this thread is posted here).

    For me, it is easy.

    My Axl 1216 jr in antique brown

    Don't care if it gets dinged. I love playing it standing, or sitting. Love the sound of the P90. It plays really nice. Love the raw neck. It is just a really fun guitar to play.
    Last edited by bombtek; 07-25-2012, 12:30 PM.
    I live on the edge of danger facing life and death every single day.....then I leave her at home and go disarm bombs.

  • #2
    My single hum G&L Rampage.

    Last edited by AIC70; 07-25-2012, 10:01 PM. Reason: Added pic


    • #3
      Oh forgot to add, any replies stating what your favorite guitar is require pics to back them up.

      Otherwise yer full of it!
      I live on the edge of danger facing life and death every single day.....then I leave her at home and go disarm bombs.


      • #4
        The barn door Bich.
        23 years old and three necks later!

        Now sporting MHD custom pickups.


        • #5
          This one. Warmoth guitar with the 1 3/4" wide neck I love and the Roland GK3/Gr-55 setup. This pic was taken before the Roland pickup was added. - Lou

          " I do not pay women for sex. I pay for them to leave after the sex ". -Wise words of Charlie Sheen


          • #6
            The Death Kitty. It always gets a reaction from the ladies, sometimes even positive!

            GTWGITS! - RacerX


            • #7
              Originally posted by hellbat View Post
              the death kitty. It always gets a reaction from the ladies, sometimes even positive!

              I live on the edge of danger facing life and death every single day.....then I leave her at home and go disarm bombs.


              • #8
                This is still my favorite. +1 for MHD pups, they are badass.


                • #9
                  My SL2H.
                  Click image for larger version

Name:	532126_10150719413709111_803164110_9189568_1810266246_n.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	53.3 KB
ID:	2446240


                  • #10
                    Damn I have no idea which of my guitarist is most "fun". they are all fun. they all go jug jigga jug jigga jug jigga jaw jaw!!!! meedlee meedleee meee!!!!!
                    "clean sounds are for pussies" - Axewielder


                    • #11
                      For me it will have to be my '87 soloist. She's my first USA Jackson and I love making noise with the trem

                      Live your life like you're going to die your own death
                      No one from above is going to take your last breath


                      • #12
                        [QUOTE=rdamaral;1522181]This is still my favorite. +1 for MHD pups, they are badass.

                        Nice guitar! Is that an Epiphone or a Gibson? I'm sure there's a tell tale sign but I don't know that much bout them Gibson/ Epi's
                        Live your life like you're going to die your own death
                        No one from above is going to take your last breath


                        • #13
                          It's an Epi. I'm not a LP fan at all, but I just love this one. Of course I'm a Zakk fanboi too, but it plays so nice. Rayne made me a set of dirty ass pups for it, and I play it the most of any other. I changed out all the hardware for gold to match.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by rdamaral View Post
                            It's an Epi. I'm not a LP fan at all, but I just love this one. Of course I'm a Zakk fanboi too, but it plays so nice. Rayne made me a set of dirty ass pups for it, and I play it the most of any other. I changed out all the hardware for gold to match.

                            My pups are "Hot & Swampy".
                            Perfect for the Bich.


                            • #15
                              I still dig my 1984 black with red binding Washburn A20V I got when I was 14. Has a neck that makes the "speed neck" feel like a turtle to me and an incredibly bluesy feeling neck pickup sound.
                              Jackson KV2
                              Jackson KE1T
                              Jackson KE1F
                              Jackson SL1

