So,,,I kinda stepped into a painless local trade earlier today, with a studio owner from Birmingham
( Great guy,, and it looks like he's got a bitchin setup)

and wound up with 2 older Apple G5 powermac dual 1.8ghz and pro tools 8Le + some mastering software on both. they both have the airport cards, and one has an extra Firewire PCI card and a Promise PCI card( which I guess I could add 2 HD's on, and he gave me 2 adapters so I could run 2 Non Apple monitors on each, as he said one of the ports on the vid cards is Apple proprietary.

He sent me these pics, and still had them set up for me to come down and check it all out, and give it all a run through, but I couldn't get all the way down there, so he drove up and met me half way and we just did the deal.

They both have OSX 10.5.8 one has 4 GB of RAM and the other has 2,,But it just so happens IIRC, I have 4x 1GB sticks of Kingston memory that is compatible with this( If I read the spec page right)

Now,, I already have my main D.A.W. rig setup,,,and know these are older computers,,but I have never owned any Apple products and thought they would be fun to make for a couple separate recording rigs to play around with, or load up Synths or Drum software, Etc. into and pipe them into the Main rig and it wouldn't put any strain on my main rig.....or whatever else I can figure out what to do with them.
He gave me 2 brand new Wireless USB mice, But I have to get 2 keyboards for them, so I'll have to wait till I can track a couple down on the super cheap
Then I can see exactly what all is on there( he kinda told me but you know,,,,the Short term is usually the first to go)

Anyone familiar with these? Were they good for their day? what do you think they would be the best at doing in a studio situation?
Not a bad day,,,,,,,for a change
