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Jam Session with Harden Harrison, of Rigor Mortis!

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  • Jam Session with Harden Harrison, of Rigor Mortis!

    I am sure atleast someone on here knows who Rigor Mortis is right? Some of you Texans

    I know their drummer, Harden Harrison through a mutual friend in the industry. Well every August he comes up to catch the MotoGP in Indianapolis, and comes over for a night of way too much drinking and rock and roll

    This is the first year anyone was sober enough to turn on the camera, so I figured I'd share!

    I'm on bass and lead vocals, the old guy with the badass Kramer is my father in law (believe it or not we were playing GodSmack, Metallica, and metal all night...he's a rocker haha), and of course Harden Harrison on drums.

    Jackson Pro DK2HT - Metallic Black
    Peavey 6505mh
    Blackstar HTV 112 Cab