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  • #76
    Originally posted by Cygnus X1 View Post
    Well, I just saw how things were from the manufacturing side. 240's and 249's went through multiple
    inspection routines that the M16's didn't get.
    Keep in mind this was way back in 1990, things may have changed.
    Yeah, it was the late 80's M249's that went bad and jammed a lot if you didn't give it the feeding device it wanted. The first revision cured a lot of the problems I believe.

    The M240B's are pretty amazing from what I've heard.
    The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.


    • #77
      Ahhh yes! Thank you guys for another confirmation on why I like it here. I had to leave the Kramer forums because they are so anti gun liberals.


      • #78
        Originally posted by straycat View Post
        Bows are cool too.
        LOL We bought a pvc pipe bow and foam tipped arrows. By the end of the night we were in Dick's getting a cheap "real" bow and arrows, and a foam target. I shot one arrow in the dark last night. I hit the target but it didn't stick, and we search all over the yard and that arrow is GONE. It just dissapeared into a black hole.


        • #79
          Sounds like fun.
          Really? well screw Mark Twain.


          • #80
            Originally posted by ginsambo View Post
            Em.....nice guns and all.....but WTF does a civilian want, what is...uh...em....essentially, a military designed assault rifle for?......

            What is the law out your way....surely 3 round short burst and fully auto is banned over there? Or if not you have to keep them at the range.

            Right?.....Right?...oh my lord. You guys are NUTS!
            Depends on the state. Oklahoma, for example allows fully automatic weapon ownership,but you have to register it with the ATF. Same with silencers. Isnt America great?
            I want a guitar made of ALL abalone. That would be badass. All shellfish should die for my shreddage delight.

            Guitar Guy 22345762.9 is from Subway.


            • #81
              In Ky its the same way.ATF registration and form 4 signed off on by the chief law enforcement officer of your county.
              My county is the only one in the state that won't sign off on it.
              Really? well screw Mark Twain.


              • #82
                Isnt louisiana the same as well? Cant remeber...
                I want a guitar made of ALL abalone. That would be badass. All shellfish should die for my shreddage delight.

                Guitar Guy 22345762.9 is from Subway.


                • #83
                  All NFA(National Firearm Act) items such as Fully Auto or burst, suppressors, AOW, destructive devices, and short barrel rifles(under 16 inch barrel) require ATF registration and the $200 tax stamp. That is the Federal requirement, now individual States can allow or not allow items based on their own laws.

                  Example California allows nothing anymore(except for some AOW items) where as their next door neighbor Arizona allows everything.

                  If you guys want NFA stuff and your local Law Entity wont sign off, set up a NFA Family Trust and bypass the fingerprint, sign off requirement, also makes it easier to move those items to family members under the trust.

                  This was my original build, but soon I realized it was too FN heavy and I didn't want to lug it around.

                  So I swapped out the upper, optics, and buttstock now I have this. I way prefer the second setup.

                  Come and get one in the yarbles, if you have any yarbles, you yunick jelly thou!


                  • #84
                    Love the second version.
                    Really? well screw Mark Twain.


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by straycat View Post
                      Sounds like fun.
                      Lost two arrows already


                      • #86
                        Get some ghost glow paint dummy
                        Really? well screw Mark Twain.


                        • #87
                          ...or tie a string to the arrow?
                          "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by RacerX View Post
                            ...or tie a string to the arrow?
                            Good call Ron.
                            Really? well screw Mark Twain.


                            • #89
                              Walmart, DAMN NY sucks. i don't think they are legal here in NY at all?


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by j2379 View Post
                                Walmart, DAMN NY sucks. i don't think they are legal here in NY at all?
                                lol, the walmart back in kansas where i lived sold ak's and ar-15s, and even a g36. Also could special order anything you wanted.
                                I want a guitar made of ALL abalone. That would be badass. All shellfish should die for my shreddage delight.

                                Guitar Guy 22345762.9 is from Subway.

