In the workplace, trust no one. Far too may ass-kissers and suck ups who'll look to stab your back to make themselves look better than they really are.
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Learnt a difficult lesson at work today
Send an e-mail to your co-workers warning them that there might be a spineless cum-guzzling brown-nosing snake amongst you who can't wait to nuzzle up to the boss' taint, so everyone watch what they are saying.So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!
I nearly broke her back
Originally posted by straycat View PostI hate a coworker that rats out someone else.I've seen it a lot over the years.
We would always find out who the perp was and all the guys I worked with would fuck with him in a one on one setting say the bathroom with no one else in there or off the property.
We had one new hire truck driver that was back stabbing the other drivers so myself and two other drivers took him out between some trailers and made it clear he was going to get fucked up and he didn't look too good when it was all over.He fell in line after that.
Live and learn Hellbat.
and that is to support my old habit, he loved me-haaahaaa!!!Not helping the situation since 1965!
Yeah Tommy,
It's my nature to be helpful and go the distance for my teammates. I just need to learn to shelve it at work so I don't get burned by it any more.
To be honest the hardest part of this whole thing is I will probably be scrutinized a little heavier for a while, so I can't spend my spare moments and downtime on the JCF, I need to "find a broom to push" and make myself look like I'm keeping busy.GTWGITS! - RacerX
I had 'fun' times working with a guy I suspect of being a full blown psychopath
The guy was as predictable as a wasp, always the victim, never at fault, asskissing people in 'important positions', manipulative, arrogant and a lazy fuck
you could almost schedule in his hissifits and shoutmatches which were about 3-4 times a week when things weren't going as he wanted it (these could be the most trival things,
in many cases it was just him making a problem out of thin air to create conflict)
After a few years working with this guy, he was diagnosed 'unfit for work' because of a burnout(/mental illness/midlife crisis) until almost a year later where he miraculously was 100% OK
(the fact that he would be recieving 70% of his pay after one year workdisability MAY have had something to do with his sudden recovery)
Fortunately, being an egocentric asshole with a short fuse and a disdain for authority (remember, I said psychopath)
Arguing for weeks with the new manager, Seeing himself never at fault, he suspected people from screwing him over, refusing to realise, he screwed himself out of his job
Granted, he managed to force a €20K layoff bonus with a very nice piece of paper to sign
he only forgot to put something into the agreement:
By law, if he were laid off, he would recieve 70% of his pay for the next 2 years,... which -because of his medical status/still working on reintegration- was at 70% already
So he walked out the door with only half his normal salary
Had he been certain of a high level of trust from higher-ups, I wouldn't have put it above him to shift blame or even sabotage us to climb higher up the ladder himself
(he had already suggested months prior to his sickleave to our then-manager that he wanted to run the new warehouse together with our foreman after we had relocated,
a few things hindered this: our manager already was aware of his 'character', my foreman wouldn't have agreed to this and I had seniority in years over him and already told my foreman
if this were to come about I would hand in my resignation, myself being a more valued and valuable employee -pardon the appearing presumptuous words-,
his 'possible promotion' was dead and buried even before his talk with the manager concluded)
This guy, unlike anyone I ever met and gave me the feeling I should never turn my back to him
after years of patience, in the end, his own karma got him his ass handed to himLast edited by Nightbat; 09-28-2012, 10:47 PM."There's nothing taking away from the pure masculinity I possess"
-"You like Anime"