There are a lot of good recommendations here. I will typically wipe down the body of my guitars every so often to remove fingerprints and sweat with a little bit Dr. Ducks Ax Wax. It goes a long way so you don't need much.
For ebony & rosewood I have been using the Fret Dr. stuff for about 4 years. I've never tried anything else so I don't have anything to compare it to. If it ain't broke don't fix it, comes to mind.

For polishing frets I did use the steel wood method, but I found it was messy and a pain to tape off the fret board. This eventually lead me to try Gorgomyte and I have been using that ever since to not only polish the frets but to also clean off the fret board. Then I hit it (the fret board) with the Fret Dr.
I also use Big Bends Nut Sauce on the nut and guitar saddles when I do a string change. I bought a syringe full 4 years ago and have been using it on every guitar I own and still have plenty to last me for another few years. They say it adds life to the string by preventing string breaks at the nut and the saddles. I think they have data to back it up, either way I'm happy with it.
I like to keep my guitars in good working order, I think it makes them play better
For ebony & rosewood I have been using the Fret Dr. stuff for about 4 years. I've never tried anything else so I don't have anything to compare it to. If it ain't broke don't fix it, comes to mind.

For polishing frets I did use the steel wood method, but I found it was messy and a pain to tape off the fret board. This eventually lead me to try Gorgomyte and I have been using that ever since to not only polish the frets but to also clean off the fret board. Then I hit it (the fret board) with the Fret Dr.
I also use Big Bends Nut Sauce on the nut and guitar saddles when I do a string change. I bought a syringe full 4 years ago and have been using it on every guitar I own and still have plenty to last me for another few years. They say it adds life to the string by preventing string breaks at the nut and the saddles. I think they have data to back it up, either way I'm happy with it.
I like to keep my guitars in good working order, I think it makes them play better
