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You lucky bastards in Colorado and Washington.......TOKE AWAY!!!!!

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  • #16
    The best thing to do is legalize all of it, even the really hard stuff. The people that will use it will still use it, legal or not. Legalization will just get rid of the cartels.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Nightbat View Post

      Instead of your kids getting high on weed (because that is exciting and 'naughty') , they're gonna start getting exposed to much worse stuff
      That's where good parenting comes in sir.
      I want to go out nice and peaceful in my sleep like my grandfather, not screaming and hollering like the passengers in his car.


      • #18
        Well Cleveland just passed a FIFTEEN MILLION DOLAR School levy. So it will help minority children have parents instead of breeders. That is sarcasm. I would actualy pay for that. How about ONE MILLION for birth control!!?? This is throwing endless wads of money into a gaping black hole (pun well-Intended). Basically it was Section 8 Renters VS Lower to Middle class Home owners...yaaaay Section 8 wins again. They always do !!! I'm so happy I want to flip cars over...cop cars..with cops in them!!!

        With that said, it look like there may be a bif JCF migration to Co..

        'Co' my new term for Harcore..not Hardco. No fuck that. I is too cool for that. Yep,. Just Co.
        "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
        Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

        "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


        • #19
          "illegal downloading saved people from having to buy that piece of shit you tried to pass off as music" - Nighbat


          • #20
            Originally posted by Nightbat View Post

            Instead of your kids getting high on weed (because that is exciting and 'naughty') , they're gonna start getting exposed to much worse stuff
            That's a crock and has been the "gateway drug" speech of politicians for years. Everyone I know that smokes pot, only smokes pot. In fact most of them don't even drink. You never seen a pothead knock over the corner liquor store to get a 1/4 bag. As a marijuana user for about 30 years, it's the only drug I use except for the occasional few beers when I go out to shoot pool, throw darts, etc. You want to get on a soap box for a while, how about getting on it for something useful like all the alcohol related fatalities each year? How about bitching about the "harder" drugs that people actually overdose on and such? Ever heard of anyone dying from a marijuana overdose? Leave the peaceful pot smokers alone and worry about more serious problems that America and the rest of the world have like slavery in some countries, hunger, unemployment, and homelessness just for few examples.
            In memory of Gary Wright 9/13/2012


            • #21
              You're right CFH, I guess I don't have any real world experience when it comes to Pot
              "There's nothing taking away from the pure masculinity I possess"

              -"You like Anime"



              • #22
                I've actually had some pretty shitty experiences with pot and a few of my friends have gone into harder drugs cause the pot high wasn't enough. I guess it just depends on the individual and how they react but in my eyes pot is a drug that gets you high just like every other drug out there.


                • #23
                  I spoke based on personal experience and that of my close friends. Your experience may be different, but from what I've witnessed and been through myself, what I said was spot on. Besides, if it seems SO bad to you, don't do it.
                  In memory of Gary Wright 9/13/2012


                  • #24
                    Ever had a hop head in your band?


                    • #25
                      The thing is there are different levels with all these things. I mean you get coca leaves, you get cocaine and you get crack, you get Coors Light and you get Russian aviation fuel, you get speed and you get crystal meth, you get valium and you get ketamine, you get Resin and you get genetically modified skunk. So this in mind, I don't get how they can make a blanket laws. It's like over here they went the opposite way and changed weed from a Class C drug into a Class B drug, same as the hard stuff like heroin etc. primarily because of the genetically altered high grade skunk that is more common these days with everyone growing with hydroponics and stuff, where as it used to be harmless bars of resin.

                      I mean they make a distinction with alcohol over there in most states don't they? I mean you don't walk into the supermarket and pick up your bottle of Tequila and Wild Turkey whilst getting a slab of bud like you do over here, you have to trundle off to the liquor store to get it afterwards.

                      I agree that alcohol is the real evil. It is the biggest drain on the health service over here, not just the obvious Friday night Accident and Emergency head stompings, stabbings, glassings, falling off buildings and RTA's but most of the expensive longer term resources and committments actually go to treating middle class professionals on 60k a year who have a bottle of 16%+ every night and need ongoing care for a new liver and complications. It ruins families, it ruins people. Anyone who has a friend or a family member who is an alcoholic knows that there is absolutely nothing you can do for them either, no matter how hard you try, it's fucking sad.

                      The problem with these laws is though, culturally, kids tout blow like it's perfectly natural and good for you, but the fact is that with a roach, it is fifty times more carcinogenic than smoking cigarettes. Last time I smoked that stuff I ended up watching the cricket for three days without moving from my chair. Life is too short for shitty downers. I could never get on with it, it smells sickly sweet and rank. I could only ever smoke it if I was on something else anyway and then I was immune, otherwise it just made me hungry and want to go to sleep, much the same as beer does these days, which is sad. It's also sad that to appreciate it you have to smoke it regularly. It's encouraging another habit of addiction. Speaking as a cigarette smoker this is the last thing we should be encouraging kids to do. It's all not that great either, especially for people who function on adrenaline or kind or have kind of split personalities to begin with or are looking for an ever better warm envelope to bundle themselves up in. With all the skunk rocket fuel about it is certainly not the natural and harmless San Francisco option it is popularised to be. I don't think it necessarily leads to harder drugs. There is a different to doing thirty bongs each night and having a few reefers to alleviate your MS or arthristis. Same as there is a difference in hitting the bottle every night or having a few beers at the weekend.

                      Still, suppose it's better out on the table than under it I guess. I guess the woodstock politicians do know the score though right?

                      I hate to be a party shitter but celebrating the legality of something that is highly carcinogenic and habitual is just stupid IMO.

                      I'm off for a fag.
                      You can't really be jealous of something you can't fathom.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by ginsambo View Post
                        it is fifty times more carcinogenic than smoking cigarettes.
                        "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

                        "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Endrik View Post
                          I was going to ask the same.

                          There are precious few studies about cannabis, but those that have been done are showing that it is not cancer causing. In fact, there is quite a bit of proof that THC inhibits tumor growth.

                          This may not be the best one, but there are many out there.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Cygnus X1 View Post
                            I agree with not filling up prisons with pot violations to ignore other actual criminal acts.
                            I support decriminalization, but not legalization.

                            For all of you that have employers, I think it will be still be within their rights to forbid it and
                            drug test to verify.
                            You all know by now that I work in heavy industry (a steel mill), and it is zero tolerance for good reason.
                            You don't need someone to have a "bad day" for whatever reason, handling tons of molten steel.
                            Alcohol is legal, why don't you have hundreds of people operating heavy machinery drunk?

                            Because companies have rules. Being stoned at the work place won't be any different than being drunk.

                            Yes, a company is allowed to drug test.

                            Oh, and just wait for the taxes.
                            It will make prohibition seem like the golden ages.
                            They will absolutely tax it to death.

                            I quit back when it became impossible to get mellow brown Columbian
                            and the only stuff available was sinsemelia <sp>, thai sticks, and hash oil.
                            You do the math.
                            It was a LONG time ago.
                            I thought it was generally less dangerous than being drunk but have seen
                            too many people totally trashed from whatever they are smoking "these days".

                            I don't disagree with what you've said, but good thai sticks and hash oil isn't any less potent back then as the pot is now. Well, there are a few strains now that are more potent, but back in the 80's there was outdoor indicas that you'd have a hard time finding something better. There was pot back then that was so potent that one hit would ruin your day, it's just far more available these days.
                            The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.


                            • #29
                              People are going to do it regardless if it's legal or not. In fact people want to do it more if it's illegal. Look at the prohibition in the '20s with alcohol. Alcohol funded the Mafia, because people were willing to pay extra for something they can't get easily. Portugal legalized all drugs and their drug usage went down.

                              If you make something illegal it only means the reward for selling it is higher. The mexican cartel's and the CIA are gonna be pissed off if most of the U.S states legalize weed! They still have coke to import though...
                              Jackson ke3 kelly trans blue
                              Jackson Dk2m bengal with emg 81/85


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by CowboyFromHell View Post
                                That's a crock and has been the "gateway drug" speech of politicians for years. Everyone I know that smokes pot, only smokes pot. In fact most of them don't even drink. You never seen a pothead knock over the corner liquor store to get a 1/4 bag. As a marijuana user for about 30 years, it's the only drug I use except for the occasional few beers when I go out to shoot pool, throw darts, etc. You want to get on a soap box for a while, how about getting on it for something useful like all the alcohol related fatalities each year? How about bitching about the "harder" drugs that people actually overdose on and such? Ever heard of anyone dying from a marijuana overdose? Leave the peaceful pot smokers alone and worry about more serious problems that America and the rest of the world have like slavery in some countries, hunger, unemployment, and homelessness just for few examples.
                                Well said neighbor....I'm just down I-30 in Rockwall

