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You lucky bastards in Colorado and Washington.......TOKE AWAY!!!!!
Originally posted by CowboyFromHell View PostGuess that makes me responsible for drug cartels, local drug dealers, and the hike in taxes we all pay even though I've never had a possession charge, DUI, drunk in public, or anything of the sort. Your mentality amazes me at it shallowness. What I do ID my business and aside from the national war on drugs, which has wasted more money than any of us will ever see, doesn't effect you at all. I haven't ran over your kids, shot your family or anything of the sort so just how is what I do YOUR business? Btw, I've never had an on the job injury related to drug use either. Again, explain to me how what I do in the privacy of my own home becomes your business?"There's nothing taking away from the pure masculinity I possess"
-"You like Anime"
Originally posted by Rsmacker View PostSo why bother with prison at all then? It's never stopped anyone committing murder, or robbing banks, or beating off in front of coach parties of nuns on a picnic so why waste the effort? If you don't want your family to be plunged into poverty, don't let them down by being a criminal and going to jail.
What is prison for? To punish, IMHO (rehabilitation and re-education is secondary), being banged up should be something to fear. Yes, drugs are available inside, but let's start adding time to sentences for positive random drug tests, those inmates can't be trusted outside, they haven't learned their lesson. Better to have them locked up than roaming round my neighbourhood looking for stuff to steal to pay for their addiction.
Potheads are just known to go out and rape and pillage after they get stoned. Forget the wanting to sit down and watch DVDs and eat Doritos and have a Coca-Cola, that's just propaganda.
If I don't know what you are doing in your home, and you can get away with it, why should I care? Because of the key phrase is "harming anyone else" - you cannot be sure your illegal activities are harmless, you don't know the far-reaching effects of your actions.
If you leave your house and crash into my children, with traces of your drugs in your system, that's good enough for me - I'd string you up. If drug dealers set up shop nearby, thanks to the boom in business you are creating, any associated crimewave is partly your responsibility.
"Freedom" doesn't mean "I can do what the fuck I like, it is none of your business", it comes at a price - responsibility to the others in society. Sometimes you have to refrain from doing whatever you feel like, no matter how ridiculous you think the law is. That's the part you GIVE to make your society a better place, rather than that which you take, or feel you are owed.The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.
Originally posted by CowboyFromHell View PostGuess that makes me responsible for drug cartels, local drug dealers, and the hike in taxes we all pay even though I've never had a possession charge, DUI, drunk in public, or anything of the sort. Your mentality amazes me at it shallowness. What I do ID my business and aside from the national war on drugs, which has wasted more money than any of us will ever see, doesn't effect you at all. I haven't ran over your kids, shot your family or anything of the sort so just how is what I do YOUR business? Btw, I've never had an on the job injury related to drug use either. Again, explain to me how what I do in the privacy of my own home becomes your business?
What we all do in our own homes may well have an impact on other people to some degree. Whether it's clearing up your spunk with pink toilet paper (somewhere down the line, someone will be affected by the toxic dye that manufacturers use to satisfy your unfaltering right to use pink toilet paper) or slapping coca butter all over your freshly shaven nutsac (grown in vast plantations which replace the natural rainforest, with all the associated tree-hugging crap, but also the more tangible, very real continued expulsion and alleged extermination of native peoples from their ancestral homes by the "owners" of the land). When a butterfly farts in Borneo, it starts raining in Watford. These are facts (Copyright Horns666).
Now, most things we do, we aren't really going to change, just on the off-chance it inconveniences some geezer with a plate in his lip in a forest thousands of miles away. Sorry Sting, but I need my car to go to work in the pissing rain (thanks to that fucking butterfly). However, there are things we do which are much easier to see the direct results of, or the potential results, right on our doorsteps and the chances of those results occurring. As civilised, educated people, it is up to us to put our selfish desires to one side for the greater good of society. That's what makes society work.
I have NEVER killed anyone with an elephant gun, not even once. The law, the cheeky cunts, say that I cannot play Elmer Fudd and have a gun IN THE PRIVACY OF MY OWN HOME! Something about the probability of the gun going off whilst I clamber over my sofa, and the possible, nay, probable, resulting mayhem. And, it's not any passing elephants that happen be strolling past my house when the bullet goes through the wall like it's paper that they are concerned about. They are worried about hypothetical people who may be standing at the bus-stop at the end of my garden.
Is this fair? It's like living in Nazi Germany! Or, is it a case of the law of the land protecting the hundreds of people who live within range of my house from the time I may have an accident? (No, not one of those accidents, I mean a trigger-pulling accident. Erm, wait a second...)
Unfortunately, we all have to cough up taxes which pay for things that will never directly benefit us. Such is the price of living in a modern, civilised society rather than living like either barbarian Bronze Age tribesmen, or Beyond the Thunderdome, take your pick.
Remember that being safely esconsed in your own private castle is great, fuck all those outside, but sooner or later, someone bigger, or cuntier than you, will decide on doing something in their own home which results in fucking your home or family up, perhaps even to an abrupt halt.
Even at the lesser end of the scale, would you be upset if a drug user broke into your house and cleared out your guitars to feed his habit? Would you curse his ability to climb undetected into windows, or that he is a scum-sucking low-life junkie (even if he only takes drugs in the privacy of his own home)? Would you try not to blame him for his lack of morals, perhaps his Daddy didn't kiss him as a child? Or would you get down to the pawn shop because you know that's where junkie scum try to offload their swag first? Is he just unfortunate to be penniless and cheekily thinking he should liberate your guitars, a kind of innovative non-conformist problem-solver, or is he a shit-swallowing thieving junkie who you would fill with lead if you caught him in the act?
I guess that there is something to be said for the "I do what I want" attitude, so long as you suck it up as just awfully bad luck when you are on the receiving end of a shitty situation. Perhaps you will reach the end of your life having never been the one who has been shat on. Who can tell? The benefit of living in these enlightened, civilised times, as we do, is that the vast majority of us don't need to worry about our, and our family's, chances of falling victim to a colossal catastrophe whilst out shopping.
However, I imagine every one of us would still like the chances of being wiped out by some idiot doing his own thing with no regard for others reduced further.
I'm glad you have no drug-related incidents at work to your name, is that because drugs are totally harmless and the scientists (or perhaps even the users who will readily tell you they are still tripping their tits off, 3 days after those tabs) are wrong, or might it just be good fortune?* Do you think that people should wait until they fuck up and cause serious harm before anyone challenges their right to do what they want in their own time and get high? I can see it now:
"Hey Sergei! You really fucked upski this time. When you went out to get Chocolate HobNobs and fell asleep in the toilet, guess what happened? Reactor 4 went into meltdown you dolt. You are getting a written warning for this, decadent pot-smoking hippy. Were you baked last night?"
"Awwww, come on Meritorius Director of Power Generation, I have worked here for 25 years and never put a foot wrong. You know I never smoke on duty, just one little doze in the toilets and you are giving me a hard time. You are Nazi Cuntski. Hey man, why do you glow in the dark...?"
* I assume your situation is one with which I'm not familiar, that you are prescribed marijuana? If so, then scientists and doctors have decreed your use to be "safe" for you and those around you, so my opposition to recreational drug use doesn't apply to you! I have a similar exclusion, and positively rattle with legally prescribed amphetamines. The effects of my not having them outweigh the negative aspects of my usage, and the effects of long-term heavy use are apparently negated by the condition which causes me to take them. So the experts say...)So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!
I nearly broke her back
Originally posted by CowboyFromHell View PostI purchase from a legal, licensed grower.
Yeah, you really don't know what the word "Freedom" actually means. You don't have the right to protect yourself and you don't have the right to do whatever you want. You are on a leash. Privacy and Habeas Corpus mean nothing to you. You are only allowed to do what you are told you are allowed to do. That's not freedom.
How about you make a joke about bombs in your shoes at the airport, or playback an arabian-spoken tape discussing the white house 'Drapes' through the phone for a few days and notice how free you are
We already know we're not "free", when are you gonna realise it?Last edited by Nightbat; 11-13-2012, 05:42 PM."There's nothing taking away from the pure masculinity I possess"
-"You like Anime"
I hate freedom"There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
"To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert
Originally posted by xenophobe View PostPotheads are just known to go out and rape and pillage after they get stoned. Forget the wanting to sit down and watch DVDs and eat Doritos and have a Coca-Cola, that's just propaganda.
Originally posted by xenophobe View PostYeah, you really don't know what the word "Freedom" actually means. You don't have the right to protect yourself and you don't have the right to do whatever you want. You are on a leash. Privacy and Habeas Corpus mean nothing to you. You are only allowed to do what you are told you are allowed to do. That's not freedom.
The last time I felt I was being denied "freedom" or "privacy" was a couple of weeks ago in America, interestingly enough. Apparently, strolling around in the garden of a private house in the nude is Verboten, that the neighbours might happen to spot me and take offence. It seems the Police are all too happy to come out with a view to arresting me for such a heinous offence. Bear in mind that I'm not talking about strutting round sporting a woody with a buttplug hanging out of my arse and pegs on my nipples (like I might, or might not do at home), just enjoying the sunshine, naked, as God intended.
I do know that the Police at home would tell you to stop wasting their time if you phoned in that you could see a naked man minding his own business in his own garden. They'd probably be more interested in the dirty fucker doing the spying, we here in this backward land don't get twisted out of shape about tits (or moobs) and genitals on display. Unless you are, um, being beastly with them...
Oh, and don't start me on those happy fellows who man US airport security these days...
I have every right to protect myself, my family and property, so long as my reaction is proportionate to the threat. That means not cutting someone's fucking head off with a samurai sword when he rings my doorbell, just because he looks shifty. My freedoms unfortunately don't stretch that far. I can live with that.
As for Habeus Corpus, unless I am suspected of an offence under the Terrorism Act, I have confidence that due legal process will not be impeded or ignored. Even then, I know I won't be spirited off to a holiday camp in Cuba, or to a torture cell in Syria by my Government. (I think we still let you lot use our airfields so you can stop for a coffee on the way)
On reflection, we are both about as free as each other, in our respective countries. What we can't see is the ridiculous things which make a mockery of "freedom" in our own back yards. We are more free than Iranians, but neither of us are totally free.So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!
I nearly broke her back
Funny, I just wanted to post something about Braveheart but rsmacker beat me to it.
When North Americans say the word "freedom" do they hear some kind of exaggerated orchestral music in their heads? After all it's supposedly such a magical word that it makes everyone stand in awe and shit... in 21st century."There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
"To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert
No, Texas isn't a state where it's "legalized" but you don't get in trouble for it if you have a card issued by proper medical authorities in another state. My supplier happens to be licensed grower in a legalized state. As far as my accident record at work goes, it's a lil thing I call "responsible use" which means I'm smart enough to use on my own time and not at or before work. As for "sucking it up" is concerned, I've been knocked down in life more times than I care to mention but you don't see me sitting here whining about it. I chalk it up as a lesson learned and move on. Someone breaking into my home and stealing my possessions? Well, that person would be in for a bad day. With the laws the way they are here in Texas, let them go ahead and actually make it inside my home, lol. Point being, by your way of thinking, yeah, things we do may effect others to some extent, and that goes for even bible thumping line walkers who never break a law in their lives, but my manner of living my life in no way shape or form pushes my life choices on anyone else.In memory of Gary Wright 9/13/2012
i've never heard of a pot smoker turning to crime. an exclusive pot only smoker that is. i'm sure it's happened
but not that i have ever heard of. people., this is a magic plant that makes sick people feel better, have appetites, gain much needed weight,
and has been thoroughly distorted by legislation morons like harry Anslinger who made this plant out to be something that leads to murder,
what a fuckin' douchenozzle, and people actually believed the shit he was pushing which was far more evil than pot itself.
it also makes a shit ton of products, and if george washington or thomas jefferson were alive today, 2 of our founding fathers would currently
be doing 10 to 40 year stretches because of the bullshit that people like harry anslinger made the plant out to be. those two guys grew more
weed than northern california on their land. even rough drafts of the U.S, Constitution were written on what kind of paper? Hemp paper!!!!Not helping the situation since 1965!
Originally posted by Rsmacker View PostEven at the lesser end of the scale, would you be upset if a drug user broke into your house and cleared out your guitars to feed his habit? Would you curse his ability to climb undetected into windows, or that he is a scum-sucking low-life junkie (even if he only takes drugs in the privacy of his own home)? Would you try not to blame him for his lack of morals, perhaps his Daddy didn't kiss him as a child? Or would you get down to the pawn shop because you know that's where junkie scum try to offload their swag first? Is he just unfortunate to be penniless and cheekily thinking he should liberate your guitars, a kind of innovative non-conformist problem-solver, or is he a shit-swallowing thieving junkie who you would fill with lead if you caught him in the act?
fwiw, I'm not advocating legalisation because I'm a user or want to be. The occasional tipple in a beer garden on a Sunday afternoon is enough for me and that's already legal. I would like to see less of the criminal activity associated with the drug trade, and better use of my tax dollars than increasing spending on fighting a prohibition war that will never be won. That money could be put towards teaching programs or building hospitals or medical & environmental research, or used to reduce the deficit.
btw, have you considered the ecological impact of those nipple clamps & butt plug?Hail yesterday
I don't give a shit about drugs but keeping them illegal has made violent gangsters rule the streets. That's why they are against legalization and more and more policeman are for it.
People find ways to get high anyway... sniffing glue, lacquer, computer screen cleaner etc. More damaging than many illegal drugs. Someone goes to ten different doctors each month to get prescriptions for oxycodone just to sell them to junkies.
There's no limits in imagination when it comes to stupid crap.
Better just get rid of bunch of potential murderers on the streets by breaking their monopoly."There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
"To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert