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if you had $1000 what would you buy?

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  • if you had $1000 what would you buy?

    that is the question. I ask because i'll be looking for something new in a few months.right now i have a charvel 1a nice guitar just looking for something else. i've been playing for about 8 months so still not that good yet but getting better every month. with so much out there i thought i'd ask you guys. sure theres gonna be lots of different answers but i bet there will be 5 or 6 everyone would agree on. thanks for the help

  • #2
    What's your music style your going for?


    • #3
      I'll use my powers of observation and assume you like classic metal. You have an old Charvel Model 1 and your name is "heavymetal13".

      What kind of guitar do you like? If I had a grand to blow on a guitar, I'd try to find an RR24M.
      "Today, I shat a brown monolith ..majestic enough for gods to stand upon" BillZ aka horns666


      • #4
        hmmm well i like classic rock,blues and metal. i have the charvel because it was $150. i used heavymetal13 mainly so i can remember it.


        • #5
          MIJ Pro. Neckthru, ebony, MOP, and binding. Be it soloist, kelly, rhoads, whatever.


          • #6
            Personally, I'd get a used Soloist.
            Popular is not the same as good
            Rare is not the same as valuable
            Worth is what someone will pay, not what you want to get


            • #7
              Originally posted by neilli View Post
              Personally, I'd get a used Soloist.

              Yes the soloist is the perfect every style jackson. H/S/S and cool enough for metal and classic enough for jazz.


              • #8
                get a korean for 5 hours and a new set of strings?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by pickford1625 View Post
                  get a korean for 5 hours and a new set of strings?
                  No that comment isnt offensive at all. Jackass


                  • #10
                    IMHO...Classic rock blues and metal? I'd take a look a the new hard tail dinkys they displayed at the recent NAMM show. I like the hard tail just for the tuning flexibility. I also like 24 frets. If I get talked out of a PRS, I'm planning on getting one myself.


                    • #11
                      Hardtails still need to be setup for whatever tuning you use.
                      Last edited by Axegrinder87; 02-11-2013, 01:46 AM.
                      "Today, I shat a brown monolith ..majestic enough for gods to stand upon" BillZ aka horns666


                      • #12
                        Guess I'm thinking more of if you need to drop a half step or drop tuning during the gig you won't have to have another guitar. Don't get me wrong, I love me a floyd, but I also love the flexibility of alternate tuning s on the fly. Dtuna not withstanding..


                        • #13
                          There's nothing "on the fly" about detuning an entire guitar on stage between songs. And if I had to listen to the lead singer talk while I tuned a guitar every night, I'd end up quitting.

                          I suppose dropping a low string isn't so bad.
                          "Today, I shat a brown monolith ..majestic enough for gods to stand upon" BillZ aka horns666


                          • #14
                            I got a 21/2 year old mint MM Petrucci for $999!

                            A good nick 2nd hand soloist sounds about right for me too.
                            Last edited by shramiac; 02-11-2013, 02:38 AM.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Axegrinder87 View Post
                              There's nothing "on the fly" about detuning an entire guitar on stage between songs. And if I had to listen to the lead singer talk while I tuned a guitar every night, I'd end up quitting.

                              I suppose dropping a low string isn't so bad.
                              lol agreed - maybe for practice not for gigging - also agree with setting up the guitar for the specific tunings, heavier gauge strings I guess it really boils down to his preference and what he's gonna use it for.

                              always liked this @ 2:05

