I had heard some good things about the Bareknuckle Pickups so decided to bite the bullet so to speak and buy one to try out. After listening to the You Tube vids and the sound bytes on-line, I decided to go with the Nailbomb as it had a good mix of modern high gain tone with vintage 80's metal that I was looking for. I installed it into my white 1987 Model 2, wired it straight in without a cap...just the hot and the grounds. Used a 500K SD pot and the stock jack. I have to say this is the best sounding passive pickup I have ever heard. You can get the deepest darkest chugs effortlessly and back off the gain (just a little) and get epic 80's Metal tones. Superior note definition and doesn't get muddy at all even at the highest gain setting and diming the bass. This pickup is a beast! I play through a Marshall JMD:1 and a closed back Orange 2 x 12 and it sounds huge. Also plugged into a Peavy 6505+ 1 x12 combo and that one will absolutely rip your face off. I have to say the pickup is well worth the $140 I paid for it on the Bay. I ordered a second one to put into a DeMartini Crossed Swords I am having painted by Mike Learn. What are your experiences with the BKPs? I am personally sold on them. I know that This Thread is Worthless Without Pics...I will upload a pick of the Model 2 tonight!
