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Anyone else as stoked as I am for the new Evil Dead?

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  • Anyone else as stoked as I am for the new Evil Dead?

    I love the original trilogy and I know what I'm seeing on April 5th.

  • #2
    Yes! Can't say how many times I have watched the series of them. This should be a great time at the movies!


    • #3
      There was already a thread about this 6 months ago. I'm not sure if I'll like the re-make as much as the original.


      • #4
        Originally posted by DonP View Post
        There was already a thread about this 6 months ago. I'm not sure if I'll like the re-make as much as the original.
        I was still in Afghanistan then. No reason we can't have more threads...Sam Raimi deserves it.

        I'm looking at this as an Evil Dead for my generation. The original was made over 30 years ago and a whole lot of our college age kids haven't even heard of it. I know it's going to be a lot different, but I'm actually hoping for that. The only carbon copies should be from MXR...this re-imagining may be exactly what modern horror needs to un-pussify it.


        • #5
          Originally posted by DRM View Post
          The only carbon copies should be from MXR...
          Thats a brilliant line DRM, I love it!


          • #6
            Chicago era peeps: enter to win advance screening tix!

            "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


            • #7
              Sooo going to see this, I love the originals.
              I want a guitar made of ALL abalone. That would be badass. All shellfish should die for my shreddage delight.

              Guitar Guy 22345762.9 is from Subway.


              • #8
                thanks for the link Ron.


                • #9
                  Woah, i had NO clue about this!!! This is awesome news! The Evil Dead trilogy are some of my favourite movies of all time. I got to meet Bruce Campbell back in 2006 at a book-signing in Toronto - he's the man.
                  It's all about the blues-rock chatter.

                  Originally posted by RD
         now I have this massive empty house with my Harley, Guns, Guitar and nothing else...


                  • #10
                    Hell yes dude!! The trailer looks creepy as fukin hell!!
                    -Now....shut up n play yer guitar


                    • #11
                      I'm going to see it but I'm not super-stoked. I'm sure CGI will replace most of the make-up and milk spitting of the original, which is part of what made it great.


                      • #12
                        I also love the originals, which most certainly is the reason I won't go watch this

                        Sorry, not spending a cent or any kind of admiration for a creatively bankrupt entertainment industry
                        "There's nothing taking away from the pure masculinity I possess"

                        -"You like Anime"



                        • #13
                          There are two main reasons I will pay for admission:

                          1) No CGI. All practical effects.

                          2) Produced by Sam Raimi (original director) and he hand picked Fede Alvarez to be the director of this. The intent was to make it how it should have been if money were no object.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by DRM View Post
                            There are two main reasons I will pay for admission:

                            1) No CGI. All practical effects.

                            2) Produced by Sam Raimi (original director) and he hand picked Fede Alvarez to be the director of this. The intent was to make it how it should have been if money were no object.
                            As a big fan of the original I wasn't too happy hearing about the remake but after hearing things like this ^, I'm going to check it out.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by DRM View Post
                              The intent was to make it how it should have been if money were no object.
                              You know, the first/orignal JAWS was made with a tiny budget and look how that turned out. Same with Star Wars. Sometimes things turn out better when cash is limited, or, when people are staving for success. Just sayin...

                              I'll take a look at it but my exectations are low, so that maybe I'll be plesantly surprised.

