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RIP Hanneman

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  • #31
    Originally posted by toejam View Post
    He wasn't a Nazi "fan" per say.
    per se isn't it?

    Edit: Yup
    "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


    • #32
      Originally posted by RacerX View Post
      per se isn't it?

      Edit: Yup
      Yes, you are correct. I know that one, too!
      I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


      • #33
        Originally posted by toejam View Post
        He collected WWII memoribilia
        As does Lemmy Kilmister. And me.

        I'm surprised Jeff recovered after he got shot at the end of Die Hard when he tried to machine gun John McClane.

        (Meh, fuck it, I thought he looked like JH anyway)

        Edit: Ha, that bloke in Die Hard, Alexander Godunov, was found dead in 1995, "from alcohol abuse with complications from hepatitis". How long till the full story of Hanneman's death comes out? (I predict it had more to do with alcohol abuse than complications from a "spider bite")
        Last edited by Rsmacker; 05-06-2013, 10:57 AM.
        So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

        I nearly broke her back


        • #34
          The Nazi bird inlays and the ss inlays on his custom and all the rest of the Nazi crap made me thing of him as a white power kinda of guy more then a "collector". Sad to see anyone die young though.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Rich#6 View Post
            The Nazi bird inlays and the ss inlays on his custom and all the rest of the Nazi crap made me thing of him as a white power kinda of guy more then a "collector".
            Tom Araya is from Chile, and his wife is Jewish. And Dave Lombardo is Cuban. Jeff wouldn't have been in the band if he was a "white power" guy.
            I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


            • #36
              Originally posted by toejam View Post
              Tom Araya is from Chile, and his wife is Jewish. And Dave Lombardo is Cuban. Jeff wouldn't have been in the band if he was a "white power" guy.
              Not to mention all the work they did with Rick Rubin, who is jewish.


              • #37
                "My dad. He was a military guy. He got drafted and went to Germany to fight in World War II . When he came home he had a lot of German medals that he took off dead Nazis. Years later he was cleaning out his drawers and he gave them to me. I was like, “These are kinda cool.” That’s when I started getting into medals and the World War II thing. Plus, I had two older brothers that were in Vietnam. ",3


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Whoopu2 View Post
                  Not to mention all the work they did with Rick Rubin, who is jewish.
                  Yeah, but he's like Hippie Hebrew, so I don't think it counts.
                  GTWGITS! - RacerX


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by toejam View Post
                    He wasn't a Nazi "fan" per say. He collected WWII memoribilia since I believe his father and uncles served in the war and brought a lot of stuff back, and he became fascinated with it.

                    There are people who separate the Confederate soldiers from the ideas of things like slavery and the other stigmas of the Confederacy. People like Robert E. Lee didn't give two damns about theConfederate cause and was only concerned about protecting his state from a war withuot ever having signed off on any causes and ideologies.

                    Hanneman was the same way about the Germans. It's less about the party itself, and more about the soldiers who fought


                    • #40
                      I was never really a fan of Slayer, but it is sad to see a great guitarist pass away, who gave so much to the music world. RIP. I also have a feeling that alcohol played a bigger role in his death than people want to admit.

                      Also, Sephiroth, well said. I think WW2 was a little more complicated than what most people think or the polemical education we were taught in schools. I don't want to say I'm picking sides, but I greatly admire German efficiency, workmanship and will. At the time Hitler was strongly against communism and since communism, unfortunately, was a jewish idea and the Soviet Union had such a high proportion of high ranking Jews in office; Jew's became the enemy to Hitler. Again, I'm not saying who was right or wrong, just pointing out a possible reason why the Nazi's loathed the Jewish people.

                      If you look at 9/11, America almost did the same thing to people from the Middle East. We had a terrorist attack and because they happened to be from the Middle East, all "Rag Heads" became enemies. I have family, as much as it embarrasses me, that still freak out and mutter bad names when they see Middle Eastern people.

                      I don't hate any particular group of people, I was just trying to show a different point of view. America has done some horrible and inexcusable shit as well. We are the only country, for example, that has ever used nuclear weapons against innocent people, not once but twice. We have a war on drugs, while the CIA is flying in airplane loads of coke from South America. The CIA overthrew Mohammed Mossadegh, who was democratically elected and replaced him with a dictator. America, on a daily basis, manipulates other countries politics to benefit a bunch of fat fucks that sit in Washington that are exempt from laws that other Americans go to prison for... I can go on, but from another countries point of view (and mine), America isn't much better than the enemies we supposedly fight against to protect our so called "freedom".

                      I guess I was in a ranting mood today... Well, carry on.
                      Last edited by Maiden89; 05-07-2013, 03:40 PM.
                      Jackson ke3 kelly trans blue
                      Jackson Dk2m bengal with emg 81/85


                      • #41
                        The largest "white power" gang stops at the Vatican. They made Jesus white and bowed down to Hitler. These are facts.

                        Ehhh who fuggin' cares. People suck. Long Live The Misanthrope!!!

                        Those words set to music IS Slayer.
                        "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                        Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                        "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                        • #42
                          Fuck Toejam.
                          I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

                          - Newc


                          • #43
                            Official Cause of Death 9/5/13 - Alcohol related cirrhosis of the liver, nothing to do with spiders.

                            Shame. RIP.
                            So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

                            I nearly broke her back


                            • #44
                              Yeah, just read this:

                              Slayer have revealed that guitarist Jeff Hanneman's death on May 2nd at the age of 49 was alcohol related and not due to the "flesh-eating" disease necrotising fasciitis that sidelined him in 2011.The band made the revelation in a statement on Thursday. They said, "We've just learned that the official cause of Jeff's death was alcohol related cirrhosis.
                              "While he had his health struggles over the years, including the recent necrotizing fasciitis infection that devastated his well-being, Jeff and those close to him were not aware of the true extent of his liver condition until the last days of his life.
                              "Contrary to some reports, Jeff was not on a transplant list at the time of his passing, or at any time prior to that. In fact, by all accounts, it appeared that he had been improving – he was excited and looking forward to working on a new record."
                              They also said, "While the details are being worked out now, Slayer wants its fans to know that there will be a celebration of Jeff Hanneman's life sometime later this month, along with Jeff's family and friends, the public will be invited to attend."

                              Kerry King and Tom Araya also paid tribute to Hanneman with the following remembrances: Kerry King, "I had so many great times with Jeff... in the early days when we were out on the road, he and I were the night owls, we would stay up all night on the bus, just hanging out, talking, watching movies... World War II movies, horror movies, we watched Full Metal Jacket so many times, we could practically recite all of the dialogue."

                              Tom Araya: "When we first formed Slayer, we used to rehearse all the time, religiously, 24/7. Jeff and I spent a lot of time hanging out together, he lived in my father's garage which was also our rehearsal space. When he got his own apartment, he had an 8-track and I would go there to record songs I'd written, not Slayer songs, other stuff I'd written. At a certain point, you still have the band but you start your own lives outside of the band, so that 24/7 falls to the side, you don't spend as much time together as you once did. I miss those early days."
                              Kerry: "He was a gigantic World War II buff, his father served in that war, so when Slayer played Russia for the first time - I think it was 1998 - Jeff and I went to one of Moscow's military museums. I'll never forget him walking around that place, looking at all of the tanks, weapons and other exhibits. He was like a kid on Christmas morning. But that was Jeff's thing, he knew so much about WW II history, he could have taught it in school."
                              Tom: "We were in New York recording South Of Heaven. Jeff and I were at the hotel and we had to get to the studio - I think it was called Chung King, a real rundown place. So we left the hotel and decided to walk, but then it started raining. We walked maybe five blocks, and it was raining so hard, we were totally soaked, so we decided to get a cab. Here we are, two dudes with long hair and leather jackets, absolutely soaked, thumbing to the studio. No one would stop. We had to walk the entire way."
                              Tom: "Jeff was a lifeline of Slayer, he wrote so many of the songs that the band will always be known for. He had a good heart, he was a good guy."

