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Think I am done with the geetar.....

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  • #16
    I understand what you guys are saying. I have told others the same. I just don't have any desire anymore. Another one of my reasons is that my fingers are so big, even going with a wide neck only helps very little. I can not even make a proper chord above the 5th fret as the spacing in between the frets gets too close. A baritone neck doesn't help.

    There is no desire to jam with fact, I shutter thinking about it....or playing in a band. I just have no more interest in it. I have considered switching over to piano or bass......but, there is that dedication again. I just hate feeling I have to dedicate time to achieve acceptable results on something. I think as I have gotten older, my patience and willingness to "grind" things out has been depleted.

    PS. Tim, Only thing I have is the amp and the Warmoth strat. Sorry I don't have much else.-Lou
    " I do not pay women for sex. I pay for them to leave after the sex ". -Wise words of Charlie Sheen


    • #17
      Nope, can't sympathize with you one bit, sorry

      I was born humming a tune. The Muse is in my head screaming at me 24/7. I'm not as good as I could be, or should be after 25+ years. I'm nearly impossible to get along with on a personal level, so being in a working band is not an option for me, largely due to the psychotic mythological schizo-bitch in my head.

      I don't listen to any of the cds I have. Sabbath, Maiden, Metallica, Priest, Big Band, Classical, even Zeppelin. Maybe once every few months I'll put one on. Picked up Alice Cooper's Killer from the $5 bin at WalMart a while back and listened to it for about a week. Saw Motorhead on Behind The Music recently and drug out No Remorse for a week.
      Mostly I listen to my own stuff, repeatedly, and don't get sick of it. I hear things I want to fix in the mix (EQ, something with the drums, etc), and I work on it here and there. I know my stuff doesn't impress other musicians, and there's a 12-year-old kid in Guitar Center right now kicking my ass 9 ways from Sunday.
      I don't care. I don't view music as a competition, I view it as art, and the purpose of art is simply to be; to exist. All that matters is the art for its own sake. The Muse commands me to create art, and I must comply. I'm not much of a follower, except for her. She's been there with me since the day I was born, screaming her head off to create in her name and in her honor and for her glory alone, and I gladly, willingly, comply.

      But, not everyone has the Muse. Everyone finds that out sooner or later. It's not something to be ashamed of or feel depressed about. Music is fun for all, from the wanker to the master. Work sucks, which is why it's called "work". When it's time to move on, it's time to move on. You'll always have the fond memories and painful regrets of music, but you may find you had a different Muse, and you'd just been ignoring her to pursue what you wanted.

      Or it could be a tumor. You should go get checked
      I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

      The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

      My Blog:


      • #18
        I can't say that I ever felt that way myself. In fact I wish I had more time to spend practicing guitar. I still love it and playing in bands as much as I did 30 years ago. I also have other interests such as Musclecars, guns, photography and I'm not giving up one for the sake the of the others. I want to do them all


        • #19
          Originally posted by horns666 View Post
          Keep the XXX, and your favorite axe.
          ^^^ This!

          If you have the means always keep your favorite guitar. 90% of the time when I play my guitar it's the same old shit, but it relaxes me to play my guitars and gets me in a creative zone. I just work on slow stuff and expression most of the time when I practice. And my rock faces, which still suck, but hey I have my face to work with as a base point so I'm starting out in the hole!

          You don't need to rip out Sails of Charon or Miles of Machines for an adoring crowd to enjoy some rewarding time with the guitar, just keep it simple but play with feeling and you get the same rush.
          GTWGITS! - RacerX


          • #20
            I look at it this way: I know I'm not very good. I know it takes a herculean effort to learn to play the technical songs I like, and I don't even bother to attempt the solos, but I like guitars. I like looking at them, touching them. I sometimes sit and watch TV while holding one. I know I wouldn't be happy if I didn't have a guitar and amp around IF I wanted to make some noise. I am in a "band" right now, but we don't have a singer, and we just play simple rock stuff, but it's fun. Keep your favorite guitar and amp. Do some other shit. Don't even think about them, but one day you're gonna have the urge to drag them out and play.
            Sleep!!, That's where I'm a viking!!



            • #21
              Originally posted by Newc View Post
              But, not everyone has the Muse.
              That would be me. Don't have a creative bone in my body. Wish I did but it's just not there.

              What I enjoy is throwing on a CD from basically the same list of band you just gave (Sabbath, Maiden, Metallica, Priest) and jamming along.


              • #22
                OP, I've felt the same way once before when I got out of music retail. I worked in a pretty big store back East for almost 12 yrs, 9 of which I was the manager. The experience soured me on the whole scene for quite a while. I sold all of my gear, which I really regretted later, and didn't touch a guitar for almost 6 years. Besides being soured I also felt that being a guitar player defined who I was and I wanted to found out who I really was besides being a guitar player.

                It's been almost 10 yrs since I sold everything and slowly but surely I've managed to build up my gear again but it wasn't easy and it wasn't cheap in some cases. At my peak I had 13 guitars and I just now hit 14. As for amps and processing, I had built an 18 space rack rig but about 4 yrs ago I sold it all and bought two Fractal Audio Axe FX Ultras and couldn't be happier.

                I hit a second bump in the road of guitar happiness about 20 months ago when our son was born. I've had little time since to really sit down and play but I wouldn't trade my time with him for anything. No matter what I do in life, the most important thing for me to do is be a good father to him. I've thought about selling off a few guitars here and there but I've never gone through with it because I remember how hard they were to get the second time around. I don't work in a music store any more and the town I live in is a music store black hole. Even then the guitars I really like (e.g. Charvels) are not easy to come by to begin with.

                I love playing guitar but for me there's more to life than just that.


                • #23
                  i was at that crossroad just recently then a friend of mine got the second guitar gig for a band called Fight Or Flight with Dan D. and Mike W. from Disturbed - here's this guy i've known for years struggling in the Milwaukee music scene and WHAM! he'll soon be touring the world! i'm 45 years old and I STILL DREAM OF THAT! - i decided to do something about it - started writing and recording again and will be looking to put a band together to perform the material - it's all i think about now - my life affords me the time it takes to do the things i want to do and it's up to ME to now put in the work - yes, time - time is the enemy of older people but nothing is impossible if you have the desire! there's nothing i can do or say to you lou if your desire is gone but i will try my best to do something for all us "older" folks and hopefully it'll be inspiring enough to keep some you into your instrument -


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Foolius Maximus View Post
                    i was at that crossroad just recently then a friend of mine got the second guitar gig for a band called Fight Or Flight with Dan D. and Mike W. from Disturbed
                    Very cool. I'm looking forward to that cd. The singer from Evans Blue is in there too.

                    In my forties I don't play as much as I did in my teens & early twenties, but I'm playing more than I did in my thirties. Mainly because of what my life has been. In my teens & early twenties I was in working bands and going to school, so I played a ton. Started my business that took a ton of time from my mid twenties to late thirties, so I didn't have much time to play at all. In my 40s I have a regular 40 hr a week job and no kids, so I've been playing a lot more regularly again. But I know I'll never play often enough to get back to the level I was at 20+ years ago when most of my free time was spent with a guitar in hand.

                    I played more last year when I was trying to put a cover band together, but in general it's very seasonal for me these days. I don't have any real winter hobbies, so I tend to play a lot in those months when it is below freezing outdoors and gets dark before I leave work at 5. As soon as the weather warms up and it stays light out longer, I'm outdoors more, so I play less. But I still pick one up every few days at least.

                    I can't see myself ever 'giving it up'. Even back in my thirties when I didn't play that often I still really enjoyed it whenever I picked one up. I'll never again be the player I used to be, but I'm ok with that. I doubt I will ever play in front of big crowds again (or any for that matter), but at almost 43 years old I still get a chill and a goofy smile on my face from how it feels to just play a guitar through a cranked stack in my basement. So I'll always be a player, maybe just not a great one


                    • #25
                      I've lost that "mojo" as well and have taken to playing my kid's full-size piano lately. I enjoy it. In fact, every guitarist should learn a bit of the piano. Its so easy to see the notes right in front of you. You want to hit a C#?... so freaking easy. Try playing all the c# notes on the guitar. LOL Besides, you have a rhythm accompaniment which is your left hand. the music sounds so much "full" if you have a rhythm to go along with your high notes. I think that's the part guitarists miss the most. In a band, you sound so much better because there is the second guitarist and the bass guitarist to complement your solos.

                      I agree with Bill. I am going to keep the Ultra, its FRFR monitor, my DK2T with Mike learn artwork and sell everything else. I have always been a photographer and I'm gonna pursue that interest. But I will never give up the guitar. Last week I was asked to play some tunes at office for a annual meet and I did. First time playing in front of a audience and I did not freak out, or pee in my pants or throw-up. It felt good! So, guitar is here to stay!


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by LouSiffer View Post
                        So, there is a big probability I am going to sell gear one last time. I would rather take the money and do something with it that I currently enjoy and I like to do....bows, guns, car stuff, mountain bike, etc.

                        Is there anyone else on here that doesn't play anymore?-Lou
                        I still play, but I'm sorta in the same boat. I rarely play guitar for more than a song or two's worth of material before I put it back down... but I have a guitar near me when I'm at home and will sometime just play between commercial breaks or noodle around for a few minutes a couple times an hour.

                        But, right now I'm back in gun mode. Then in 6-12 months, I'll get back into guitar mode, or car-upgrade mode, or get back into photography, mountain bike mode, etc... For me it's cyclical, and I generally have one or two concurrent hobbies that seem to rotate between all the hobbies I have.

                        Originally posted by coloradoman25 View Post
                        Its cyclical I think. For me EVERYTHING is was big into guitars for years then completely vaporized on it for about a decade. Got into cars was big into it for 5-6 years faded. Got into bass fishing hard core ran as far as I could on my time and budget and then ended up getting back into working on and messing with guitars. Its something I can do and be home with the family and make a little cash with so here I am coming back full circle.

                        My suggestion keep a small combo amp that does a little of everything on the simple end of the spectrum and one guitar that either has meaning or that just feels right and off whatever else. Then if you ever come back full circle you get the thrill of the gear hunt back. Sure itll likely cost more if you want it ALL back but you had that cash then freed up for the now.
                        I'd have to agree with this ^. At least keep your one or two favorite guitars, a nice small amp and just tuck them into a corner or closet so when you do get the urge to play your favorite guitar or two will be there. They might sit for a year or three, but trust me, you'll be glad you kept something.
                        The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by emperor_black View Post
                          Last week I was asked to play some tunes at office for a annual meet and I did. First time playing in front of a audience and I did not freak out, or pee in my pants or throw-up. It felt good!
                          Was it filmed?
                          "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


                          • #28
                            I get frustrated when I go to play a song and realize I've forgotten the chorus and solo.

                            Action Jackson


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by RacerX View Post
                              Was it filmed?
                              yeah. one guy filmed bits and pieces with a shaky cell phone. i was too nervous to even think of asking someone to capture it on video! I set up the Roland micro cube on a chair with a smooth jazz backing track and played some Bminor Pentatonic scale. And for the second song, got a backing track of Pink floyd's comfortably numb rhythm track and then played some more B minor Pentatonic with some tapping and sliding mixed in. the crowd didn't care that neither song matched the cinco de mayo theme!


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Nimitz View Post
                                I get frustrated when I go to play a song and realize I've forgotten the chorus and solo.

                                dude, that's exactly where I am right now. Band hasn't played out in months but we have a gig on 31st May so I've been going over the setlist. Most of it is down cold, but there's always a bridge or a solo or an interlude that has completely disappeared. Rather find that out sitting on my couch than at the show
                                Hail yesterday

