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Cool 8 string playing

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  • #16
    I just can't get into the meedly meedly stuff on YT.
    Not saying the guys don't have talent in the YT vids but holy shit it gets boring.
    Really? well screw Mark Twain.


    • #17
      Looks like Lars Ulrich pretending to be Steve Vai. I don't like 8 strings, baritone tuning, Ibeenhads, Metallica or Vai. There's a comment, or whinge, there's not enough "djent" bands. You mean people who can't spell or avoid talking shit?
      Fuck ebay, fuck paypal

      "Finger on the trigger, back against the wall. Counting rounds and voices, not enough to kill them all" (Ihsahn).


      • #18
        Dug it. Thanks for posting. Been on the fence about getting an 8 string lately. Dig the tones you can get out of them.


        • #19
          Originally posted by toejam View Post
          Now I have to find Sleep Terror CDs!
          Yeah, Sleep Terror is amazing... definitely worth searching for.
          The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.


          • #20
            that music could make will rogers punch a nun. fuck, ghandi would strangle that guy and he was a peaceful man.
            obviously the guy can hit 4 trillion notes in a space of a micro-atom. even on heroin i'd turn this stuff off.
            sorry people, not my cup of headache here.
            Not helping the situation since 1965!


            • #21
              Originally posted by atomic charvel guy View Post
              that music could make will rogers punch a nun. fuck, ghandi would strangle that guy and he was a peaceful man.
              obviously the guy can hit 4 trillion notes in a space of a micro-atom. even on heroin i'd turn this stuff off.
              sorry people, not my cup of headache here.
              ANOTHER good rant !
              -Now....shut up n play yer guitar


              • #22
                Originally posted by xenophobe View Post
                Yeah, Sleep Terror is amazing... definitely worth searching for.
                I'm definitely going to seek them out. I like his performance at his 7th grade talent show from '95.
                I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                • #23
                  well Monty, i'm gonna go with door number 2 and Django thank you. we have some nice parting gifts for everyone else don't we?

                  Not helping the situation since 1965!


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by dvscool View Post
                    ANOTHER good rant !
                    i love ranting, it makes my jaded old soul nice and toasty warm. seriously though, that music makes me debate turning
                    a kitchen knife on my own neck less than a minute into it. but that's the beauty of music, what some people can;t take, others
                    absolutely adore, and vice versa. i opt for music that is catchy. i love guys that can rip, but not outside of the song, then it becomes
                    excrement for my ears.
                    Not helping the situation since 1965!


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by atomic charvel guy View Post
                      i love ranting, it makes my jaded old soul nice and toasty warm. seriously though, that music makes me debate turning
                      a kitchen knife on my own neck less than a minute into it. but that's the beauty of music, what some people can;t take, others
                      absolutely adore, and vice versa. i opt for music that is catchy. i love guys that can rip, but not outside of the song, then it becomes
                      excrement for my ears.
                      Dude, I don't care about the rest of your comment. You had me at I love ranting.......
                      -Now....shut up n play yer guitar


                      • #26
                        Both vids were pretty cool. I agree that I don't exactly like listening to guitar wankery like that, but he did have some cool tapping stuff starting around 1:10. I've been getting into Reb Beach a lot lately and I've been practicing long tapped runs or whatever you call them.
                        Jackson ke3 kelly trans blue
                        Jackson Dk2m bengal with emg 81/85


                        • #27
                          Try to find a jazz guitar video, focused on technique like this one, that is not boring. Obviously this is not the kind of music I like to hear everyday but, as a guitar video, it's pretty cool.


                          • #28
                            I'd love to take that 8 string guitar and bash his fuggin' head with it..he's an asshole!
                            "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                            Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                            "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by toejam View Post
                              I'm definitely going to seek them out. I like his performance at his 7th grade talent show from '95.
                     I take back that head bashin' thingy! He was the outcast..honing his skills, while humpin' the family couch. I get it now.

                              But he has the charisma of a puddle of pee. Music/creativity/adventure should be the goal here. I hope he finds that part of grey matter someday.

                              Ahhh..I didn't know zombies play guitars. I revoke my back peddle now.....fuggums.

                              "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                              Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                              "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by VitaminG View Post
                                The disenfranchised "real music" fan then has two choices - they embrace these young upstarts recycling dodgy 70s or 80s licks as though they are reinventing the wheel; or they call them out as the Sabbath/ELO/AccaDacca/Crue ripoffs that they are because they find that more than wanting Real Bands playing Real Music, what they really want is to whine about how there aren't any Real Bands playing Real Music anymore
                                You forgot the third choice - they get off their arses, find some real like-minded folk, have a jam, biff out a few of those classics and then write their own stuff melding the drummer's love of Abba, the guitarist's love of Carcass and the singer's love of Johnny Cash. The rest of the world then either loves them or flushes them down the shitpipe, but so long as they are learning, evolving, and most of all, enjoying the experience, fair play to them, they should one day become a seasoned band and be worth watching/listening to. They might even write the odd earworm.

                                I work with lots of whippersnapper bands who do a lot of posing, can jump off a drum riser and pogo with the best of them, and some can even widdle away like EVH on acid, but they are shit, no two ways about it, and they always will be. Absolutely no idea what a hook is, how to write a TUNE, how to command a stage, how to develop that aura without being a cunt. They think they should be playing stadiums, and luckily, have watched DLR on MTV saying "Look at all the people here tonight..." so many times, they can repeat it without a hint of irony.

                                It's great seeing them posing and thinking how cool they are, then when Saxon roll out to headline, who they have been taking the piss out of because they aren't exactly spring chickens, they shit their pants - you can't learn stagecraft from GuitarHero or with ProTools or because you can wank yourself off with a comedy 8-string on PooTube.

                                On one occasion one of these young pups actually apologised to me, appreciated why I loved that old stuff, why it is considered "classic" (not just because it is 30 years old). Fuck me, he even confessed to being blown away at how Saxon wiped the floor with the rest of the bill (Bloodstock, a few years ago now). Cheeky little cunt even cranked out some Saxon riffs at next soundcheck with me!

                                It's not all "Things were brill back in my day", there are some bands coming up who can write some really catchy stuff, who know what being in a band is all about, have that gang attitude and hunger. There is definitely hope, and it doesn't invove repeating the past to become the Sex Pistols/Beatles/SigueSigue Sputnik of 2013. I haven't forgotten some of the abysmal bands from back-in-the-day either though!

                                Alas, they rarely get chance to develop and shine, and tend to be bounced in favour of some cunt with his hair in bunches like a Girl Guide, with a bone through his nose, who plays drums on something that sounds like Phil Collins at the vinegar strokes, yet who jumps up to play a widdly swept Indonesian BumLord Scale solo on his 9 string Wankcaster XL because no-one else even knows what that scale is, let alone play a run in it.

                                The "music Industry" doesn't help either - too needy, too greedy, too impatient. If Iron Maiden were setting out today, they'd be drop-kicked after "Killers" and "NOTB" would never be written, let alone recorded and released to critical acclaim, propelling the band to untold successes. You reap what you sow.

                                Originally posted by horns666 View Post
                                I'd love to take that 8 string guitar and bash his fuggin' head with it..he's an asshole!
                                Ah yes, that's what I was trying to say. Thank you sir.
                                So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

                                I nearly broke her back

