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Why is the the Kahler tremolo system so frowned upon out there???

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  • Why is the the Kahler tremolo system so frowned upon out there???

    As the title says... why is the Kahler so disliked by most of our members? I don't seem to have any issues with them after I found out how to adjust and level them. Would love to hear all and any comments or feedback! Thanks a bunch
    I like black and white guitars

  • #2
    What's giving the brand bad name is probably not their build quality in general but the Kahler Fulcrum model.
    That one particular thing was adopted on so many models back in 80s and alas, every guitar with it sounded crappy/had tuning stability issues.
    I feel the same way you do, I have no problem with my Kahler 2315 on my Model 5.
    I even prefer it over Floyed in some ways.
    No need to worry about trem tilt = consistent saddle location = easier to go drop tuning etc.
    '94 Grover Jackson Soloist Standard (EMG60/81)
    '94 Grover Jackson Soloist Custom (J-50BC/50BC + JE-1200 midboost)
    '91 Grover Jackson Dinky AXE HSH (J-50BC/J-100XL/J-80C)
    late 90s Jackson Stars Soloist (Gibson '57 classic/J-80, Khaler trem)
    '87 Charvel Model3B (Jakcson P/Duncan Hot Jazz Stack + JE-2000 preamp)
    '87 Charvel Model2B Fretless (EMG PJ)
    late 90s Charvel EM-3B


    • #3
      I've always wondered about this too. I was always under the impression it was more a matter of aesthetics when it came down to it (though that is subjective)

      IMO, they just look a bit "out of place" on a lot of guitars. (again, just one opinion)

      Great trems though. Infinately adjustable!


      • #4
        I can only speak for myself. They are functionally fine really, they work. Having said that they devalue any guitar they go on, at least if you take a Charvel or Jackson strat, same model, one with a Floyd and one with a Kahler and the Floded one will bring in a higher price.

        I had one Charvel strat with an added kahler and just didnt like the feel of it but it worked. I thought about a Flyd conversion but the kahler leaves a big ass hole. The other thing is they are flat out ugly looking to my eyes


        • #5
          The 2500 series fulcrums weren't too good, but a drop in replacement of a Kahler 2700 Killer series takes care of that. Killers are - killer. You can adjust everything - string spacing, radius, intonation, etc, and then lock it all down. And, the string thread through the lock which you then tighten to "pinch" the string. You do NOT remove the ball ends!

          The Kahler Steeler is a great Floyd style bridge.

          The Kahler fixed 3300 series are popular with Mustaine and friends.


          • #6
            I thought they were flimsy in my day as to keeping the guitar in tune. they had a unique tone to them when cranked through cabinets, and when you played acoustically the guitar sounded like a banjo.
            Not helping the situation since 1965!


            • #7
              #1 reason they're disliked....because they're not a Floyd!!

              Kahler trem is cool....but their weakness was the behind the nut string-lock....a Kahler trem w/a Floyd lock-nut = Slayer approved whammy abuse....& quite cool!!


              • #8
                Originally posted by BLOOD SPLATTER View Post
                #1 reason they're disliked....because they're not a Floyd!!

                It's that simple. Most people prefer a Floyd. I sure do.

                Kahlers are cool trems. But Floyd users have the same reaction to Kahlers, as Fender Strat (vintage) trem users do to Floyds. i.e., WTF is this thing? Do not want.


                • #9
                  Brand K is like an American tank and brand F is like a Russian tank. Both are capable weapons but one requires more fiddling and specialized tools and knowledge to maintain. The other is designed more simple but robust.

                  Guitar players tend to prefer to keep things simple!
                  GTWGITS! - RacerX


                  • #10
                    To me, kahlers are SO different from a Floyd. They sound different and they certainly feel much different. I find a Floyd will let your guitar sound more, like its supposed to sound. I dunno the kahlers just never felt right to me, and I'm not even 100% sure specifically why. It may just be overall feel, and nothing more. Oddly enough. When I was much younger I remember seeing those Kahler adds in GFPM mags ( one with KK downing maybe? comes to mind). I wanted a kahler badly. I do recall being pretty disappointed after finally owning one.
                    -Now....shut up n play yer guitar


                    • #11
                      Guitar players are luddites in general. Tube amps, telecasters, these things would not exist in the land of the openminded keyboard or bass players, but are the kings in guitar land. Alot of things come down to understanding them. A flatmount with strings specifically made for the Kahler is amazing. I still like Floyds, because I like anything related to guitar, but I dont like that huge cavity in the body, nor do I like string bending causing the whole bridge to lift. Those 2 dont exist with a Kahler. Maybe its down to style. Do alot of bending and maybe you like Kahler better? I do find that Kahler players can play both, while Floyd players cant. Some Floyd players can get a bit douchey as well, which I dont understand. Kinda like the Gibson/Fender/Gretch crowd who sneer down at those who play pointed headstocks. Headstocks arent really functional, its still a guitar, best instrument ever, so why the attitude?.......................


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Accept2 View Post
                        Guitar players are luddites in general. Tube amps, telecasters, these things would not exist in the land of the openminded keyboard or bass players, but are the kings in guitar land. Alot of things come down to understanding them. A flatmount with strings specifically made for the Kahler is amazing. I still like Floyds, because I like anything related to guitar, but I dont like that huge cavity in the body, nor do I like string bending causing the whole bridge to lift. Those 2 dont exist with a Kahler. Maybe its down to style. Do alot of bending and maybe you like Kahler better? I do find that Kahler players can play both, while Floyd players cant. Some Floyd players can get a bit douchey as well, which I dont understand. Kinda like the Gibson/Fender/Gretch crowd who sneer down at those who play pointed headstocks. Headstocks arent really functional, its still a guitar, best instrument ever, so why the attitude?.......................
                        Attitude? Did you re-read your post? "I do find that Kahler players can play both, while Floyd players cant" wtf are you talking about? We can't bend because we use a Floyd? Maybe you meant, YOU can't bend with a Floyd? I, and 1000000's of other players can bend just fine. People use Floyds because they work. VERY WELL. If players liked Kahlers as much as they liked Floyds, we would be having a different conversation wouldn't we. So its not attitude. Its fact. And luddites? WTF does that even mean? Jesus dude.....give it a rest.
                        -Now....shut up n play yer guitar


                        • #13
                          Like I said........


                          • #14
                            I don't know if you can still get them but there used to be a Kahler heavy spring and heavy bar conversion. If you use that conversion and set the spring tension to the max, you can make a Kahler feel pretty darn close to a Floyd. I have a couple guitars like that. Without the conversion, I hate Kahlers with their weak springs and poor tuning stability.


                            • #15
                              Yes, you can still get the heavy springs.

