Not pilot drills, bags, lights, whales or ones which work guiding seamen into treacherous passages (oo-er!).
I know there certainly IS one, so I'd like to congratulate Mr Tonemonster on passing all his exams, including the one where they put a bag over your head and stick things up your bum and ask you to identify them. They put a spark plug up him, all he said was "Eeeeh, champion!" and they took that as his answer! Incredible!! ( I dunno what the fuss is - I go to parties every week where people get bags put over their head and are interrogated).
I know he's had a shitty time of late, but was pleased to hear it didn't stop him getting his flying helmet and long white silk scarf. Well done, old boy.
Now, get down to South America and pick up those bags of, um, "flour" that my friend Pablo has been looking after, there's a good man.
I know there certainly IS one, so I'd like to congratulate Mr Tonemonster on passing all his exams, including the one where they put a bag over your head and stick things up your bum and ask you to identify them. They put a spark plug up him, all he said was "Eeeeh, champion!" and they took that as his answer! Incredible!! ( I dunno what the fuss is - I go to parties every week where people get bags put over their head and are interrogated).
I know he's had a shitty time of late, but was pleased to hear it didn't stop him getting his flying helmet and long white silk scarf. Well done, old boy.

Now, get down to South America and pick up those bags of, um, "flour" that my friend Pablo has been looking after, there's a good man.