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How many of you have guitars/amps in multiple rooms?

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  • #16
    I have my music room, ...and I have a practice amp and guitar that stay in the living room.


    • #17
      I have about 25 hung on the walls in our living room, then 3 or 4 in our bedroom (plus a bunch in cases under the bed) and then a few more in a closet in the older kid's bedroom. So they're pretty well scattered LOL
      Popular is not the same as good
      Rare is not the same as valuable
      Worth is what someone will pay, not what you want to get


      • #18
        My wife eventually quit making remarks about all the equipment I have in various places in the house. Most of it is in the bedroom, but some is in the closet and in the garage. There is also the odd pack of strings hanging out in the floor of her van between the seats. Point is, just like picking your nose, pissing on the rim of the toilet bowl, leaving shit in your pockets of your jeans to go through the wash etc., she will eventually realize commenting about such things is a futile effort.

        In addition to my guitars, I have computer and electronic devices and components in varied levels of disrepair throughout the house in closets, drawers etc.. The garage also contains tools and pieces of machinery, some function, some dont. Its my house, she for the most part has settled in that conclusion.
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        • #19
          3 different 5150's in 3 different rooms 10 guitars at work and a 5150, 10 guitars in the office at home, 3 guitars in the living room and 140 or so in the music room.


          • #20
            All in two rooms here 2 youngins would destroy it if I had em in public grasp lol.
            Haters gonna hate
            Dilluting the brand one MUTT at a time.


            • #21
              I'M BACK!!!!. The old farts know about me and my guitars. I'm sure your gal has a place for all her stuff whether you like it or not. It's a good thing that this issue is a "Before" and not an "After".
              I am a true ass set to this board.


              • #22
                I don't have kids but I have all of my stuff in my finished basement studio. My wife knows it's off limits to everyone any time I am not there. In fact she won't even go down there thanks to the laundry room being located off of the kitchen. Like Coloradoman 25 said I wouldn't leave any of my stuff in public grasp because I've worked way to hard and spent entirely to much money on my gear to let any of her fuck ball friends look at them or even breathe on them. Granted my wife is a Doctor and most of her friends are colleagues from work and they're not stupid people by any means but just because you're a surgeon doesn't mean you can touch my Jackson!!! I don't even use guitar stands unless I am playing said guitar at the time and I need a beer or a piss then I use the stand. Other than that all of my guitars live in their respective hard shell cases. But to answer your question I have all of my stuff in one room. I moved into a house my wife already owned. When we first started dating and she came to my apartment she knew what I was into before hand. I actually met her at a gig I was playing so she new what kind of guy I was. My wife is a very special women though because her basement wasn't finished at all before I moved in. She wanted me to move in and wanted me to be comfortable and have my own space. A month before my lease was up on my pad she asked me if I was going to move in and I said yes. She then went behind my back without my knowledge and spent Ten Grand getting the basment finished by a professional contractor during that time. She even had them put sound proofing material up!! Not cheap shit either! Studio quality egg crate foam and we all know that shit is pricey as hell. Moving day came and the movers got all my stuff into her large house and she said follow me. I went down to the basement to find that she had the whole thing refinished a 60" flat screen on the wall for me and a small fridge stocked with Carlsberg beer for me!! She said how do you like it? I said this is awesome when did you do this? She replied when you told me you were moving in and by the way this is your man cave!!!! I was floored!! Nobody, not even my parents had ever been so good to me. Right then and there I knew she was a keeper!!!
                Last edited by leftykingv2; 09-10-2013, 11:15 PM.
                This is what I think of Gibson since 1993. I HATE BEING LEFT HANDED! I rock out to Baby metal because Wilkinsi said I can't listen to Rick Astley anymore.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by leftykingv2 View Post
                  Moving day came and the movers got all my stuff into her large house and she said follow me. I went down to the basement to find that she had the whole thing refinished a 60" flat screen on the wall for me and a small fridge stocked with Carlsberg beer for me!! She said how do you like it? I said this is awesome when did you do this? She replied when you told me you were moving in and by the way this is your man cave!!!!
                  That's a confident woman. If my wife did that she'd be lucky to ever see me again . . . I'd never come out!


                  • #24
                    We hang out down there together a lot. We watch movies and television shows together and when she needs her space she goes into her office on the second floor. So it's a fair trade off.
                    This is what I think of Gibson since 1993. I HATE BEING LEFT HANDED! I rock out to Baby metal because Wilkinsi said I can't listen to Rick Astley anymore.

