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Warning, line 6 are pieces of crap

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  • #16
    Originally posted by CowboyFromHell View Post
    Did you purchase it new or inherit someone else's problems?
    I bought it new. *Hangs head in shame* some of the models are incredible on there but it's just not reliable at all.
    In the future though I need to remember to not buy guitars while on Nyquil


    • #17
      I swore years ago to never buy another GM product, but I relented, and bought a Pontiac Montana minivan. What an enormous pile of poorly designed, poorly built shit. I will stick to Mazdas and other Japanese cars thank you. Having said that, we just bought a Hyundai Veloster Turbo, mostly for my wife, and so far it is a fantastic vehicle. I'm not sure how it's going to fair in the long run, but my in-laws have a Santa Fe that they bought about 10 years ago, and it has over 300,000kms on it and is still going strong. The warranty is great too.

      Fuck GM
      Sleep!!, That's where I'm a viking!!


      • #18
        My parents had a montana minivan. The roof leaked since they bought it new. The dealership's 'fix' involved silicon bathtub caulking. Needless to say it never stopped leaking the whole time they owned it. They now drive a Ford which thankfully has been relatively reliable. My parents are old and won't buy a Japanese built vehicle for grudge reasons, no matter how much I beg them every time their US brands melt down on them.
        GTWGITS! - RacerX


        • #19
          Originally posted by Hellbat View Post
          My parents had a montana minivan. The roof leaked since they bought it new. The dealership's 'fix' involved silicon bathtub caulking. Needless to say it never stopped leaking the whole time they owned it. They now drive a Ford which thankfully has been relatively reliable. My parents are old and won't buy a Japanese built vehicle for grudge reasons, no matter how much I beg them every time their US brands melt down on them.
          The CD player in mine just stopped working altogether one day. The plastic seat back adjuster fell off in my hand. The head gaskets went. The tailgate decided one day that it wasn't going to open any more. The front grill fell off one day. The list goes on and on.
          Sleep!!, That's where I'm a viking!!


          • #20
            Heh, I have also had some horrible experiences with poor GM quality.

            Still, as a glutton for punishment, I bought a Chevy Volt. Happy to say after 2 years and 25K miles I've only had to pay $50 in maintenance for tire rotations and it's still as good as new. And I don't have to send any money to Saudi Arabia or other terrorist states in order to drive it.


            • #21
              Originally posted by eakinj View Post
              I have a Line 6 POD X3 Live which is probably the worst money I have ever spent. Besides losing presets randomly, half the time when I use it and go back to it the preset sounds completely different as if it forgot it's own settings. I bought this for recording on my PC (stuff for my friends radio show) and it's been iffy at best. I thought it was just me messing up and a learning curve but the thing is a pile of shit. my DOD setup works so much better and far more reliable. Stomp boxes... sticking with stomp boxes.
              The issue of an entirely different sound after saving a patch via USB is something I experience with my Boss GT-100 regularly. My Roland GR-55 also keeps timing out its USB connection. I've been told its because I use a USB hub, and know that's bullshit, because my GT-10 I bought in 2009 never suffers these problems. I've only owned an L6 POD X3 Live, and it was a PITA and IMO, not very well built. Took it back within a week.
              Fuck ebay, fuck paypal

              "Finger on the trigger, back against the wall. Counting rounds and voices, not enough to kill them all" (Ihsahn).


              • #22
                Originally posted by Bert View Post
                Heh, I have also had some horrible experiences with poor GM quality.

                Still, as a glutton for punishment, I bought a Chevy Volt. Happy to say after 2 years and 25K miles I've only had to pay $50 in maintenance for tire rotations and it's still as good as new. And I don't have to send any money to Saudi Arabia or other terrorist states in order to drive it.

                As for the Tahoe, I took it to carmax and had my ass handed to me, but at the last minute the ABS warning light came on and I was like "Thank gawd I'm rid of this turd". It's carmax's problem now


                • #23
                  Originally posted by wilkinsi View Post
                  My Roland GR-55 also keeps timing out its USB connection. I've been told its because I use a USB hub, and know that's bullshit, because my GT-10 I bought in 2009 never suffers these problems.
                  have you tried it without the hub just to confirm?
                  Hail yesterday

