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Pocket Protection

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  • Pocket Protection

    I am looking for something that I could carry every day and I mean EVERY day. I currently own a Glock 26 Gen 4 and although its a subcompact I can't carry it at work (I work in an office) because if my boss see's it I can just clean out my desk and go home. Also... its not comfortable to sit at a desk all day carrying it. I want to get something I can put in my pocket in a pocket holster. I want to stay reasonable priced. My buddy has a Sig P238 and its perfect but I am not in the position to spend that kind of money. I was looking at the the Ruger LCP, I like the Keltec P3AT, and there are even less expensive brands. I am trying to decide on whether I go 22,25,32 or 380. Bottom line is I want something that is small and affordable. Does anybody make anything inexpensive like the Hi-Point brand that is small enough to fit in a pair of jeans pocket or an ankle holster? Suggestions are appreciated.

  • #2
    sig P238, Sig P938 or maybe a Ruger LCP if you can past the trigger.


    • #3
      S&W M&P Shield 9mm.

      Or an LCP/LC9.


      • #4
        I checked out the Keltec P32 and the P3AT and I was digging both guns and the prices. They recommended the LCP because they are a Ruger dealer and it was really nice and basically the same size as the P3AT but both were alot larger then the Keltec P32 which was so small I could fit it in my jeans pocket with no problem. I don't wear giant pocketed loose fitting pants and over shirts so size is definitely a factor. I can't imprint at all when I carry. I don't know squat about 32 caliber. I don't even know if its easy to get ammo for it. I can't spend anymore than $300.00 including a pocket holster.


        • #5
          check your policy at work...whether you have a permit or not if guns are not allowed in the workplace you can be terminated if they find out.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Shawn Lutz View Post
            check your policy at work...whether you have a permit or not if guns are not allowed in the workplace you can be terminated if they find out.
            You might even be prosecuted. I'd read up on "gun free zone" laws in your state.

            "Artists should be free to spend their days mastering their craft so that working people can toil away in a more beautiful world."
            - Ken M


            • #7
              For the money I really like the KelTec's.

              Fortunately, where I work we all carry, from the owner down to the mechanics in the shop.


              • #8
                You may want to consider mounting a safe in your car so that you can lock it up while you are at work. I have one in each of my cars. I travel and sometimes I go through a state that is not a " hand shake " state. I pull over and secure my weapon until I get through the state. I also secure it while I am on a jobsite as customers do not want me walking in with a gun. -Lou
                " I do not pay women for sex. I pay for them to leave after the sex ". -Wise words of Charlie Sheen


                • #9
                  Originally posted by LouSiffer View Post
                  You may want to consider mounting a safe in your car so that you can lock it up while you are at work. I have one in each of my cars. I travel and sometimes I go through a state that is not a " hand shake " state. I pull over and secure my weapon until I get through the state. I also secure it while I am on a jobsite as customers do not want me walking in with a gun. -Lou
                  I take the train to work so I will have it on me at all times. Yesterday I checked out the Ruger LCP and the P238. I could afford the Ruger. I can't afford the P238. I wanted to check out the Keltecs but they don't stock them. This brings up another question. I was talking to my uncle who served in Vietnam as a machine gunner and is an avid shooter and gun collector. I know opinions are like assholes but this guy really knows his stuff and I highly respect him and he has some serious firepower. His carry gun is a Ruger 22 loaded with a mix of metal jacketed and these bullets that have these clear blue tops on them and have a ton of very small BB's in them. The blue top round is what is first in line. He told me that no human being is going to take a single step forward after getting hit in the face with that round. In his opinion.. for personal up close protection, large caliber stopping power is overrated. Its shot placement that matters and that most people are not going to be accurate up close and personal with a large caliber pistol. His favorite calibers are 45 and his go to gun is a 357 magnum but he carries neither. He recommended me ditch the 32 or the 380 ideas (because the ammo for either is still as expensive as my 9mm) and get a nice 22 pistol and put thousands of rounds through it at the range. 22 ammo... when you can get it.. is still around .04 a round and because its so cheap it allows you to shoot much more. He told me he brings his 22 and a big caliber gun to the range. He puts about 500 rounds through the 22 and maybe 10-20 tops through the large caliber. It makes it more fun, more affordable and allows him to spend more time at the range. Because he shoots the 22 so much it made him a much better shooter overall and he is deadly accurate with it. What are your opinions on the 22?


                  • #10
                    Perfect pocket gun is the Ruger LC9 AFTER the Galloway trigger conversion. Those little LC9's are great guns with a horrendous trigger from the factory. While I would much rather shoot my AR's, AK's and 1911's, my little LC9 goes with me everywhere in my pocket.


                    • #11
                      I went with a S&W bodyguard .380 just for the fact that i could actually fit my fat finger in the trigger guard.

                      the pull on any "tigger safe" pocket pistol is (and should be IMHO) a bit harder and a bit longer (i can't find a way to say it that isnt in the gutter)

                      the idea is that you don't shoot your nuts off pulling the gun out of your pocket!

                      but the trigger guard on the LCP was just too tight to the front of the trigger for my tastes


                      • #12
                        JG, he is using a .22 caliber with CCI bird shot. I believe that something is better than nothing, but, those come out with such a low trajectory....I personally would not consider it......with all due respect to your uncle. Anything more than a few feet with that round is absolutely pointless. Within a few feet, it might slow some people, but, not many.

                        As I have stated in another thread....and I feel it needs repeated many times....... " Knock Down Power " is a complete myth. You have two options... 1: Stopping power. 2: Lethality.

                        STOPPING POWER: This makes the assailant stop their threatening actions towards you/others. It may not be lethal, but, it grabbed their attention and made them say to themselves: " Fuck, this was a bad idea.......I need to get out of here!!"

                        LETHALITY: By my definaition, this is a shot that is completely fatal. Even if you shot them on an operating table, they will die. However, lethality is not the same as stopping power. You can hit them with a lethal shot, but, due to mindset or drugs, they can continue on for a significant amount of time doing bad things to good people.

                        I want STOPPING POWER. Again as I said before, killing the assailant is NOT your goal in this situation. Getting home alive or protecting you and yours IS what is important.

                        As a side note, as a former law enforcement officer, please keep the following in mind. Some states are " Castle States " some are not........and some are in between.

                        A " Castle State " ( which I love dearly ), allows you to use lethal force not only to protective your life, but, protect your property. Someone breaking into your car on your a credible target. Non-Castle States mean you have to be in immediate threat from the perpatrator.

                        Regardless, if you do have to shoot someone in your home, the police will want a statement from you and regardless of how obvious it may appear, EXPECT to be arrested and booked. I will NEVER recommend you shoot someone in the back as it will help the prosecutor make a case against you. This is different if the perp is attacking your family member and you walk in on them. At the time the police arrive, say nothing other than " I felt my/my families' life was in eminent danger. I am in a state of shock and can not give a report to recount what happened. I respectfully refuse to do so at this time." Give them respect and be reasonably compliant, but, refuse to give them ANY information. Contact your attorney ASAP and ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY do NOT hide any details from your attorney. He will know how to turn ANY and ALL information you give him to your benefit. -Lou
                        " I do not pay women for sex. I pay for them to leave after the sex ". -Wise words of Charlie Sheen


                        • #13
                          ^^^ what brother Lou said. This is gospel of the book of LouSiffer.

                          We're gettin' old now. I try to stay home and stay away from bustin' caps these days. But some people have to go outside, and that's really's a terrible thing. I went outside yesterday because it's my favorite time of year. October!! But I had to get inside after a minute or so. That was enough outside this week.

                          I'd rather bust grapes instead. Ya'know it's funny. Either I chum in 3 Mississippis or 33 Mississippis or 333 Mississippis. I prefer to shoot the sherbert in 3 Mississippis, because who wants to count Mississippi like I do. I have OCD and it must be one of those numbers...or I have to get 3,333, and that sucks a a double box of ass, with my bad back. I put the PP in Mrs. Hippy

                          Check Please,

                          "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                          Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                          "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by LouSiffer View Post
                            JG, he is using a .22 caliber with CCI bird shot. I believe that something is better than nothing, but, those come out with such a low trajectory....I personally would not consider it......with all due respect to your uncle. Anything more than a few feet with that round is absolutely pointless. Within a few feet, it might slow some people, but, not many.

                            As I have stated in another thread....and I feel it needs repeated many times....... " Knock Down Power " is a complete myth. You have two options... 1: Stopping power. 2: Lethality.

                            STOPPING POWER: This makes the assailant stop their threatening actions towards you/others. It may not be lethal, but, it grabbed their attention and made them say to themselves: " Fuck, this was a bad idea.......I need to get out of here!!"

                            LETHALITY: By my definaition, this is a shot that is completely fatal. Even if you shot them on an operating table, they will die. However, lethality is not the same as stopping power. You can hit them with a lethal shot, but, due to mindset or drugs, they can continue on for a significant amount of time doing bad things to good people.

                            I want STOPPING POWER. Again as I said before, killing the assailant is NOT your goal in this situation. Getting home alive or protecting you and yours IS what is important.

                            As a side note, as a former law enforcement officer, please keep the following in mind. Some states are " Castle States " some are not........and some are in between.

                            A " Castle State " ( which I love dearly ), allows you to use lethal force not only to protective your life, but, protect your property. Someone breaking into your car on your a credible target. Non-Castle States mean you have to be in immediate threat from the perpatrator.

                            Regardless, if you do have to shoot someone in your home, the police will want a statement from you and regardless of how obvious it may appear, EXPECT to be arrested and booked. I will NEVER recommend you shoot someone in the back as it will help the prosecutor make a case against you. This is different if the perp is attacking your family member and you walk in on them. At the time the police arrive, say nothing other than " I felt my/my families' life was in eminent danger. I am in a state of shock and can not give a report to recount what happened. I respectfully refuse to do so at this time." Give them respect and be reasonably compliant, but, refuse to give them ANY information. Contact your attorney ASAP and ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY do NOT hide any details from your attorney. He will know how to turn ANY and ALL information you give him to your benefit. -Lou
                            Thanks Lou. I am certainly listening to you on this. I believe Connecticut is a Non-Castle State. We were told numerous times that in order to use a firearm your life needs to be in eminent danger. Even at home... you need to have no means of escape. You just cant shoot somebody if they break into your house unless your life is in eminent danger. Do you think a 22 is a good idea strictly for practice at the range or should I just stick with shooting my G26? I want to get as much experience as possible but its REALLY expensive shooting a 9mm at the range. Ammo is hard to get and insanely expensive.


                            • #15
                              I'm only here to say Fuck You because I love you.
                              "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                              Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                              "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.

