I’m not sure how many Avenged fans are here. Maybe none?!
I was never really into these guys until about 2 years ago, and even then, I just liked them. If you have not had chance to hear their newest CD, you HAVE to hear it. To me, “Hail to the king” is by far their best stuff. It sounds sonically HUGE to begin with. The vocals are incredibly strong and diverse. Drums? Amazing. Again, they sound huge. Synyster Gates, although I have not always been a really big fan, has never sounded better. His playing is refreshing and full of feel (to me). The guitar tones, to me, are awesome. There is literally nothing I don’t like about this CD. I love every song. “This means war” sounds almost “Metallicaish”, but I’m pretty sure they didn’t rip off Metallica..lol…I’m also pretty sure there will be those that will say they absolutely did.Meh….”Shepard of Fire”, is a great tune with a smoking solo and an awesome riff. "Requiem" has killer vocs...and a great groove\feel, yet kinda sounds like classic A7X. Get this new stuff. Its big, its loud, its awesome.
Not only have they come back hard as fuck, but they absolutely KILL live. They sound better than ever. At least in my opinion. I know Synyster has been accused in the past of being sloppy live. Well, not in the recent live cuts I’ve seen he’s not. He’s fucking spot on. Have a listen. I feel like, I’m plugin the band. I never really do this. I’m just very impressed with these guys overall. Just....a great fuckin band...in my humble opinion....of course.
Official Video

Not only have they come back hard as fuck, but they absolutely KILL live. They sound better than ever. At least in my opinion. I know Synyster has been accused in the past of being sloppy live. Well, not in the recent live cuts I’ve seen he’s not. He’s fucking spot on. Have a listen. I feel like, I’m plugin the band. I never really do this. I’m just very impressed with these guys overall. Just....a great fuckin band...in my humble opinion....of course.
Official Video