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Us old farts are doomed!!!

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  • Us old farts are doomed!!!

    After a long day of practicing, I see this...not good for the ego. I've had 4x her age to practice, what time has she put in...2-3 years tops. I am not so much amazed at the talent level at this age, but fear what she will be able to do in say 4-8 years from now.

    りーさーXです♡レーサーXさんの「Scarified」にチャレンジしてみました☆ぜひ聴いてみてくださいっ!Japanese 8 year old Li-sa-X shreds "Scarified" by RACER X !

    りーさーXです♡ガスリーさんの「Fives」にチャレンジしてみました☆ ぜひ聴いてくださいっ!

    I only include this vid to show how much she's progressed in one year, and her brother's stage moves crack me up...

    My Charvel/Jackson Family

  • #2
    Teens, pre-teens, and prodigies kill me. None will ever match this banjo player though:
    "illegal downloading saved people from having to buy that piece of shit you tried to pass off as music" - Nighbat


    • #3
      I refuse to watch any of those type of videos, amazing as some of those kids might be. We played out for the first time in 4 months on Saturday & I stunk the place up so bad I'm considering whether I'm entitled to even own guitars anymore. My fragile ego couldn't stand to see some embryo playing Obsidian Conspiracy note perfect right out of the womb.
      Hail yesterday


      • #4
        The problem with child savants -- speaking from experience -- I tried to retire when I was 16 because... for lack of a better phrase.. I wanted to be normal. We burn out. At 19, I had been in the business for 11 years. 11 out of 19, with a life expectancy of 27 (its the cliche). 11 years was a long time compared to 19.
        Luckily, I did take an extended break. I still do it today, 20 years later, but I do it much differently than I did then. And I am involved in other things too.

        Now, with artists such as musicians. Genre popularity changes so often, you can't grow up being a rocker, because by the time you turn 21, you are out of style.

        Luckily, even though people knew I was a kid, I never went out as 'the amazing 12 year old'. I went out as the amazing. That's why I like Nik Kai. He isn't doing Justin Beiber kid stuff. He is doing stuff that you can listen to and like, not stuff that is only 'wow, that guy is only 12'


        • #5
          I don't personally let it bother me. I didn't even start playing until I was 20. Thing is if you have peaks like that at that young of an can only go one direction most of the time. Downhill. Some stars burn ultra-bright, but go dim early. IMO it's better to be a player who progresses at a slower pace, and isn't judged and compared their whole life to how good they were when they were 5 years old.


          • #6
            Originally posted by BayRocker View Post
            After a long day of practicing, I see this...not good for the ego. I've had 4x her age to practice, what time has she put in...2-3 years tops. I am not so much amazed at the talent level at this age, but fear what she will be able to do in say 4-8 years from now.

            りーさーXです♡レーサーXさんの「Scarified」にチャレンジしてみました☆ぜひ聴いてみてくださいっ!Japanese 8 year old Li-sa-X shreds "Scarified" by RACER X !

            りーさーXです♡ガスリーさんの「Fives」にチャレンジしてみました☆ ぜひ聴いてくださいっ!

            I only include this vid to show how much she's progressed in one year, and her brother's stage moves crack me up...


            I can play ONE note with FEELING!
            My Duncan Designed pickups are way better than Seymour Duncan regular pickups you fanboy.

            Yeah...too bad the forum doesn't have a minimum IQ.


            • #7
              Music is not a competition, and should never be viewed that way.
              Last edited by veemagic; 04-01-2014, 12:09 AM.
              "I have so much gayness at times. My wife walks in my music room, and there I am, in my undies, listening to "Sister Christian" while lighting fireworks..doin' blow." - Bill Z

              "I leave off the back plate and pinch my forskin between the tension springs. That may not work for everyone. But I find that the people love it. Half the tone is in the pud." - Bill Z


              • #8
                Most of that stuff does not bother me too much. Most of those kids dont seem to have a clue about the music other than which notes to hit. They have no feeling for it and I dont think it means the same thing to them as it does to some of us. On the plus side, viewing that video led me to the girl playing and singing covers with the acoustic guitar and the pushed up boobs. Now thats talent.


                • #9
                  For Carbuff:


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by sixx_ gunner View Post
                    Ha, that was funny. That first girl is the one I was referring to. Its silly. I wonder if she has bruises from jabbing that acoustic into her boobs so hard. I know my mockingbird does that to me.


                    • #11
                      I see the skill and the chops but no emotion in most of them.
                      The Chinese ones are probably forced to learn and be proficient or get their ass beat so there is no joy or emotion ie not having fun.
                      Really? well screw Mark Twain.


                      • #12
                        Feeling is not needed in modern music made with modern technologies.

                        Everything gets processed to almost unrecognizability. Compressors. Quantizing and syncing. Step recording. Auto-Tune.
                        I know many people that record a dry sound and then add effects to the already recorded track. Or they use a midi guitar to input the notes, and then they use sound samples of guitars to make see which one works the best.
                        Emotion is moot simply because its all faked.

                        TMS has been on a kick the last couple seasons about the pre recorded stuff making its way into the rock world. Its a messed up world.


                        • #13
                          I can't say anything negative about the kid,or several others I have seen videos of. At my playing peak,which was back in high school/college,my Scarified was both tighter and faster,but I spent 50 hours a week playing back then,because I had no "natural" talent,just the desire to burn it up,and a shitload of hard work.

                          This girl is talented.

                          Because I live in a small town,I knew most of the players here back then. The ONLY guy I have ever seen play Scarified in person is a Dr. Andy Gurley that teaches at 2 diff colleges. Maybe Newc,who lives about 30 min away knows some burners down his way,but I can't think of anyone with chops like that.

                          I do know several guys that have been playing the bar scene for over 20 years and couldn't come close to that or Fives. Tommy D.
                          "I'm going to try and work it out so at the end it's a pure guts race......because if it is.....I'm the only one that can win" - Steve Prefontaine

