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Bono, The Edge Join Fender’s Board of Directors

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  • Bono, The Edge Join Fender’s Board of Directors

    Saw this in the news feed. I'm not a big U2 fan but I do respect their accomplishments. After reading the article I was left with a few questions...


    What role do they play in Fender now other than two seats at a boardroom table?

    What plans are in store for using this to garner more market share?
    In memory of Gary Wright 9/13/2012

  • #2
    I'm boycotting Fender Products now I cannot stand Bono and all of his political grandstanding...dude is an entertainer...entertain and then shut the fuck up lol


    • #3
      Originally posted by Shawn Lutz View Post
      I'm boycotting Fender Products now I cannot stand Bono and all of his political grandstanding...dude is an entertainer...entertain and then shut the fuck up lol
      Co-signed. I can't stand that dude, either.


      • #4
        Make me a third on that. Bono annoys me so much and honestly their early work was quite good for what they were doing. Using celebrity for a good cause? Sure a good thing but Bono is so biased and overboard. I get they were an Irish political band but like you sold your soul became megastars and keep preaching like the everyday man.

        Is the edge not going to play his explorer now And play a Kelly?
        I keep the bible in a pool of blood
        So that none of its lies can affect me


        • #5
          Originally posted by Tetsuo View Post
          Is the edge not going to play his explorer now And play a Kelly?
          I'm not a fan of their music really, but it would be cool to see him play a Kelly!
          GTWGITS! - RacerX


          • #6
            Bono loves to tell Americans what we need to do to fix the world.
            But does the fucker have the balls to tell the IRA to stop bombing? If every Irish potato farmer sent one acre of harvest to feed Africans, would Americans need to send billions of dollars? Why not just get a couple leprechauns to let go of their lucky charms?
            No, no, no. It has to be Americans.

            U2 is one of the few bands that I will always change the channel to avoid hearing. Most bands, I can let the station on for two minutes and thirty seven seconds until the next song comes on. But not U2. I change that shit.


            • #7
              Originally posted by pianoguyy View Post
              U2 is one of the few bands that I will always change the channel to avoid hearing. Most bands, I can let the station on for two minutes and thirty seven seconds until the next song comes on. But not U2. I change that shit.
              You and me both, buddy!
              Fuck those two assholes.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Shawn Lutz View Post
                I'm boycotting Fender Products now I cannot stand Bono and all of his political grandstanding...dude is an entertainer...entertain and then shut the fuck up lol

                Aww come on!

                What's wrong with being preached to by a douchebag who thinks being an entertainer makes him an expert on global affairs and since he's famous he deserves a bigger soap box to punditize from?

                Nothing wrong with that!


                • #9
                  Funny thing is...

                  Apparently, this is the only place I can 'share my feelings' about them. Every one else in the world is a militant U2 jihadist.


                  • #10
                    I love their tunes, but on the board of Fender? holy Hay-Zeus Christo! just stop it, stop it I say!!!
                    Not helping the situation since 1965!


                    • #11
                      I like Dave Evans, but that Bono dude always seems like a know it all douche..........


                      • #12
                        I don't like them simply because they feel their opinions are way more important than they actually are. They are good musicians and I wish they would just leave it at that. I also feel that a lot of what U2 does charity wise is self serving... which is what most people do.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by jgcable View Post
                          I don't like them simply because they feel their opinions are way more important than they actually are.

                          That's celebrities in general, bro.

                          Originally posted by jgcable View Post
                          I also feel that a lot of what U2 does charity wise is self serving...

                          Most celeb "charity" work isn't donating a damn fugging thing. It's doing "awareness charity" where they tell everyone else to go out and donate/do something. And they get tax credits for this shit because the argument is they're famous, which equals important, which equals to their time being valuable therefore they deserve a tax credit for doing "awareness."

                          Needless to say, half of Hollywood does this "awareness" bullshit to lower their taxes wihout really having to give anything. And the amusing part is they really do think they're charitable and generous for "lending their likenesses and time to causes."

                          I still remember that retarded Haiti telethon with a call center full of celebs; Leonardo Dicaprio was the ONLY one of them to actually donate any of his own money.

                          And Bono is the absolute king of "awareness charity."

                          It's basically this:


                          • #14
                            I seem to recall the IRA calling off the bombings on Sept 12th 2001.
                            I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

                            The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

                            My Blog:


                            • #15
                              Hmmm, I wouldn't go to Belfast and expect it to be all happy-clappy nowadays. Those wounds are very raw, and will be for a long time, no matter what the official line is.

                              Bonio and that other wooly-hatted Benny probably are getting a fat tax break somewhere for joining the board - just like the one they got by moving their accounts off-shore, thereby depriving the Irish Govt of funds they could have used for Foreign Aid etc. Meanwhile, Bonio is chartering aeroplanes to fly his favourite fucking HAT out to him. Prick.
                              So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

                              I nearly broke her back

